Chrifts Execution. 2!1 they fee an innocent man rhus pirtifully and -\ ! tauntfortaunt:burwemull either be filem,or grieuoufly racked, and natlcd on the crofie, I els fpeake no more then !hat ferue for our iull andhis blood dillilling downe from hands & defence.This was the praClife ofth<lfraelitos, feetc: and yetare they without all pittic, and I by the appointment of H euchiM, when R..bcompafiion, and doe.make but amocke~nd a <jha~h reuiled the Ie\yes, and blafphemed the skoffe at him. And 10 this wee may plamcly name ofGod;the people held their peace, :md fee howdmgerous and fearefull their cafe is, anfweredhim nor a word, for the kings com. whoare wholly giuen vp to the hard 1effc of mandement was,Anfwer himnor,, Kin.t g. ;6. theirownhearrs: and we are fim:hcr ad : oniSo HamMh being troubled in minde prayed lhed, to take heedc how we giuco"ur felucs to vnro the Lord, and Hety marked her muurh, iellingormocking of others. And ifany think for lbee fpake in her heart, and her Iippes did irtobea light finne, let them confider what mooueondy, but her voice was notheard, befel the !ewesfor mocking Chrill.The hand therefore Hely thought fhee had bin drunken, ofGod wasvpon them within a whileafter, and faid,Howkmg wilt thoubedmnf<tn?put away and fo remainetb tQ thhdJy. Little children thy drunkf.nnejfefom thee Such a fpctch would wickedly brought vp,when theyfawC'lifh-< the haue mooued many aone to very hard words: manofGod comming,they mocked him, and B but fhee f"d, 1 Sam. I .I 4· N•J my Lord burl fJid,2 King. z. 2 3, 24;·comt 'Vp tho~t.baldepau., amawoman troubledinfPirit . 1 hattedrunJ:.!neicome vpthoa ba/depate:but clijh.< looke~ backe ther wine niJY ftrong drink!: but I hanepouredout on them, and curfed them in rhe name of the myfonlcbeforerhe Lord.This isahardi<ffon for Lord and rwo wrlde B:arc:s came out ofthe men to learne ; but wee muft endeauour our forrefr anddid reare in pieces two and fortie feluesto praClife it,ifwe will be followers of ofthe~. Ju/ian,once a Chrillian Emperour, Chrill,andouercome euill with good. butafi:er an Apo'l:ara, did nothing elfe bur The third,rhing that fell out in the time of mocke Chrill & hisdoCltine, and made1ells Chrills crucifying,was the pirifullcomplaint, of fundry-places ofScripture: but being in ' in wh1ch he cried with a lo~dvoice.Mach 27. light again![ the Perfians, was wounded wirh 46. Eli,Eii,lamafahafJhani,that is,My God,my adart(no man knowing how)& died fcoffing God, whyh.jitho~<forfak§n me l In rne ope.,ing and bl&fpheming.And fuch like are the iudgeof this complaint many points mull bee skanmentsofGod,which befallmockers andfcor· ned.The firll is,what was the cauti: that mooneu. Let vs rherefure in the feare of God ued Chn(l: tocomplaine? Anf Itwasnouany learne to efchew and auoide this fmne. impatience or difcontentanon ofminde,oraFurthermore,ifwe f!1al indifferently confi. c ny defpaire,or¥!Y difiemblir.g,asfome would der all the l!'ockcs and fcorning ofthe Iewe~, haueit: but it was an apprehenfion and a feewe !hall finde thatrhcycannottruly conuince lingofthewhole wrath ofGod,which re.. ed him oftl)e leall finne; which fcrueth tocleare vpon him bo'h in body & fo"le. The fecond, Chrill, andtoprouethathewasamoltinn~· what was thething whereofhee.d<1rh corncent man , in whofe waies was no wickednes, plaine? Anj. That heeis forfaken ofGod the andinwhofemourhwas foundnogilile: and Father. And from thispointarifet~ another thereforehe was /ittell to llandin our roome, quellion. How Ch ill oeing God,cao be for· and fuffer for vs whichwere more vile and fin. faken ofGodl forthe Father,the Sonne & the full. And here by the way a qucltion offereth holy Gholl are all three but one and the fame it fe!fe to be skanned.S.M<tt'oewfaith,M.lth. God. Anf. By God we mull vnderfland God •7·44·Therheeueswhichlvmcmcifiedwith him the Farherrhe firll perfon. AccordiPgto the caftthe fame in hU teeth3 which the Scribes and common rule, when God is cOpared witht1 1e Pharifcsdid. s. L~<ks faito, Luk. • t. 3!1>· that Sonne or the holy Gt.oll, toen the Father is one ofthe theeucs mocked him. Now it may meant by this title, God; a~ in this place: nut be demanded, how toth theft: canbeetme? thatrhe F"'heris more God then the Sonne, Anf Some reconcile the placesthus: that the D for in dignity all the three perfons are equall, fcripturc fpeakinggenerallyotany thing, by a butthey are dillingui!hcd inorderondy, and Syn••- figure dothattribute that to the whole,which the Father is firll. And againe, whereas Chri!l doch•• is propertofome parronelr;and fo here dorh complaineth that he wao fo faken, it mull be afcribe that to both the theeues which agreevnderllood in regard of his humane ·nature, eth but to one. Others anfwer it thus: that at nor of his Godhead. And <:htifls manhood the lirll both of the euill doers dili mocke wasforfakcn,notthathisGodhead and manChrilt,and ofthat time fpeakes Matthm:bc:t hood were feuered, for they were euerioyned afterward oneofrhem wasmiraculoufly contogether from the /irll moment of the incaruerted,thenrhe other alone mocked him, and nation:butthe Godhead of Chrilt, and fo the ofthat time fpake S. L11k§. And this I rather Godhead ofthe Fatherdid not f!1ew forch his take to be the truth.But what was t:1ebehani· powerinthe manhood, but did JS it were lye ourofChrifr, when he is thus laden with reafleep for atime,thatthe manhood might fut~ proch? In' wonderfull patience he replies nor, I fer: When aman fleepeth,the !oule i; not febut puts vp al in filence. Wh<rc we are taught, uered from thebody,but liethas it were dead, that when a man !hall raile on vs wrongfully, & exercifeth notitlelte: euen fo the Godhead we mull not remrncr~ke forrebuk~,_~1or lay llill, and did oot manifcll hi; power in the Tffi.t!llJO~;____