Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1 - . ofthe Q-eede. Execution. 207 I fuiferin s· hcc mcaneth not the pafsion oflA ofgoodsor friends, to agodly farrow for.ou;r Chr'tt; but the fulfcrings of the body of jolf:,JcesagamttGod:foJfo S.Palll[.ltth,God!; • Cor, 7· Chrftt, thatis, the Churchwhereof Chnll: IS forrUlvca#fethr(pMt411at vntofollf. uw~~not tob:e .1o. thehead Moreouer we mutt fulfer as heedtd, repcmcdof · b11t worldf;•fowotv cauforh d.ath. •. and that.duly; bccaufc as one day followcth The fifth point >s, that w~en Chritt was another, fo one•crolfe comesn1 the neckc of brought to the piJce ofcx~cunon, they ~auc another. And whereas Chritt beares th,e lum vtncgcr to dnnke, mmgled wrr~ nurr~e M><k.•!· cro!Tethatwaslaidonhimbyth<ihlndsofthe . andgall: fmnefay, 1~ w~s to mtoxrcate hts ' .l· fouldiers it mull teach vs uotto pull crorf•s bramc,aud to take away h>S fenfcs andmemo· vpononrfdues, b 11 ,wait<>tillGod lay them rie.Tfthisbe tm.e,wc ma)'heerebehold i!'thr on vs·when tbat time tomes we-mufl: wtlhngI ewes a mofl: Wlcked·part,that at the pomt of I ly bc~d.our fl 1 mtldcrs, !hiope down,~nd take .death,when they wcy• to-take away the life of rhemvp; whe!hcr they be in body ?'111 f0ule: Chntt, they fo: toctr parts had no careofhJS ' a>Jd that et)cry d.1y, ifit be Gods w1ll, fo long fouk. For thiS ts a dutte to bee obferued of~ll as we liuc: and by this 01all we mott notably Magdlrates , that when they are :o execute ~efcmble our Sauiour Chrifr. malefafrours,they mutt haue a fpectallregard Thirdly,when Chrift had carried his crolfe ·B to theg~od and faluation oftheir~oules. Bctt fo loncrtill hecould carry 1t no longer, byreac fome thmke rather that this portton was to fan of~he faintneOe ofhis body, which came lhorten and end his torments quickly. Some bybulfets, whippings,and manifold Other it~- of V$ may peraduen!UrC thinke hardly of t~e iuries then the fouldiers mecttngw•thooe S•- !ewes, forgtmng fo bttter a potiOn to Chnfl Luke •J• mMof Cyrweafrranger, made him ro bca~e at the timeofhis death: but the fJme dothe- '"· thecwOi:: where we are pHt mmmde, that rf uery linoerthat repegteth not. For whenfocMarh.r1. wefaint in tl)c way, and be wearied_with the ucr we fi.n~e, we doe as much asteffiper acup ,s. burden ofour afllifrions, God will gme good ofgall, or th• poyfonof afpes; and as it were iffue and fend as it were fome Simon of Cygtue it God to drioke : for fo God hirnfelfc renc ~o helpe vs, and to be ontcomforrer. comparcththe finne ofthe wicked .!ewes ro The fourth point is, that when Chrill was poyfon, faying, Their vine h ofthevineofSov'"'• P· carrying hisownecroffe,and wasnowpafsing dome, andofthe vinesofGomtJrrha, theirgrapes 32*33• on towards Golgotha, certaine women met aregrape'sofgaf{,their~btftersbebitter:theirJrin'e him, and pittying his cafe wept for him: bu' h the poyfono(dragons,&thecrue!lg;,fl ofAfPet. Chrilt anfwered them,and f•id, D4nghters of And for thts caufc wee ought to thinke as Luk' 13, Im<folcm, rvcepenotfor mu, bHt vmpefor your C hardlyofout fdues asofthe· I ewes,becaufe fa 11, f't•.s,andyollr childrm,&c.By this we are firtt oft as wee commit any often,ce againlt God of all taugha~ pitie the ilateof rhofethatbe we doe as muchasmingle ran'kepoyfon, and ~'.· the children ofGod:asthe Ahpoftle~xhbor~eth bringicto Chri(l todrinke. No-n afterward, - vs, f.1.ying, Remember~bemt 4t ttre tn onw 111 when thiscup was giuenhim, hee rafted of ir; f!~b.J~. thonghJouwereboundw.~th rhm1: andr_hem t~:lt but dran~e not, becaufe he was wining to.fi1f~ l· arc in djfli&ion, "'though .Y•" were a!JiifledW."h f~r all thmgs that his Father had .1ppointcd them. 111 chts land by Gods efpectall ~leGmg h~m to fulferon the crolfe ,without any !hartwe h1ue enioyed the Gofpell of Chntt wtth mng or leffcning of his paine. peace along time, wherc.1s othercountries & Thus wee fee in what manner Chrifi was Churches arc ingreat dittrelfe: fome wallow brought forth to the placeof e~ecurion :now in pal~ableignorance and fuperflition: others followeth his crucifying. Chrifr in the prouihaue hbcrtte to tnt:)y the Gofpell, and want denccofGodwasto be crucified for two cautcacbers: and fome hauc both the word and fe~: one,that the lignresofche oldteltamenr teachers,andyet want peace,and arc 111 corm· mrght be accom?lilhed and verified. For the ~~al perfecunon. Now whenwerhatha~e t~e heaue.oftering lifted vp and (haken from the Go~,cl wtth p:1ce doe heareofthefe mtfoncs D nght hand to the left, and the brafen fcrpent' ~n our nc1gt:bour Chur~)1cs, we ought tobee erctled vpon apole in the wildernefft, preinDOucd wtth compafsron towards them.' as figured the ex1lting of Chritt vpun the crcffe. though weour felues ~er~ mt~e fameaffltChThe fccond, that we might inconfcience be qns.Sec;>tdly,where Chnfr£mh,I·Yeepe notfor refolued,that Chri£l: became vnder the law,& ~e~butforyot~rftlu~s, hedo~h t~ach vstota~e fuff;:rcd the cmfethereoffor vs, & b.uc in his occafiotl by other mens mtfenes to b~w.ttlc ownc body and foule the extremitie of the,.J.IJ ourowne ettate: ro turncourworldl~ gricfes wrath of God for our offences. And though I~Hogodly forrow for oar fi.nnes, which eauother kinds of puni01mems were Rotes ofthe fcthvs ra~hertoweepe far our,~ff.;:~~es, then curfe ofGo~,asfl:oning,aod fuchlike;-yet was for our fnen,ds,although eueu tnts may alfobe the death ofth~ cro!k in f?eciall mancr abouc done mgod~y mlnner. _Wneo a man bleedmg the reil accurfed, no't by ihe namrt ofeh: pu· at th;, nofc. 1s brOll~ht 111 dat:tger of hts hfe, n10m~e.nt, notbyrhc opinionsof men, not~y the_ l nyGttan lets11lnr blood tn another pbce, the ctmlllawes of cotht,ies and kingdomes, I I as tn the arme, and turnes th~ c~urfc of the but by the verruc of aparticular commandeblood another way to fauc lus hft: : andf? mentofGod/ordeeingwhatmaner<>fdearh p, 0 , ,,; mu~wetLJrue our worldly forrowes for lof\e ChrHt our Redee~er 010nld die. And .here;.\ z3, · l upot_, _l__