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Phil.le~~ Num,'l.'S' .. :z..Sam. 2.,.6:. · lren.I.1:. C.4Z• Au_;.I.,.o bom,3• Author lib. de Paffione inter o– _p,.r3Cy– pnam, 2.08 Chrifts cUfnExpojition Execution, upon among the Iewes'in all ages this kinde A\the croffe,and there fuffered the whole Wrath ofpunifhment hath bccne branded with fpeI of G 0 D, not for any offence that euer hcc ciall ignomioie, as 'Pa•llignifieth when hee committed, butbeiqgourpledge and furetie faith,Hc abafidhimftlfe to the tkath,eucn tothe ynto God,he fuffered all for vs: and therfore death ofthe croffi: and itlmh bin allotted as a IU/l caufe haue wee to mourne for our offenmollgrieLJOllspunilhment to moll notorious ccs,whichbroughtourfauiuur Chrill to this malefal'tOLJrs.Ifit bee faid,that the repentant low ellate. Ifaman fhould be fo 6rre in debt theofe vpon the croffe dyed the fame death thathecouldnotbefreed, vnleffethefuretie witltChrilt,and yet was not accuded:the anlhonld be call into prifon for his fake . nay fwer is 1 that in regardofhis offenceshedeferwhichis more, be cruelly pL1(te death for hi; ued rhecurfe,and was aCtually accurfed,& the d~bt, 1t would make ham at his wits end, and figne ofthis wasthedeath which he fuifered, ha~ very heart ea bleede. And fois the cafe and thatin his owneconfefsion: bur becaufe Wtth vs by reafon ofour finnes; we are Gods he repented,his finneswere pardoned,and the debters, yea bankrupts before him, yet ha•e curf~ rcmoouc:d. It may further be faid, that We gotren agood furety, em:n the fonne of Mat.~,n cruc;jfying was not knowne inMofos daies,& God.himfelfc:, who to recouer vs to our for... ther~fore not accurfed by any fpeciall corn- B mer hberty;was crucified for rhc dilcharge of mandcmenr of God in Deuteronomie. .Anf. our debt. And tnerefore goodcaufe haue we ..M'?fcs indeed fpeakes nothing in particular to bewaileour ellareeuervdaya,s by the Pro· ofcrucifying, yet neuertheleffc hee doth inpher it is faid, Thtyjha/1/ookt"' htm avbomthey clade thefame vnder the generall. For ifewehauepi<rred,thryJha/1/ammtforbtma~onemtJHr- Zoch u. ry one which hangsvpon a tree be accurfed, nerhfor.hiuwne(onne: him ••· thenhealfo which is crucified; for crucifying "'one u.forry for hufirft borne. Looke as the is a particular kind ofloanging on a tree.La!lblood followed the nailes that wereihicken ly,it may be alledged, that Chrilt in his death through the bletfed hands & feetc ofChrill could notbe accurfed by the law ofMofts,befo fhould the meditation oftbecroffe andpafcaufe he was no malefael:our•.Anf Thoughin Gon ofour Redeemer be asttwere nailes and regardof himfelfehe was no finner, yet as he fpe•res to pierce vs, that our hearts might was our l!arery hec became fin for vs, and bleed Ior our finnes: & we are not to thinke confefJoently the curfeofthe law for vs, in more hardly of the !ewes for crucifying him that the curfeeatcry way due vnre> vs, by imthenofourfelues, becanfe euen by our finnes putation and application was made his. we alfo crucifie him.Thefeare the very nayles Furthermore,Chrill wascrucifiednot after c which pierce his hands andfeere,aod thefe are the 1naner ofthe Iews, who vfed to hangmathe fpeares whichpierce through his fide.For lefael:ours vpon Hree, binding rhem thereto theloffeofalitle worldlypelfe.ohhow are we with cords,& that when they were dead, but gneued! but feting ourtranfgrefsions are tho after the vfual manerof the Rom1ns; his boweapons whereby the fonne ofGod was cruclybeing partly nailed to the croffe, and parr- <Ified ,let vs (I fay iragame and againe)learne ly in the nailing exrr<>mly ra-cked, otherwife robe grieued for them aboue all things and Ifi:e not but rhat a man might remaine many with blteding and melting hearts baV: and daies together aliue vpon rhe croffe.And here buckle vnder rhem,asvndcr thecrofle. we haue occ.rfior. to remember, that rhe PaSecondly, Chrill f.1ith ofhimfelfe, as M•- Ioh.j.l4. pilts who are fo deuout and zealous towardes es liftvp theSerpentinthewildcrnefle,fom•ftthe crucifixes,are f•rre dcceiued in the making of onneifmanbe liftcdvp: thecomparifon is exthem• For firlt ofall, the croffe was made of celknt and worthy the m.rking. In the wilthroe peeces ofwood,onc faltened vpright in dernes ofArabia the peopleoflfrad rebelled the ground,to which the body and backc leaag.inll God, and thereupon he fenc fierie ferned,thefecondfallenedtowardsthetoppeof pents among them, which flung many of the firltouttthwart,to which the handswero D then! rodearh:now when they repented,Monailed:thethJrd !allenedtowardsrhebottome fts was commanded tomake a brafcn ferpent, ofthe firll,on which the feet were ftt & naiand to fer it vpona pole, that as many as were led: whercascontrariwifcpopifh caruers and llungmightlookevntoit and recouer: and i painr<rs fallen both the feetc ofChrill to the they could but cafl aglaunce of the eye on firlt: fccondly, the feet ofChrilt were nailed the brafen fcrpent,wh~n they were !lungeuen afunderwirh two diflinCl nailes,and not naitodeath,they wererelloredto health and life. led one vpon another withonenailc alone,as Noweuery man thatliuethJis in the famecafe P•pifls inljlginc, and that to the very body of with the lfi:aelites; Satan bath llungvs atJhe the croffe : !or rhen the fouldiers could not heart, and giuen vs many adeadly wouod, i haue broken toth the lcgges ofthe theeues we could feele it;and Chrill who was prefigubut only the outmo!l: becauLC one of1hem lay red bythe brafc:n ferpent,was likewife exalted vpon theother. J on the cro!le, to conferrc rightt:oufneffe and Letvs now come to the :vft: which may bt Jife eternalIto cutry oneofvs:thcrefore ifwe made of the crucifying of Chrilt. Firll ofall will.efcape etcrnall death, we mull rcnow1ce herewe lcarne witla bitterncfli: ro bewailcour our felues, and iift vp the eyes ofourfaith to !im>es: for Chrilt was thus cruelly nailed on I Chrilt crucified, a~p~y for the pardon of our