Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chriils rvfnExpojition Execution. death of Chriil:hathquite takenawaythefe- A Whereforelet allthofe thatliueinfinneand' condrleath from thofe that are in Chriil:: as tgno_rancercafon thus with thcmfelueo: Hath 'Pouf faith.Rom.8.r. Thereu nocond,mnarionto Chnil: the SonneofGoddonethis for vs and thewhichare in Chrif/1 if"' ,whichrpa/k§norafter lh~ll we yet liueia our fias ? bathhe fet~pen<taftertheJPirit.Thirdly,the death of as ttwere th~verygatesofhdl,& !hall weyet Chriil: is a meanes torarifie his lail: wiland telye weltnng m ourdamnable waiesand inthe ltament. For thuca•ifiwMChrifl the Med>atour lhadow ofdeath? In the feare ofGod let the ifthe newTeflament, that through death (which dcathofChriil: bee a meanes to turne vs ro 1 wrufor the redemptionofthe tranfirej[ums which. Chriil:: ifit catlnot moue vs,letvs be refolued were intheformerTcfiamet)thcywhichwerualthatour cafeis dangerous. To goe further in ledmigbtreceiue the promife ofthe eterna/lmberithis point, eutryoneof vs is by natureafickc tanue. For whoreaTefiament u,theremufi bethe man, wounded at the very heart by Satan: death ifhim 'that made the Teflament: for the though we feeleit nor, yet we aredeadly fick: T ejlament isconfirmcdwhe~~menaredead:for itu and behold,Chrift is the goodPhyfitianofthe yetifnofore< fo /dng tU bee u aliue that111ade it. foule,& none inheauenor earth,neitherSaint, And therefore the death ofChri!l dorh make Angell, nor man can heale this our fpirituall his laH wil & teftament which is the couenam B wound,but he alone: who though he were cofgrace, authenticall vnto vs. Fonrtl'lly, the quall withthe Father,yet he came down from deathof Chriil: doth ferue to aboli01 the ori. his bofome and became man, and liucdhere ginall corruption of our finfull hearts. As a many yecres in mifery and contempt: aud il:rongcorafiue laid toa fore, eates out all the when noherbe,norplaiil:ercould cure thisour rotten& dead flelh: euen fo Chriil:s death bedeadly wotmd ordefperate fickeneflC:, he was ing applied to rhc heart ofa penitcntfinnerby cotentto makeaplaiil:er with his own blood: faith,weakens & confumes the finthatdeaues the paine hee tookcin makingit, caufed him fo fail: vntoour natures ar.d dwels withinvs. to fweate water and blood: nay themaking Some,willfay, how can ChriHsdeathwhich ofit for vs coil: himhislife, inthatheewas nowis.not,becaufeitislongagopail:&ended, content by his ewne death to free vs from killjjn~e invs now? Anf. Indeed ifwe regard death: which ifitbeetrue, asitismolt true, the alt ofChrills death,it is pail,but the verthen wofuland wtetched isourcafe, ifwe will rue-and power thereofendureth for euer. And Hill liue in finne, and·will not vfc meanes to the power ofObtiil:sdeathis nothingelfe, but lay this plaiil:er to our hearts. And alter this the power ofhis Godhead,which inabled him plailleris applied to the foule, welhoulddoe in his death to ouercome hel,the graue,death, c as a man that hath beene grieuouOy ficke, who and•<ondemnation, and to disburae~ himfelfe whe he is on the mending hand, gets Hrengrh ofour fins. Now when we haue grace to deby little and little. And fo lhould we become ny our felues , and to put our trufr in Chrilh newcreatures, going on from grace to grace, and by faith arc ioynedto him, thenas Chriil: & lhew the fame l>y liuinggodlily, righreoufhimfellc by rhe power of his Godhead ouer- !y,and foberly,that theworld may fee that we. I camedeath, hell, and damnation inhimfelfe; are cured ofour fpirituall difeafe. 0 happie, I fo lhall we by the fame power o(hisGodhead yea thrice happie are they that haue grace hill and crucifie finne and corruption in our from Godto doe this. The fecond duty confdnes. Therefore feeing we reape fuch benecerncs them which arerepcntanrfinacrs.Hath tit by.the dearh ofChrifr, ifwe willlhew our Chrift giuenhimfelfe for thee, and is thyconfduesm be Chriftians. ler vs reioyce in the fciencefededinthis? Then thou muil: anfwedcath ofChriil:: and ifthe que!lion bee, what rab!y beare this minde, that ifthy life would ·is rhe chiefef!. thing wherein wee ~eioyce in ferue foF the glory of God and the good of this world? wee may anfwer, theverycr0ffe the Church, thcuwouldeil: thengiueit moll ofC.hriil:, yca lhe very leaft droppe ofhis Wtllingly ifthou be calledthereto. Secondly, blood. , , D tfChriil:forthygoodhathgiuenhislifc, then The duties to beelearned by the death of thou muil: in hke manner bee content rodye Chriil: are two: the liril: conccrnes all ignorant for thy br<thr<n inChrifl,ifneed be. He(faith and.impenitenr finn.ers. Such men whatfoe· S.John) laid dewne bu lifefor V/, therefore ll'e uer theybe, .b;t<he d~ilt!J of Cbnil: vpon the ought t8 14y dewne •ur liNes for our brethren, 1. croffe, mu!lbec mooucd totume from their lob. 3· 16. Thirdly, ifChriftwas content to I fins : and if the confideratio" hereofwill not fl1ed his own.heart-blood not for bimfelf, but : rnoouc them.nothing in the world wil.By nafor the fi•sofeuery one ofvs,then wemuil:be '""" euery man isavaff.1ll of fin, anda~ondthus af!elted, rhar rather then byfinning wee I fl.J!Je.ofSatan: the diuell reignes & rule~· in all would willingly offend God, we lhould beeomenby nature, and we our felncs can doe notent to haue ourowne blood lhed:yea,ift!Jefe 1 thing but feruc' and obeyhim. Nay, which is two thingswere put to ourchoife,either to do ·more,weliuc vnderthe fearefullcurfe ofGod thatwhich might difpleafeGod,or elfe to (ufforrb~)ca!l fin. Well now,fee the loue ofthe fer death,we muil:ratherdiethendo the fame. SonncofGod, that gauchimfclfe willingly to Ofthis mind haue bin all the MarryrsofGod, death vponthecrolli: for thee, that hee might who ratherthe they would yeeld to Idolarty, free thee from this moil: fcarefull bondage. were contenttofiJ!fer molt bittertorments & ~----------------------------------------------------------~c~r~ .