l!O CbriJls An Expojition Execution. : . AM.nhad finned, and faw himfdfe:naked; he A !hame: and therefore !bould putvs inmindof fl"edde from the prefence of<:>od and hidde our finne and!hamefullnakednetre. . Gm.l•Y· l!imfelfe euen for very fhame.Chrlhtberefore The aboad of Chrift vpon the croffi: 8 · wasftrippedofhisgarments, andfuffercdnawas aboutth< fpace of fixe houres. Forth~ A . " ked, that heemigllt beare all the puni!hment dear~ of.the crolfe was ~o fuddaine, but a ,~;;J;"' I and ignominy that was due voto man for fin. (a) hngrtngdeath. And mtins fpace oftime tempo,., Secondly, this came to palfe by thegoodnelfe there fdoutfiuenotable e•ents.The firil,that • Poodu. ofGod, that we might hwe aremcdie for our the fouldie~s .hauing fl:ipped Cbrif\ of his ~~~~1"· fpirituall nakednes;whichis,when a manhath garments,dnnded them mto foure parts and , · i• his linneslymg open before Gods cies; and by caf\ lottcs for his coate,bccaufe it was ~ouen 1 ' reafon thereof hee himfelfe lyeth open to all wit~outfea!'le.Andby thisappearesthegreat Gods indgements. Hereof Chrift fpeaketh to loueof Chnftto man. who was not only conRca.1,,1 the angel ofLaGdicea,faying,Th011foieft,l•m tent tofutfer, but alfo to Iofe all that euer hee rich,AJtdinrnafodr~>ithgoods;andhane""de ofnohad, euen to the garmentson hisbacketor<· thing,andi:!Jor~>ejlnot"h...,thoua,rtwm<hed,mifodccme vs; reaching vs anfwerably, that ifit rob/e, biinde, azzdnak.!d. Sowhen the Ifraelites pleafe God to call vs to any trialhereafter,we had committed idolatry by the golden calfc, B mufr bccconteptto patt with all for his fake, Excd.p hlifesrel!eth them that they were n~d, not thatwemaywinnehtm.Againe inthefefoul- •f, onely becaufe they had fpoylcd themfdues of diers we may behold apil'lure ~fthis world, their eariogs,butefpeci>ily becaufe they were whe they had nailed Chrift to the cre!le, they dcftitute ot Godsfauour,and lay openandnawill not lofe fo much as his garments, but ked to all his iudgements forthat finne. And they comeand deuide them, and cafi lots for l'roo. 1 SalomoH faith, Where there u novijion, therethe them: as for Chrifthimfelfe, the Sauiourand r8, g. peofl«remade"akfd,that is,their finnes lye oredeemerof mankinde, they regard him notpen before God ; and by reafon thereofthey And thns fareth the world ; it is a hard thing themfc!ues aJ;,_C litbiel'lto his wrath and indigto find amanto acceptofChrHt, bc:caufe bee nation. Now Chriftwas crucified nakcd,that is Chrift hisredeemer: but when gainecome$ he might take away from vsrhis fpirituall naby Chrifr,thenhe is welcomo.Efou that cfice. kedncffe ; and alfo giue vnto vs meet< garmed nothing of his Fathers blefSing, made ments to cloath vs withal! in i:he prefence of great account of his brothers pottage. The God, calledr~>hiteraymcnt, as Chrift faith · I Gadarensmademorc account of theirfwine, RCU.Jo18 <OHnfoHthee tobuyof mer~>hite raymcnt, that thou then ofChrifl, for when they hO&rd that they maiflbec/oathed, and that thy ftlthynak!dneffi c weredrowned,theybcfeechhimtodepartout ft.•M·'· d.e not apptare:andumg r~>hite robes dippedinthe oftheircoafts. Nay fa bad ;. this age, that biood•fthe Lambe, whtch ferue tohidethe nafuch as will be taken to bee the fpeciall memkedntlfeof our fuules. What thefe garments bersofChrift, doe not onely with the fouldiare,the Apoftle!he'werhwbehe faith,AIIthat ers ftrippeChrift of his garm~ts, but more c,J.;.>7 arebaprii!dinto Chrift,haNe p•t o" Chrifl. And, then this, they bereaue him ofhisnatures and Eph. 4 ,, 4 PHtonrhcnewmem,whichafurGodu,reaudin offices. The Church of Rome by rheirrr·allrightto~f"effe,andt>'Heholin<j{e.Ournakedne!fe 1Ubf\antiation ftrippe him of his manhood: maketh vs more vi!< in the flghtofGod,then · and by making other priefrs after the fime the mofr lo.tthfome cretmre that is , can bee order With him, which doe properly forgiue · vnto vs·vntil we haue put on the righteoofues linncs, ftrippe hill)of his priefihood : an<! of ·ofChrifttoeauer thedeformity ofour foules, his kingly office, by ioyning with him a Vicar that wee may appearc holy,' and without on earth, and head of the Cttholike Church, ,cor, 1 , fpotte before God. Thirdly 1 'Paul faith, Wee and that in his prefence: whereas all deputi- ..,,,,1, I:!J"" if our <arthly houfo if thu tabernacle bede. fhips and commifsions ~cafe i11 the preftnco f/rO)·ed,wee hmtea bu,/dinggiuenif'God,(j-c. For oftheprincipal!. And when they haue done thmforrr~>ejigh, defiring tobeecloMhedvmh o•r D aUthis, then they further loade himwith a houfo which it f•m heaHen, be<aufe ifwebecioAnumber of beggarly ceremonies; and fodoe thedr~>ejha/1nor bef•undn.k£d Whercit is like nothing elfe but make a (b) fained Cbri!t, in • Mit• chat the Apof\le allud<th .o the nakednelfe ftead ofthe true and alone Mefsias. umCri· ofAd1mafter his fail; and therefore gmeth vs The fecond cuent was, that Chrill was nu... another reafonwhyChrift wascrucifiodna-. mockedof>IIfortsofmen. Firfl theyfctvp ked, namely, that after this life hce might thecaufe wntten why he was crucified,name. cloath all his members with eternall glory. Iy, Thu inhe l:fngofrht lnm: rhenthepeople M h . Ifthis bee fa -, that a pa't of our reioycing that palled by rcuiled him, wagging rheir 3 ;'."8" 7 ' ftands in the glorious nakednc{fe of Chrill head<athim,and £rid, ThSiHh4tdef/rO)·eft the 39~' ' crucificd,thcre i• no reafon why we lhould be , temple.wdb~iidrjlit inthrud"Yu,fo•tthy[e/fr, puff<d vp with the vanitieof our appare!l. It &c. Likewifc the high Priefts mocking him, Jhould rather bee an occafion to make vs withthcScribesandPharifeesandtheE!ders, afhamed, then to makevsproud. Thc theefe faid, Hefourd orhers, Inhtmfour himfelft, The may as well bragge of the brand in his hand, famcalfo did one ofthe thceues that was cru or ofthe fetrersouhishcds, as we may ofour cilied with him,cafi in his teeth. Behold here 1 attire; becaufe it is but the coueriug of our the wondcrfoll flrallg< dealing of the Iewes : •----~~~--------------------------------------------~'~~[~