Chril1s ofthe [reede. Execution. · 21; belaidonhim:artdfowemChritr,mightful- A low the difi"olutil>n of nature: bllt' theyoa · Ram,&. ly fati>lie Godsiullice: for the 1\>~esoffsnnn< doubt, come too fhort:for why fhould Chrift · •l• d<ath.Secondly, Chrill:died thar-he might fullra!'c feared·death fo greatly; if ic had bin nofill the truth of Gods·word which had faid, thmg but tire di£l<>lution of nature? Some athatman for eatingthe forbidden fruiteJlmdd gainerhinkethathedied, not only the firft,but Gea... diuhtdwh. The properties of Chrifls death alfo the fecond d~ath; but it may be theygoe · are two:the firft,that it was avoluntary& wiltoo farre:for ifto die the fidl: death;be to tuf17o ling death ; the fecond, that it was a curk:d fer atotall feparationofbodie aHd lOule, then death.For the lirft,wheras I fay Chrifts death .alfo todie the fecond death, is wholly and ewas voluntary,•I mcane that Chrifr died wiluerywaytobe feuered from al fauour.ofGod, lingly,& ofhis ownefree accord gaue vphimand at the leaft for a time to bee oppreffed of felfe to fuffi:rvpor> the crolf<. HowfOeuer the the fame death as the damned arc. Now this Iewes didarraigne,& condemne,ar>d crucifie neuer befell Chrift, no not in the midft of his him,yetifhe had not willed his own death,& fufferings, confidcringtha' euen then hewa. ofhis free accord giuenhimfelfto die:not the able to call God bis.God-Thereforethe faf•ft Iewcs.norall the wholeworld couldeuer haue is to follow the meall:',namely,that Chrift di- ; taken away his life from him.Hedied not by IB ed thelirft death, in that his.bodyagd fuu!e ' con!lraint orcompu!Hon,butmoft w1lltogly: wore really and wholly i<uered, yet without . and therefore he faith,lolt.JCi.r ~. 'l\(Jman t4fuffering any corruption inhis body, which is ktrhmylifefmnme, bHt I(faithhe)iayit,;{qwnof the effefrand fruitofthr fame:and thatwi:hmyftlfe:Jh..ucpowcr·r.f4y irdi>wJre;&h•~epow,. all.he further fuftered the extreame horrours · tor•k! iragaine. And our Samour Chn!l gaue and pangs of the fecond deatb, notdyingthe Muh.>7• cuidenttokens hereofin hisdeath,forthmlefame death, nor beingfotfakcn ofGod,morc! [';d.. 2 !· [114<'Jedwirha lo!ulvoiee, andgau:vp tkre ?h#. then in his own apprehenfion or feeling. For 46 • Ord111anly men thatdy on the Croffo; lagu1fh 10 rhe v.ery midft of his fufferings.the Father 1/a,JS. awayby little and little,and before they come wa~well pleafed with him. And this:which I ••• to yecld vptheir linesthey lofe their fpoech,& fay doth not any whit le!ICmhe fuflicicticy of only rattle or make a noife io the throat: but the merit ofChrift: for whercashee ft1ffi:red Chrillatthatvery inllant whe he was togiue truly the very W!;ath ofGod,and the very torvpthe Ghoft,cried witha loud voice: which merntsof•he damned it> hidoule,itis as mliCh lheweth plainly,that he ill'his deathwas more as·ifall the men in th<:w()rid had dyed the fethen a conqueiour ouer death. And therefore cond.death, and had bin wholly cut ofF fronr Matb,•7· togiueallmcna token of his power, and to . c God toreuer and euer. And nodoubt Chrill . f9• fhew that he diedvoluntarily, it pleafed hlm died the lirft dcarh,only fuffering the pangsof Ioh.19• l•· Mar.If, ... to crie with a loud voice. And this made the the fi:cond; that the firft deathmight beean . Centurion to fay that he was the Son ofGod. entrancenottorhe fecond death, whiiohise- . Againe, Chrift dyed nor as other nien do; beternal damnation,but a pallage to life eternal. cauh: they Jirftgiuc vp the Ghofl;:md'then lay Thebenefits and comforts which arife by their heads afidc: but hecin token that his rhedearhofChrifl,areefpeciallyfoure. The . de>rh was ve>luntary, Jirft lairs his head afide liril:, isthe.change ofour natura!I death; 1C 1 y afttr the manner ofa dead man, & then afternot therak>ngof•taway,for we all mull' die : ward giues vp tbe Ghofr.LafHy, ·Chrill: dyed but whereas by naturedeath is.a curfe ofGod ' fooner then men are woe>nt to doe vpon the vponman for eating the forbidden fruit, by crofti,,and this was thecaufe tlut made Pil<te the death of Cl>rifr it is-changed frol!lJa curfe . wonder that he was fo foone de act Now this intoa blefSing,and is madeas it were a middle ' camet'o paffe,notbecaufe he was loath to fufway avd entrance to conuey meno•~of this fer the·extremity of death : but becaufe hee world 'into the kingdome ofglory in.heauen: would makeitmanifefltoal men, that he had andthereforelt is faid, Chrifr by hi~> death power to die,ot notto die. And in<leed thisis D harhde/inmdthemfromtheftai'e'ofdearh, whil>b our comfort, that Chrifl: died not for vs by ANth<tlaiesof their lines w<re fobie[f to bondage conll:mint,but willingly ofhiS>owneaccord. Hcbr••. ' 5. A man that is to enco.mter w"h To fig- , And as Chrills deathwas voluntary,fo was a fcorpioo, ifhe knbw thatho-hath a fl:ina, be ni6e this it alfo an accurfed death, and therfoi:'e it'i'3 calmay be difinaicd :. but being ai!Uredtha~ rh~ t::J~he led thedeath o{thf cro!fo. And itcontaineth the fl:ing is taken. away ,he- necdenot Ceare to. e 1 'i... r,;,b,th" firft ar>d the l;:cond death:thc firfr,is the feplcounter ther<with.Now death in his own na- ' ~. w" ration ofthebodv frumthc foule :'the feoond turecoofidertd,is this fcorpion; armed with a «uciF.ed, isthefepararionof!Xldy and.foule from God, fring :1 but Chrill onr Sauiout by hi£ dearh d;;dalfo and both were in Chrifl:f(){ befide the bodily hath pulled-out rh< fting of our death ancl · dearh, hcdidinfo>~le 'apprehend the wrath of on the crotre triumphantly faith,t.C""i~.1 5 . God due to mans fin:aAd that made him crie, H· 0 dMrh whereinhy.Jiing! 0 grM.e .vherci' MyGod,my God,tVhybaj/ rhwforfok.!nme? thyviUorie! andthe.etore euen then when me And here wee mull not omit a neceff•rie feele the pangsotdeathapproach, we Owukl point,namely,how fime forth C!irifl!uffered not feare but conce1ue hope, conliJodng I death. Anjiv. Some thirrl<e ehar-hec fuflhod •hat our death Isalter•d and changed by the onely2_b~ily d<at:1, _ano k1oh p1inesas fol.:~ vercue ofthe death ofChrilt, SecondlJ, the. ~ T ctea,hl