Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

1.12 Chriits An Expojition Execution. manhood , and thus the m~n~ood feemed to A· for euer,andwill he fo.W no morefa..ur?h'!b God be forfaken. The thtrd pomt rs, the manner '[otgottentD bemercifie/1! but in the end herecoofthis complaint, My God,my God, faithh~: ucredhim{elf out ofthis gulfe of t<mpration, thefe words arewords offaith,! fay not ofmfaymg, Yet I remembertheyecrs oftheright iwzd llifying faith whereof Chrift llood nOt in ofthemojlhigh:lrememberthnrorkloftheLurd ncede but he had'fuch a faith~>r hope, wherecerr.inly_ 1remember therrontkrsofold. Where: by hedtd put hts confidence mGod. The !all fore thts pra<tife of Chrift in his pafsion words, wh; haftthouforfa/,sn me? feeme at the mull then bee remembred of vs all whe~ firlltobe words ofdiltruft, How then (will God lhall humble vs either in bodyo; foule fomefay)can thefe words ftand with the foror both. ' mer? for faith and di!lrull are flat contraries. The fourth thing which fdl out when Chrift .Anfw. Chrift did not vtter any fpeech ofdiwas onthecroffe was this: after Chriftknew llruft, but only make his mone and complaint that all things were performed , aad t~atthe byreafonof t~e gr7atne!fe ofhispunifhment: fcriptures werefulfilled,he &id,Ioh.t9->8,> 9, & yet fttll rehed himfelfe on the a!Siftance of 3o.l th<rj/,and then there llandingavefiel fall his Father.Hence wclearne firll,that religion of vineger, one ran and filled afponge therecloth not !land in feeling but infaith, which B with and put it about an hyfiope llalke and faith wemull haue io Chrill, though we haue put it to his mouth: which when he h;d reno feeling at all : for God oftentimes doth ceiued,he faid ,It iffinifh,d.The p0intshereto wirhdraw his grace andfauour from his chilbe conlidered,are foure. The lirll, that Chrill dren, that he may teach them to beleeue in thirlleth. And wemull know that this thirll his mercie in Chrilt,then,when they feele nowas apart ?f his pafsion; and indeede it was t~ing lelfe then his mercie. And faith and feeno fmall patne, as wemay fee by this: when lmg cannot alwaies lland together, becaufe Sifera was ouercome by Ifrael, and had fled faith is a fi1bli!ting of things which are not from his enemies to Iae/s tent, Judg.4.19.he fcene,and thegroundof things hoped for ,and called for a little water todrinke,beeingmore we mull liue by faith,& not by feeling.Though troubled with thir!l, then with the feare of · feeling of Gods m~rcy be a good thin~;, yet deathatthc hand ofhis enen;ies, Andindeed God doth notalwatesvouchfafe to gmett vnthtrll was gneuous to menm the Ea!l countohis children:and therefore in the extremity trey, as any torment dfe. And hereupon ofaflliaions&temptations, wemufralwaies Sampfmwasmore grieued with thir!l, then trulland telie on God by faith in Chtift; as withfeareofmany thoufandPhili!lims, Judg; Chrill himfelfe doth when heisasit were c rs-r8. plung<:a into thefea ofthe wrath ofGod. SeAgaine. whereas Chrillcomplaioeth that condly \f<!rewe mayfee howGoddeales with he thirf/tth, it was not for hisownfake,but for his childr<:n: for Chri!l in the fence& feeling our offences: and therefore anfiverablywee of hishumane naturewas forfaken,yet had he mull thirll after Chrift and his benefits,"' the fure crull and confidence in God, that caufed dry andthirf/ie landwhere no water is,doth afhimtofay,MyGod,~God. Godwilloftenterraine: andastheHartbroyerhaftertheritimes co'lt his dcere children into huge gulfes '""'ofwattr,famull we fay with 'Dallid, oYJ.fy ofwoe&' mifery, where they lhall fee.neither ltoulepanmh afterthee,O Lord,and the benefits banke nor bottome, nor any wayi:o get out: ofrhydeath. yet men in this cafe mull notdefpairei b~t reThe fecond,that afponge full ofvineger ti· member lltll thatthatwhtch befell Chull the ed vpon an Hylfope !lalke, was reached 'to head doth alfo befall his members.· Though Chrillvponthccrolfe.Nowitmaybedeman· Chritt himfelfe at his death did beare the dcd,how this could be, confidering rhefialke wrath ofGod in f"ch meafure, as that in the ofthe hyffopeisnot pall a foqt long. An[. As fence and feelingofhis humane nature he was the treeofMullerd-leed withthe !ewes is far forfaken: y<t for all this he wa.5the Sonne of D greater & tallerthen with vs, in fo much that God and had the fpiritofhis Father, crying, the birds ofheauen build their nclls in it; fo it ·My God,my God. And therefore thoughwe be may bethat Hyfiopc groweth muchlonger in wonderfully afflicted either in body or in thofecountries then with vs. Otasltakeir minde fo as we haue no fence or feeling of rather,the Hylfop llalke was putvpona reed, Gods ~ercyarall,yet mull we notdefpaire & and by thatmeanes the fponge was put to the thinke that we are call-awaies,but full labour mouthofChrift. totrullandrelieon God in Chrift, and build The third point is, that Chri!t drinketh vpon him that we are his children, though we the vineger offered: but when? Not before all feele nothing but his wrath vpon vs; againfl: things were fini01ed ~hat were to be. doneon mercie cleauing to his mercie. This was'lJathe croffe. Andbyrlus ~1e fhewerh_hts exc:ce- ,,;ds pranife, In day of trottble (faith ho) I ding care for our L1luanon. He la~d afide all fought the Lord:m:~fore ranneandcenftdnotmthe things that wouldturneto Ins owne~afe, that l night:my:Joulerefuftdcomfort. I did thin~evfon he might fnlly workc out rc~emptton >and Godandwrestroubled,myfoul• w.ufuNofanguifl,, fulfil! thewtlloflus farh•r wno font htm u;to [Pfal. 77. >, 3· and fo he continueth on faying, the world forthat end.The hkecare mull euc1 verf.Io,I I ,t2.&c.Willthc Lordabfcnt himft!fe tvoneof vs haue tO \Vlll..c duttfully, and,as lt were Pfa1.14)· 6, Pfal,4l.,l