Chriits ru1nExpo(ztion Execution. called on God,and faid,Ml·7•59· LordIe[~« A recei.- myJPirit. And as this duty is very re– quifite and necdfary atalltimes,fo mofiefpe– cially in the houre ofdeath; becaufe thedan– gerisgreat, by reafon that Satan will then chiefly a!fault vs,and the guiltoffinne will c- - fpecially then wqund the cofcience. Lafily,at all times wee mnfi commit our foules into Godshands: for though we be not alwaiesin afiliction,yet we are alwayesingreat danger: and when aman liethdowneto refi,he know– eth notwhether he!hall rife againe or no:and when he arifeth,he knoweth not whetherhee fl1alllye downe againe:ycaat thisvery houre we know not what will befallthe next. ofbeafis do, the ne111ea therofwere no great matter: butfeemgit mull: liuefor euer either in eternallioy,orelfe in endletfepaines& tor– ments, it fiands vs vpon euery man for him– felfe,fo to prouide for his foule inthis life,rhat at the day of death when ir!hall depart from his body,it may liue in eternal ioy and happi– ne!fe. The fecond, thatthere is anefpecial& particula prouidence of God, becaufe the particular foult of Chri!1: is committed into thehands ofhis Father,and fo aufwerably the foules ofeuery one ofthe faithful! are. The third, that euory one which beleeues himfelfe to be a member of'Chrifi, mufi be willingto die when God {hall call him thereunto. For when we diein Chrifl:, thebody is butlaid aAnd great are the comforts the prallife ofthis duty.WhenDauidwas in great danger of his life, and his owne people would haue fioncd him, bccaufe their hearts were vexed for their fons& daughters which the Amalckites had taken;it is faid,I Sam.JO. 6.hecomfortedhimfilfein the Lordhu God. And the prallife ofPaul in this cafe is moft excd– lent:Forthe ,.hichcauji(Caithhee) Ifofferthoft thinp, but I am not ajhai'!Ud:for I k!t.,. ,.homI haue belcmed, andam perf,.adedthat hce u able to k.!epe thatwhich 1hauecommitted vnto hima– gainjtthatd"}, zTim.t.u. This worthy fer– uant ofGod had committed his life and foule into Gods hand: and therefore he faith,InaO myfoffmi,_gs I am not ajhamed: where wt fee, that if a man haue grace in his life time to commit his foule into Godshand,itwil make c himbold euen atthe point ofde&th. And this mufl: be a motiue to caufe euery man daily & hourely to lay downehis foule into the bands ofGod, although by the courfe ofnature hee may liue twentie orfourty yeares loager. But howfoeuer this dutie be both necelfarie '\'Id cOfortablc, yet few there be that praaife the fame, Men that haue children are verycare· full and diligent to bri'lgthem vp vnder fome B Oeepe, & the fouleisreceiuedinto the hands ofamofi louing God andmerciful! father,as the foule ofChrifi was.Lafily,wheras Chrifi furrendring his feule into his Fathers hands, calsit afpirit, wenote,rhat the foule ofman is afpirit, that is, afpirituall, icuifible,fimple efft'nce without compofition, created as the angels ofGod are.The quefiion whether the foule of achilde come from the foule of the parents,as thebody dothcomefrom their bO– dies,may eafily bee rcfolued. Forthefoule of man beeing afpirit,cannot beget another fpi– rir-: as the angels beeing fpirituall doe not be– g<t angels: for one fpirit begetteth not an other.Nay-which ismore,one!impleelement I manstuition; and ifthey haue cattell,lheepe, or oxcn,they prouide )'eepers ratend them : butin the m~ane feafon for their owne fuules they haue no care; they may finke or fwimmc begettorh notanother,as the warer begetteth notwater,noraire begetteth aire: and there– fore much lel'le can one foule beget an other. Againe , ifthefoule ofthe childe come from the foule oftheparents,then thereis apropa– gati3n of the whole foule ofthe parent or of fomepartthercof.Ifitbe faid,thatthe whole foule ofthe parentsis propagated , then the parenrs lhould wanttheirownfoules& could notliue. Ifit befaid,that apartoftheparents foule is propagated:I anfiver,thatthe foule be ing a fpidt ora fimple fubfiances, cannot lice parted: & therfore it isthefafefi to conclude, thatthe body -i~tdeed is ofthe body ofthe pa– rents, & that tl\e foule ofman while the body is in making. is created of nothing: arid for thisvery caufeGod iscalled thefather of JPirits or doe what they will. This {hew~s the won– derfull blindnelfe or rather madne!feof men in the world., that haue more care for their cattel,then for their own foules:but as Chrifi bath taught vs by his example, fo let euery one ofvs in thefearc ofGod, learne to com– mitour foulesinto the hand ofGod. 1\.gaine,inthat Chrifi la.iesdownehis own foule,and withal! the foules ofallthe faithful! iutothe hands oftheFather,wefurther learne three things. The firfi, thatthe foule ofman 1 doth not vanifl1 away as the fonles of beafis I and othc:r creatures: thereis great difference betweenethcm: for.when the beafidyeth,his fouledyeth alfo: ):mtthe fouleof inan is-im– mortal!. The confideration whereof mufi mooue eucry man aboue all things in this world tobe carefull for his foule:ifit were to vani01 away_:tthe day of death as the feules J D Thus much ofthe crucifyingof Chri!l: now followeth his death. For h.:uii1g laid downe his fouleinto thehands ofhis Father,rhc holy Ghofl: faith,Luk 2346.Hega""'P theghof/:to giue vs to vnderfiand, that his death was no fantafl:icall,but areal! dearh,in that his bodie' and foule werefeuered as trulyaswhen anyof vs die. In treatingofChrifisdeath wee mull confider many points. 1he firfi, thatit was needful that he fi1old die,& that for twocau– fes.Firfi,to fatisfic Gods iufiice : for fin is {o odious athing in Gods fight, that he will piJ_– nifh itwithan extreametwnifhment;therfOre Chrifi fia.1dingjn our ro<fme mufl: not one– ly fuffcrrhe miforics ofthis life butalfo die on the cro!fe, that the veryextremity ofpunifh– ment which wee fbould luue borne, might - bee J '