Rom93• Mat.13· lOo Chritl:s .An Expofitlon Arraignment. Church of God· ot the time of Chrifls ar- A tninethus:the lirll,was the impatienceofthe raignementvpon the face ofthe whole world; !ewes : he for his part was loath todefile his It was no doubtthe Church ofthe !ewes; For hands withjnnocent blood,butthe Iewes cri· Caiphasthe high priell wasaligure ofChrill, ed hi< bL>odbe vponvs,•nd •urchildren: which ~bth.J7, the Scribes,& Pharifes fatein Mofoschaire, & ~ccording ro their wifh came vp6 them with. ,,, Ientfalem is called by ChriO: the holy citic, mfew yeeres after,and fo remaineth llill vnto Mdt-4-5 .& 27·5 3· Yet for allthis,that which this day~By W~Jichwearetaught,totakeheed was fore-toldis now verified,namely,that the ofimprecati<>ns againll our felues, our chilchicte corner !lone fhould be reieaed ofmadren,our feruants,or any other creatures : for O:er builders. For by the general! confent of God heareth mens pralers twowaics;citherin the Councell at Ierufalcm; ChrHhhe head of mercy,or in his wrathand anger.Ifthou curfe the Carholike Church, and the redeemer of thy felfc or any other, except thou turne vnto mankind,is accufed ofblafphemy,& condem. the Lord by fpeedy repentance, he may heare nedos worthy ofdeath.Wherforeitisameere thy prayer in his wrath, and verifie thy curfc dota·ge of mans braine to auouch that the vpon thee to thy vtter confu!ion. The fccond Pope cannot pofsibly erre in giuing a delini- B reafon tharmouedPil..te tocondemne ChriO: tiue fentence in matterseither offaithor manwas, becaufe he feared men more then God: ners. Neither can the Church of.!tome plead for 9eeing deputy vnder TibtriH< C<.for ouer priuiledge, for Ieruulem had as many prerothe Prouiilce ofludea, for feare oflo!ing his gatiues asany people in the worldcouldhaue. office, and ofdifpleafingthe Iewes, he conloh,tg, · Againe, by this we fee, thereisno r:afon demned Chrill after hce had abfolued him: u,t;, why we fhould afcribe to any man or to recuwhereby we fee , that it is agrieuous finne to menicall Counctls themfelues , abfoluteand feare dull & aOtes more then the liuing Gcd. fol1eraigne powerto determine& giue iodgeAnd therefore S lehn faith, Reueb1.8. Th<t mcnt i11 matters ofreligion, confidering they theftarifu/1jhanh••• theirportion in the burning are in danger to bee ouertaken with notable t.ft!: rhatis, fitch aS' are more afraid of man flips andcrrours. And thcrforethe foueraign: then God. And this finne inPi/arewanted not tie of iudgem~ntis peculiarto theSonneof his.iulheward: for notlongafterheloll'his God,whoistheonlyDoaourandLaw-giuer deputifhip, and C<i.fors fauour, and fled to ~b ofthe Church: and he putsthe fame in execu- ':ienna: whereliuing in banifhmeni,hekilled ~:~.i.b.1• tion in and by the written word. As for rh~ lilmfelfe. And thus God meeres With them ,. 7 • fpuch ofthe Papifrs, callingtheScriptures~ C ~hat feare the creature more then the CreadHmbe !udge,itislittle to be regarded: for the tor, That~wemay therefore auoid the heauie Scriptures ar:,as it were, a letter oftheliuing hand ofGoil, let vs learne to feare God aGod , Cent ltom heauen to his Church vpon boue all.: ,dfe wee fhall difhonour God , and carth:and therefore they fpcakeas plainly and !hamethereligionwhich we profclfc, as (ufficieRtly~nto vs of all matters of f•irh, The proper end of Chrills condemnation as aman .can fpeake vnto his friend by letter, fetdowne though not in PH•tes will,' yet in fo be'ir;we bauc the gift ofdifcerning.Yet do Gods eternal! counfell was, that he might bee wec1 10 t barre the Church of God from all the cauf~ of abfolution at the barre of Gods iuds~menr. Forthe minlO:eriall powc~ofgiiu!lice vnto all thofe whatfoeuer they are uing''iudgement both publikely and pnuately which fhall come to life eternal!.For we mull is_gr~nted vnro· it of God: and that is_ro d"- llil rcmethber,thatwhen Chrillwas condem• rermmc and gmc ftntence of matters mque" ned by monallludges bee flood in our place, 1Hon according to the word, •* the lawyer and in him were all ourfinnescoRdemnedbegiucs iudgemem,not accprding as he will, but fore God.Therefore to conclude this point;if according to the rcnour bfthe law. . this we_re the end of the counfellof God , to Thirdly,welearne;rhat perfonall fuccefswn .D haue l11S owne Sonne condemned by Ponmu is no infallible marke ofthe true faith, and of Pil•reamortal! iudge, that we might not bee truePatlours; "nkfle withal! bee ioyncd fuccondemned, but abfolued before Gods iudgecefsion in the dofuine of the Prophets and ment feat: let vs all labour tohauerhis abfoApollles. For Caiph.u held hisoflicebyfuclutionfealed vp in our hearts bythetefiimoce&ioh from .Aaron : and yetin publike affemny ofGods fpirit.For oneday wee mufi come bly condemned the Mefiias (poken ofby MoI to the barre ofGods iudgemenr: and if wee (.'; an'd the.Prophets Therefore the fuccefiion haue not an abfolution by Chrills condemnaofBifhops'of Rolne from Peter is of no motion at Pil•mearthly barre , let vs looke for ·tnent., vnleffe they tan procue that theirreli-· nothing elfe but the fearefullfentcnceof congioh is the religion ofPtter, which they can demnation at the celelliall barre ofGods iuneuet doe. · '' .fiice,to bevttered at the day oftheJaO: iudgeAnd thus much of Chrills firll condemn:i'- men;.Ifamln fhould commit fuch an hainous tion. The fccon9 was by !'otitim Pi/rue~ who offence", a·s thathe could no other way efcape fore in.~nofher c'OU(t as aciuill iudgo, and tbe de'ath but by the Princes pardon, bee neither ·reno\"'OfhiS'fentence wa~. thatthe Icws 010!0 ' would; Mt cpuld be at rell,.ril by one meanes take him and crucifiehim. Here we muO:con- · or other he had obtained the fallle, 'and had fide'r thl:t'~af~nsthat mooued 'l'ilatt to detergotten it written and fealed: which done' · - he