t.Pet, 3 , IS. t,{oh.z.. .. Execution. :1.05 Chrifls ofthe [reede. . ~---~~~~~~~~~~~~----he would carry it home, locke it vp f~fe a.nd A he prayerh vnro his Father to forgiue ~hem. found a-i 1 d·maoytimes lo0kevpon tr Wlth Hcncewec arctaught, thatwhenwmnesare great i~y and gladndfe..Well, this is the cafe done vmo vs, wee oughtto ab!\aine from all of euery one ofvs: by nature we are rebels & affeCtions ofreu~nge,and not fo much 1sma– traytoursagain!\God,& hauc by our fins de- ~If<(\ the fame enher m word er deede. It lS fentedtenthoufand deaths. Nowouronely mdeedeahard le!fon t<> !came andprathfe: fray & refuge is, that Chrifhhefonn~ofG~d but it is our parts to endcauourto docit: and was condemned forvs:andtherforem Chn!\ notonely fo, but to bee ready for etnllto doe wee muft fue for pard011 at Gods hands,. and good : yea 1 enen at that inflaot, when other neuer re(\ till wee haue the a!furaace thereof men are domg vs wrong: euen then(! fay)we fealed vp in our hearts and confdences > almufi bee ready, ifit.be pofsible, to doethe•:n waies remembrina that euer after we leade a good. When as Chnfts tnemtes were pral'h– new life and neu;;commit the like finnes afiug again!\ him all thetreacherie they could, gain!\G~dany more.It were a ble!fedthingifl euen then he performeth the worke ofa ~ethis wouldenter into our hearts: but alas,we dlatour, and prayeth for thtmmto his. b– areasdeadinour finnesas a deadcarka!fe!S ther, and feeketh thm fduatlon. Agame, in the graue. 1l1e Minifters ofGod may B whereasChri!\praicththns, F.rher,forgiue teach this oftenvnto vs,& we may alfo hearc them,wegather,that the mo!t prlllcipall tlaog the fame : but Satan doth fo po!Te!fe mens ofallthatmanougbtt~ftekeafrerinthislife, hearts thatthef feldome or neuer beginncto is the forginenc!fc ofhis finnes. Some thinke beleeu~or recerue ittill it be tOO late. Euery that happinefle confi!\eth in honour, fcmein onecan fay, God ismercifuUfbut that is not wealth,fomc: in pleaflne, fome in this,fome in enough, for Chrilt beingmoll righteous was that: but indeede the thing which wee 010uld I condemned.. that thou being awretched linmoll labour for, is reconciii:uion with God in , ·ner mighteft bee faued : anli therefore thou Chrifl;that we may haue the free remifsion of I mu(\ labour for thyfel~e· ro·haue· fo!"e te!\iall Ot~r finnes. Y~a this is bltfiednes it felfe,a.s Pfd ; ,J mony of thine abfolutton ·by Chnfrs coa- 'lJausdfallh,B/tjJed ts hmvhofe msqumeuforg•· , ·l demnation, fealedvp in thine 5)Wne confdc ~tm,andwhofe finne iuouered. Here then behold I ence, that thou maie!l more a!furedly fay, themadnc!feofthemenofthisworld,thatdGod is.and will be mercifullv"tothee. . ther feeke forchis blefsing in the la!\ pbce,or I Hauing fpoken ofthe whole arraignement notat all. ofChri!l,& ofhispafsion in generall,now let The fecond te!\imony ofChrifls righteoufvs proceed to thepartsofthe pafsioo, which C neffe giuen in the middeltof hh pafsion was, are three: Chr.i!\s Execution,his Buriall,an~ that he beheld his mother ftanding by, and j hisDetceading into hell. This beeing withall commended her to the cultody of John his remembred ', thatthefe three parts are likedifciple: whereby he gaue an cnmple ofmo(\ !oh, 19 , wife three degrees ofChri!\s humiliation: holy. obedience voto the fifth commaonde- ,o,, 7 . Chrillsexccutitlnis thatpart ofhis pafsion, ment, whicl! prefcribeth honour vnro father which he bare vpon the crd!fe , exprc!fed in & mother. !>.nd this his fact 01eweth tliarche the words ofthe Creed, hew"' crm;ijied,& diobferuiag c?f this commaundement !\andeth ed. In handlingof it, wee mufrobferue fiue not in outward!hewand reuerence cnely; but things; I. theperfon that fuffered:II.the place in agodly recompence, in procuring vmo pa– where he fuffered.III.the time when he ftlfterents al the good we can, bot!) ciicerning this red IV1themanner how he fuffered. V. the and abetter life.Itoften falls outthat.children ! excellency ofhis pafsion:For the; firfl,the per~ beas it wereChams to father & mother; fomc l fon thatfuffereu was Clmftthem!\, os Pmr ratleon them, fomefightwuh them; others ' faith, Chrifl alfo bathoncefo!frredforJinnes: the fee them pine awayand !\ame,and not rclecue I iufl[drth<'llnil•fl: andagaine, Chl'ijllif;uthe them. B11t all dutifull children mnfl here 1 iu!l:(fiith Saint JQhn ) Urhe reroncj'iatitmforour D learne, that as thdr parents h:me donemany mneJ. Andinhisexecution,weeifitall haue maduties vnto them, and brought rhem vp: {o ~·ife.!\ lleclara~orrs. of his righteoufne!fe.and they againe mult in all reueronce performe o– llllltce,confi!lm£ mt\Vo mol\worthy pomts. bedience vnto them both mword and deede: Fir(\, when he was vpon the c~o!fe, and the and when occafion is offer.d rclceue them fouldier:S were nailing his hands and feete yea in all they can, doe good vnto them. A~ there vnto, ,and racking hisbndy moll cruelly, gain,in this we may fee what awretched flare heepraycd~ £,ttherforgiuethem, theykzfo>•Hot is that. whit;h the Church of Rome calleth wh't th:y dot. Thefe fouldiers >vere by all likethe !late ofperfection; namely, to liue:~in , hhood the very f.1mc that apprehended htm, fwm the company·ofmcn , ln fa!line& pray- 1 and bro•ght him before C•iphM, and from ingallthedaiesofamanslife: forh~r<bythe thence to P.ontiJUTil:tte and there platred a bond ofnature is broken, and<1 m:1ncannot crowncofthornes, and fct it onhis head;':>nd do thedutyvnto his parents .whichGods law bnff<ted hini , and fpitefnlly intrcated hi>n as · rcqnireth , and Chrilt here himfdfe praeti~ we haue b~~rd: ~ndyet Chri.(\ fpeaks no wo~d feth.; ·n'?t the duties ofa member of 1 Chrilt , ofreuengev:nt:o them,but With an patt.:nce m. wluch are to bee done to the whole Church, 1\ rhe very extremity oftheir malice J.nd iniury; and to the refi: ofthe membe:rs thereof. ----------------~$~~. The \