Iob.t9• -;,. lb:od.t:z.. 46• Chrifts ofthe [reede. Execution. 217 I cruelldeath. 'lea euery good Chriflian is fo A nifold enemies,Papifls,Tewes,Turkes ,and all affeded thathee h~drather choofe to die then infidels,maliciou!lybent again£! it for Chrifls to Jiuc, ~otmooued by impatience in refped: fa~c. For though they intend and practiCe mtf- 1 ofthemifc:riesofthislife:butb;ecaufehe wold ~h1efe, yet more rheuGods Will and co.unfdl l ceafetooffend fo louingaFath~r. To finne 1s ~s, thercann~tdoe: ~ecaufe he hathh1srmg meate & drinke to the world,botto a·rouched m the1r noflnls and hts brtdle m theu hppes and re~cntan~ ~eart there ij np,torment fo, to n1le them ash~ lill:eth. . . grieuousasth1s1s, to fin agam!t Gqd, 1fonce The fecond tlung wh1ch fell out llnm<d~a~- he beeperfwaded that Chrilt cfie4\orhim. ly "l'onthe death of.Clmfl,ls rhat the fould!· Thus much for Chr.iflsdeath :. now follow ersp1erccd hts fide With a fpeare,& thence tiTnthofe thingswhich eefell Chriit,when h.e.was edwat~rand blood. The vfc whicharilethof ncwlydead;and they are two efpectally. The th1s pomt ts two.fold.· firfltderueno prooue firfl that his legges were not 1 broken asthe that Chrtfld1ed truly, & not m fhew, or a fat1 b legg~s·oftherwotheeues were,O(the firltS. ned death: for there is about t~e ~art a lilmo ~,0,."~, • Johnrendrcthareafo, namely, thatthe Scnporskm l!kevnto apurfe,wherem 1scontam<d nu.1. 7 • ture might be fulfillql,which faith, TX!,t abone· cleare water to coo\e rhe heat ofthe hart; and 1 ofhimfo•ltbebro~n:which wor<l_s were fpoken B t~<reforc when war~r& bloodtffued outafter , ._ by Mofts ofthe pafchalllambe , and are he~~ p1crcmgofthe ~de, 1t 1s very hke\ yrhat achat /"''"'- applied to Chrifl, as beeing typically (igured, veryskmwas pterccd:forelfe tnreafon we can ••m• thereby. And heHce wee obferue thefetwv notconictlurewhencethiswaterfholdcome.l things. Firll:, that Chriflcrucifiedisrhe true· S. /ohnaneye-wirncffc ofthis rhing,beeingaC pafchal Lamb,as S.Pa11/ faith,Chriftourp•ffcboutto prooue that Iefus the fonne of Mary 1 • or,~. olurz!facrifocd: anti S. lolm faith, Beho!dthe ~as the true Mefsias, bringeth innx~.: wit- . roh.1.1 9 LambeofGod, djfringuilhing him therbyfrom neffcs: three in heauen, 7hc Father,the J¥ord, t Ioh, )· the typic.lllambednthisthat Chrifl crucifiandtheholy Ghoft: aodrhree in earrt.,rhewatcr, , 7,8. ed is the truepafchalllambe, thechild of God the Spmt,andtheb/"'d:whercnodouo"he •.luhathwonderfullmattcr ofcomfort. The Ifra· dcth to the water and blood that iililed outof E•od,u. clites did cate the Paffeouer in Egypt' and the fideofChrill:by[pirit,wemay vndt rfland fprinkled the b[ood of thelambe on the pofls the eflicacie and operation ofGods fpirit maoftheir dores, that when the Angell of God king men to bring forth the fruits ofthe fame, came to deflroy the fir!t borne of man and as loue,peace,ioy,&c.And the fi·cond witnes, beafl,and faw the blood vpon their houfes,he namely water, hJth relarion to the water that might paffe ouer thelll, thatthe plague fhould C came forthofChrifls fide,which fignificth the ootbcvp~n them topeflruction. So likewife mwart! wallungaway offin,and rhe purging ifthou doeft fee4e on the I-ambeofGod, and ofthe heart by Chrifls blood' whieh alfo is,& by a liuely faitll fprinkle the doore of thine Was fignified by the outward wafhing.of •he heart withhisblqod,theiudgementofGod in body with waterand baptifme.The rhird witthislife,&theterriblecurfeofdeath,withthc. neiTe hee cals blood, alluding to the blood fcarefull fentence ofcondemnation at the day thati!lucd out ofChrifls fide: whereby is fig· of iudgemenr, and allpunifhmems due vnto nified the expiation or fatisfad:ion made to· thy fins fhall paffe ouer thee, and not fo m<Icn Gods iuflice for mans fin. Thef~mevfe had as t?uch rhe:· And whereas the legges ofour thoceremoniall fprinkling, in the old TeflaSamou; Chnfl were not broken by the fouldiment, typically figoifying the fprinkling of ours, who fought by all meanes po,fsiblc to Chriflsblond. Nowthefethreewitncffesarc workeagainflhimalthemifchiefetheycould: not to be fought for in heauen, ·but eoery wemay note , that the enemies ofChrifl and Chriflia man mufl fearch for them in his owrr his Church, let them intend to fhew neuer fo heart & confcience,& there fhall he find t>em much lllalice agaiofthim, they can not go bein fomc meafore. And this water and blood_. yond that hoe~ti~ which God giuerh them, D flowing out of the fide of Chriflbeeingnow ther CaHdoe 110 ~re for their liu,<S then that dead, fignifieth that he is 0ur iufhficatiOn anct wluchG0 Dwi}leth. The Medes and PerG- (an<'l:ificarion, euen after his death;& that out lfa.tJ. 3. ans are calledtheLordsfanllified ones: Cyrm is ofhis death fpringsour lifes&.therfore as Euc !fa.••·" called theManof/JodscoJtnftll,becau(cwhatfo. was made ofarib taken out of the fide of.Aeuer.they intended againlt thepeople of God, dam: fo fprings the Church ourofrh< blood yet jn all th_e1r proceedings they did nothing that flowes out ofthe fide ofthe fecod Adam. butthatwh1ch God had determined b<fore to Hauingthus inrrcated ofChrifls execution bee done. And when Senacherib ~ame again£! let vs now comet~ the lafl poi?t,na~1ely,rh~ the!ewes as a wtld beaflout ofh1s denne,the excellency of Chnfls pafs10n, conhflmg in Lord rellerh Hmk,iah concermng eAjhur , thefe two pomts:I.a Sacrifice. \I .aTriumph. !(,. 37 , tha~hewill put h"hoof« inhunoftrils,&hubriForthe firll:, when Chrifl died hee offered a Z9· die'"h., ups,mrdbring himbNck§ againethefame propitiatory and reall facrifice to his F.rher ; Ivaythat hecame,thatis,he wil forule him,that and herein his death& pafsion differeth from he fl1all nor doe the leaf! hurtvmo the Iewes, the fuifcrings and deathes ofall men wharfomore ths;n God will.ThisJs a matter ofgreat euer. lQ this facrificc Wl' mufr confider fourc comfort to Gods Churchopprelfed with ma-' things. I· who was the priefl. I l. what . T-4 was