Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chriil:s of the [reede. Execution. ourfiones: and then fhall ourhearts and con- A wrachof God againit fin is wonderful! great, . fcienccs be healed of the wounds,& gr.rpes of becaufe his owne Sonne bearing our perfon, thedinell: and vntillfuch time as wee haue and being in our place, wasnotonlycrudfigraccto cloethis, we fhallneuer be ~fired, but ed,and racked mofi cruelly, but alfobare the fiilllie wounded wrth'the lltngs ofSatan, and whole wrath ofGod in his foul< : and there• bleeding to deathcuen at the very heart, a!- fore wee mu!t !eauc off to make fo littleacthouah we feele no paine,or griefeat all. But count offinnc as commonly wedoe. fume'may askc how any man can fee him Fifthly, whereas the perfon crucified was crucified now after his death? An[w•.Wherethe Sonne of God, it 01ewcth that the loue of foeuer the word of God is prea<hed, there God which he bare vnrovs in our redempti~ Chri(l is crucified,asPdltl faith,Ofo~lij/1 Gal•· on is endle!fe; like a (ea without a banke or Gai.J·'· thi4nt, whohathbewitchedyon,thatyeejhtJJ<Idnot bottome,it cannot be fcarched into, and ifwe obeythnruth, to whom bcfordejiuChriflwa. de· fhall not acknowledge it to bee fo, our cenfc,ibedinyourfight,&amongyou crncifkd?meademnation will !>e thegreater. niog, that hee was liuely preaohed among Sixtly, in this char Chri!t bare the curfe of them. W.e n•:ede not go to woodd.en~rofies, the lawvpon the croife; we!earne that thofe or to golden crucifixes to feeke for btm; but B that be the childrenofGod, when they fuffer wl.lere the Gofpell is preached , thithermu!t imy iudgement, cro!fe, or cala!Tlity, either in we goe, and there liftvp our eyes offatth to body,or inmiod;orboth, doe !lOtbeare them Chrilt, as he isreueale'd vnto vsm th<>word; as the curfes ofGod, but as the chafiifements rcfiiug on him and his merits with all our ofa,louingfather. Foritdothnot!tandwith h<1lrts, and with a godly [()(row confeffe and theiufriceof G6d to punifh one fault twice, bewaile our finnes, crauing at his hands morahd therefore when any man ,that putteth his cyand pardon for.the fame. For till fuch time wholeconfidencein God , {pall either in his as we doe this, w~are grieuounyJlung by Sa· own perfon, in his good name, or in his goods tan, and are euery.moment .cue!) at deaths fee!ethe heauy hand of God, God doth not doore. And ifwe cat.t thus b!!hold Clui!t by as a iudge cnrfe him, but as a famer correCl faith, the benefits whlcl\ comehereby !hall be hi!Jl. Here then is condemnedthe opinion of Rom,6.6. great:(or as P•ul f•ith,thcoldi>un, th~t is, the the Ch"rchofR.o<>1e, which hold, thatwe by corruption of our nature, and the body offin oudi,f!<:rings due in fome part litisfie the iuthat reigned, invs,jhaNbeecrJ<Cifiedw.ith J,im: (lice ofGod; but this cannqt llanc, becaufe for wbeu Chn!l: was na~kdonche,ro!fe, all (h{indid make a pe•fea fatisf.clion oo the onrfinnes werelayedvponhim; ·therefore if C iu!tlceofhls.Father forall P'lni!hmenr. And thou doefl vnfamedly belceue, all thy finnes th~refore fansfaaro11 to God !llade by man arc crucified with him, and the corruption of for tempo.rall puni!hment is nee<)le{fc, and thy nature languifheth and dyeth, as hee!anmu<h derogates from 'Chrills pafsion. guifhed .tnd dyed vpon rhe croffe.· In the crucifying of Chri!t, two tl.ings fpe1 Thirdly, we mull: learnero imitate Ghrill as Cial!y mu!t bec;mfidered: Jbe manner ofthe I heftrffered himfelfe to be nailed to the crolli.e doing ofit, & his continuanc~aliue vpon the for our fins, fo anfwerably muft euery one of cro!fe. Touchingthemanner,th;fpiritofGod 1 vs learneto crucifie our Be(h, and thecormphathnot~dtwo things. The firfr, ~hat Chrifi \ tzon ofournature,aBd the wickednt!f~of our ' was crnclfied betwt:enetwo theeues, the one Gal.r own hearts,as'Pan! faith,Theythatar~Chrijlt. vpon his left hand,the othervpon his tight: in ·' 4 ' crucifird the flej/, with lufls and affeEii. which action is verified the fayingofthe Pro• I ons t hmof. And this we fhail doc,iff<;>r our fins phet Efay; He WMnHmbredr.mongthe wick;d: · p~fi we waile and mournewit~ bitterncs.• a'ld and the Iewesfo,r their parts doe hereby tefii• l pr<ucntthc fins to come, into whicH wemay fi'e, thatthey efreemed him tci bee, not fome fall by reafon of rhe corruptio~ of our nacommon wicked man , but euen the capraine, ture•, by vfingall good meanes,·as prayer, fa· D and ringleader of all theeues and mal~fallmg, and thewordofGod preached, andby Clors whatfoeuer. Now whereas Chrifi fiaaflymgall occafionsofoffcnce. We arenotto ding vpon thecroJfe in our roome and llead defiroy our bodies,orto killour felues, butto is reputed the head and prince of allfinncrs i~ krll andcrucificfinne that liuethinvs, and to C.r~Jethto teach euery one of vs that bele;ue mortifie_ the corruption_of our nature that reiq him,to iudge our felues mofr vileand mifebe!..agam!tthe (oirit. Chriftianitidl:ands not blelinners, and to fay ofourfelueswirh Paol, m tills, to hearc the wordofGod, andoutth4t wearethechiife ofaiftnncrs.Thefec6d thing wardly to profeile the fame, and in the meane is,that Chri!t was crucified paked;becaufe he fea(on fi11l to !me.mour finnes, and to pamper was {tripped of his garments by the foul die~ our owne rebellious fle!h; but ttteachethvs when he was tobe crucif\ed. The caufes why alwaics to hauc in readin<fle fome fpeare or , )te fuffered naked are thde.Firfi,.Ad.m by his other to wou1i<) finne , 'and tht fword ofthe tall browght vpon all mankinde death both of fprm to cur downe corrup.tion in vs, thar body and f 0ule: and alfo the curfcs of God thereby we tn~y nte~ our fdues ro bce!iuely which befall man in this life: among whic'h fullowers ofChnfi mdeede. this was one,that the nakeduefieofthe bodie _ Fourr~!t!__b)~is w~m~y learne, that the fhould bee il\nominious ; and hereupon when lfa,fl• u, ~--------------------·--------------------------------~A~ti.~m~--~