Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chrifls "- - ofthe [reede. Execution. 21j were to goethi'ough-~itch in ou: particular A applies particularly tohis ~wnepcrfon ; an~t callings that God m1ght be glonfied byvs. thereupon faitho In the vo/umcoftl,cbo,k: it u When dbrah.tms feruant came to B~t.I-Juel written of mu&c.AndthisduryisWt·ll P_r,lrli· toget awife for, meate was fet before fed by the people ofGod at thisd1y: F0r toe him but he faid,Gm. ~4·1~· lrv~lno_r ettte before Pfalmes of7Yauidwere penned according ro 1h•~cfazdmymeffage:folikewif<w;~u!l: fir!l: theellateofthe church in his time: &inthefc keGodsglory procured m our affmes, and daies the Church ofGod d0th fing the fame the in the fecond place, ifc6modity or praife with the fame fpiritthat v.uiddid,and dorh redound tovs,we mull:afterward take it. apply their feuerall ellat<S and con:litions The !all: point is, that when Chrifl had " Now in that Chrill co1P.mcnds his fou!c ;,;. drunk thevineger,he faid,/u!finijhed, Which' to the hads ofhis Farher,beddth it to tcflifie words may haueadouble fcnfc:one,that ft1ch that hedied not by conflraint; but willingly". things as were tigl1red by the facrifices ofrho· and by his ownc practife he doth teach vsto old Tefiament are accomphfhed ;theother, do the like,namely,to giue vp our own feu!C~ that now vpon the croffe he had fini!hed his into the hands ofGod:and becaufe this dutie fatisfaction to the iu{lice of his Father for isoffome difficultie, wee mull: obferuethree mans ftnne. And this of the twaine I rathc::r B moriuesorpreparatiuc:s whichmay inducevs · thinke tobehismeaning"Ifit be faid,that the to the betterdoingof it.The lirll is,to confiburial! & refurrection, &afcenfion of Chrifl, derthatGodthe Father ofChrill,isthecre~- &c.whicharc neceifary to mans redemption, tor ofour foules, and thcrtOre he i'i called tht were not yet begun, the anfwer is, that th~ ft~therqfjpirtts.Aud ifhebe acreator ofthem; workes of Chri!l:s priellhood which follow then is he alfo ataithful preferucr ofthe. For his death, fe(Uenot to make any fatisfaction fure it is,thatGod wil pteferuchis own work· ro Gods inllice for finne,butonly to conlirmc manfhip" 'Who is or canbe fo carefull for the or ap~ly it, after it ismade and accomplifhed & prefCruation of any worke as the onthecrofk, And itthis be fo, that Chrillin crafts·maller? and fhall nor God bee more his owne perfon accomplifhed the worke of careful! thennw1l WhereforeS. Peter exhor" redemption, and made afLIIl and per(eCl fa.. tcth vs to commito~&rJoules vmo God~ .uvnto4 tisf.1ction forvs,as thefe words import,)Pis" faithfHBCreator. The fecond motioe is this: we fiuijhed, then humane f..tisfa<'Hons N God~, lnuft looke robe rcfo!ued ii1 our confciences, iu!hcc for finnearc"altogether fuper6uous. that God the Father ofCbrill is our Father, fhe fifth euent that fell out \~hen Cbrill euery man for himfeife mull I.boor ro haue was vpon rhec.roffe w..s,thathe cried with" c rhe •alfurance ofthe pardonofhis owne fins, loud •.oice,& f~id,Luk.>3·49" F.rhcr,intothy " & that the corruption of hi> foute beW•ft<ed lwrd1lay downc myJPirit, that is, 1commend away in the bloodof<.:hrill,thattlenlay f•y,f myfoule, asbeeing the moll preciousth:ng amiufiilie9,fani'hfied, & adoptedb) Chrill. which I haueinthis world, into thy cullodie, And when any man can fay thus, he fhall bee who art a moll fAithful keeper thereof:Thefe moll: d<fi•our.~n<l wining <acom;ni, h!S foule words are rakenby Cluill out ofthe Pftlms: into thehaadsofGod, ThiS was the Ptafon for whenDauid wa~ in danger<>f his life by which mooued Chrifl to lay d0wne h1\ f.)ok reafonofS.1ul, and had no fric11d to tru!t,hee into the ltandsofGod:,becou(c be is hiofoiher. makes cboife of God to bee his keeper, and The third motioe or preparatitie is,a c&.itifaid,Pfil. 31 ·5Jmo thy hands,O L.rd,do lcom. nual! experience & obferuation of Gods I'O"e · inendmy fPirir. Now our Sauiour Ghn!l: beino and fauour towards vs,[n keepingand preferin tbeiike di!l:relf~, both i)y reafon of th~ uinghim;as•pJ?earcs bytD•uids example,lnIewes,who euerv way fought his fin !ldellru· tO'thy hands (fa1th he) lcomnicndmjfoule: for ctionand con(ufioo,& efpecial)y becaufe hee th.u haft redeemedme, 0 thou God oftr!f>b. felt the full wrath of God vpon him, The time when wee ate ft>ecially to eomdorh·make choifcof'Dauids word~,and apply D rrreod our foules into the hands ot God,is rittl the~1 t<>himfe!fe in his dillre!fc.' .And by hiS of aU the rime of any a(flifhon or d.•,ger. cxlmple \ye, notopely;;Q read the This was rlierime when D.·midcomrnended gener.dllullory oftile Bible,, b~talfo to ob• his foulc>ihto tAl: hands of God intbe Pfl hne (erut the things commanded and forbidd•n, before named. We know th' l in any common and to apply the fame vnto Ot>r felu~s, and ti> : "dangeror t>e"rill, as the lacking ofa Oirie, or ourparticular e!l:atfS& de.alings what[oeuer: I burning"'lfan houfe; "lr. n\an haue aay preci- ~hus. the P10phetL:i.<urd fa~rh,p(aj"•4Q·7·Jn the ous IewHI thereln,IJC wil firft fetch !·harout, rollofth, !Jooeyit;, written ofme,that.lff>Outddoc t & make cholfeofa faithful! friend, to whole 't}ijwil"Omy G~d.Hvw can tlris be?for n•J part cufiodi'e he ~ill commit the fame: er1en foJin of S"ipture penned before the"daies of 'D4-" corrrmon penis and dungers we mu!! alwaies uidfi1irh ~husofhim.Truc i.nqCCd;buta.sImk.c remember to (!Ommir:.'our fou!es as a mofi it, Dauir/; mca.ninqis, that he read the: booke· precioasti.ewel into dwhands ofGod who is ofthe Law,& fm•Jd gcnerall r.receprs & eoa faithful! Creator..·Aaothc>'more fpe~i'aland mandememsgmen to Klflgs<~nd"P'illces, that necelfary time of prachfiHg this durie, is the they fl1onld keepe all the ordinan:es•&oom• houreofdeath, as her< Chn!l: dotb, and Ste- ~~~udements of God: whicn he being aK~g Nm.?·whawhcnthe Iewes :f:onedhimto' T 2 called