Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

tul<,,J. 3J. .• :Z.o6 Chrifis eAnExpojition Execution. The place where C~ifr fuftcred is called ·A morni>Jg with vs) after the !ewes account C•litary '"Golg~tba~ that IS, the place ofdead 1who begintheir artificiall day,as I,faid,at the m:ns skuls, Without the wals ofH1erufalem. funne-rifing. <:ocermngtbe re>fonofth.ts name, men be of The fourth and !all:point, is the order and lowin• dme:s op1n10ns. Somc_fay lt was fo called,bewhole proceedingofC.brill:s executio;which R,bbin" can!c ~damwas burted there, and rhat his may be reduced to foure he,.!s: the !.his goCyp,. skullbemgther.e !ound, gauct~ename to the ingtoe.xecution, thel!.' his crucifying, the :~~~~:~~. place. And this IS the very op1mon of fome I I I. h1sdeath,the l V.theconfequentsofhis AuguG, aunclentdiuines,that Chrift wasthere crucifideath. Againe, in his going to ex~:curion we f«m. 17• ed where.Adam was buried; butbecaufeit mayconfidermanypoints. d"omp. ha:hno certaine_ ground *I leaue it asvncerThe fidt,that )je is broughtout of Ierufalem Hieron. tamc.Orhcrsthmkeltwascalled C.d«arz.e,be~ as amalefaelour. For the old and ancient cu~ ;r:~~ ,d eau~ the Ieweswere wontto carrieoutthe llomeofthe !ewes was to put thofe whom Mmelbones ofthe dead men, and there to heape they iuclged to b~ notorious offC:ders to death lalll them together, as in times pafi: the manner without their tents when they w:idered inthe was in the vaults of fundry Churches in this wildernes, &without!hc wals of IerofAiem, land, And fome othersthinke it was called B le!!they tbould any way be defiled with their t,~7;::• I Golgotha or (a!Mrie, bec.ufe theeucs and blood-And thisfell out by the fpeciall proui- , 4 , murtherers,and malefactourswere therecxedeuce ofGod, that thatmight be fulfilled in All·MI cu1ed, lloned, burned: whereby itcameto Chrill which was prefigured in the facrifices paffe that many skuls and bones ofdead men of the old Tellament, when the bodies of were found there. beallswereroteatenofthc pricfts,butburnt Lcu,6.!f roh,, s, The time whco Chrill was executhd, was at without the campc :therefore(faith the holy 1 s. the !ewes Paffeouer, when nor oncly the Gholl)euenlefuuhat htmight[anflifietht pet- Heb.rJ; lewes, but alfo many Profclytes of many pleVPithhi<.wnebt.odfojfmdwithouttheg•w. "• countries and nations were affembled:& therHence may all Chrt{lians !came to knpw fore this execution was notin a priuatc: cortheir ownc cilatc: and.condition,: firfl,in this ncr, but openly ill theviewofthe world. For world they mull: looker<> beeaccounted the as he was a Sauiour notto the Iewes onely, off-ftouringofthe ~arth, & thejiftb oftheworld, • Coq, but alfoto the Gentiles: fo it was very requias the ApolHd:Uth~ and wemull: allprepare 'l· • fire that his death tbould be publike before all our felues to this ellate. Theythat will men both Iewes and Gentiles. As for the be Godsohildren muft not lookc to be better houre ofthe day, in whichbee fuflhed, ther' c accepted ofinthe world then Chdll: was.Seis fome difficulty in the Euangelills: for Saint cqndly,by thiJ eueryone ofvs muft learoe to loh., 9 , John Ctirh, thathe wascondemned about the be contentto vfi: this world, as 1\rangersand ji.w hoHreo£ the day:>nd Sai>JtM.rk!faith,he pilgrimes: bc1ngeuery dayand houre ready .•. Mar.I$· .13· i w,scmcijiedth<thirdhoure. Hence it may bee tojeauethe fame• For if Chrillthe Sonne of demanded,how both thefecan !land togither. God himfdfe was brought ou~ oflerufalem, Anfw. Howfoeuerthe Iewes nuturall day beas not bemg worthy to haueJus aboad there, ganne at ener•ing, ycttheartificiall day began then mull euery Chriftian man looko much at funne riGng, and ended at fimne fetting:ancl more forrbe like extreamitie.And therefore it \Vas diuided two waies. Fir!l:,into twelue it isnotfor vs:rohaueour hearts tycd to the parts called twelJc houros, whetherthedaies world, and to foeke alwaies to be approoued were longer or fhorter. Secondly, into foure ofthe fame :forthat argueth that we are not o,\rts or quarters, and euery part contained liketo Chrill:butiwe mull: rather do as poore three houres : as from the lirll houre to the pilgrimes in llrange countries;& that is, only third, wasoncpmc•lledmoming: fromthe . tolookforfafcconduft thorowthemiferies .third hour< eo tht fixt, another part cal!ed the in this world, hauing in the meane fealon our fi.<-t houre: from the Jixt houreto the ninth,the D hearts, wils, and alfe8:ions l<t-On ;he king· third part called the mrtth h011re: and from the dome which is in hcauen. The fecod thing is, ninth houre to the twelfth,the fourth parccalthat Chrillwasmade tobear< his own crofie, led mmlng.Now when Saint /oh.• faith, Chrill for fo it feemes the manner of the Romanes was cendemned about the fixt houre, it mull was to deale with malefactors.And this mull be vnderll:ood of the fecond qnartcr of the put vsin minde ofthat notable leffon which day called the fixt houre : and whereas Saint Chrill himfelfe taught his difciples; namely : Mark! f•ith, he was crucified1he third houre that if any manwiUbehw difciplt, hem•JIdenie Luk.9-•l of the day, hee fpeakes of the leffer houres, himje/fe; t•kt vp hi< ovPllecref!edai!y, •ndfollovP tweluewhereofmade the whole day:and thus hsm: where by ttc croffe wenJUil vnderihnd, they both agree , for the third houre of the that portion ofaffli8:io_n,which God hath al- <lay, 1nd tl;e beginningofthe fecond quarter lotted t"eu<ryone ofh1scluldren:for there IS follow <:tch other immediately.Again,it may no ~hild ofGod, to whome he hath not ~eaA.G:II. bee anfwered) that Chri!l was condemned at ftlred out as itwere fc)me butcrcupofm1fer:y noa.Att. fixe of the cJocf;.e after the Romane account in this litC. And therefore PAf!l faith: 71/jw CoJ.J, 14 l.l·'·'• which begins thed.tyat mid-nigbt;and cruci~ rei':)'" I i11myfojferingsforyOH, 6 folfiHthe reft fied at thr,e(IVhich is nine ofthe dock in the ofrh•Jiiffaings ofChriflmmyfltfh. By Chrifts - ---· - - -- fulf<rings,___