Hcb-J. I• E:s:od.19• 1· P(:al.tJ3· .. Exod.:8 "· verre If ''· 118 Chrills .An Expofition Sacrifice. was tlicfacrilicc. III.what was thealtar. IV; A were figured two thingsht Chri!l: by the firfr the time wherin this facrifice wasoffered.The that he carries all theElea on his!boulders priefr was Chri!l himfelfe, as the author of andfupports thembyhisfpiritfolonganh'ey the Epi!lle to the Hebrewes prooui:s atlarge ore in the world,againfrthe world,the fle!h & from the third chap. to the9. andofhim wee thediuell. By the fecond,that Chriftour high are to confider thefe foure points. The lirll:, Priefr being now in his fanauary inheauen what is the office ofChrifrs priefrhoodlAnf. hathin memory all the Elea, and their very The office of Chrifrs prie!lhood !lands in namesare written as itwere in tables of gold three things: I. Toteach doarine,and therebefore his face: andhehath an efpeciallloue fore he is called·thehigh pri.flof •urprof•!J,.,, vnto them and care ouer them. Vpon thi• that is, ofthe Gofpellwhich we profdfe, beground the Church in the Canticles prayes caufe hee is the Author and Doaor of the on thts manner:Set me 114 a fi•l• on thy hMrf,& Caa.l,s, fame.! I.To offer vp himfelfc vnto his Father "'af.gner vpon thyarme. And indeede this isa in the behalfeofman, forthe appeafing ofhis matter ofcomfort vato vs al,that Chrifrhath wrath for finne. JI I. To make requeflor inourfeuetallnam<s writtCII in precious !tones tercefsion to God the Father, that hee would B before his face: though hc:ebe now in heauen accept thefacrifice which hee offered on rhe and We on earth:and that the particulatefrate cro!fe for vs. The fecond point is,According ofeueryonc ofvsis both knownandregarded to which nlture hee wasapriefi: whether in ofhim. Againe,God gaue toMo[esthe Vrim E>o<l.•l his manhood, or in hisgodhead, or both toandThNMmim, which was put on th(brca!l- ;o. gether? Anfw. The office ofhis priefrhood is plate ofthe high Priefr, when he was ro aske performed by him according to bothhisnacounfellfrom GODofrhingsvnknown,betures: and therefore he is a priell: notas the fore the mcrcie-feat, whence God gaue anPapilb would haue him, according to his fwer. WhattbeVrimandThHmmimwas,itis manhood onely , but as hoe isboth God and not knowne : and it is likeitwas not made by man: for ashe is a Mcdiatdur,fo is he a priell:: any art ofman, but giuen by God ; and how it but Chri!lis a Mediatour according to both ~asvfedwecannot tell: butyctthdignificanatures:eachnature doing that which is peculion ofthe wordsat!Ordethmatterofmeditaliar to it, and conferring fomething to the tion.Vrimfignificsl~ht~,andThummimfigniworke ofredemption: and therefore hee is a lies perftE/ions. And by this a further matter priell: as he is both God and man. The third was prefigurod in Chrifr, who haththe perfit point,Afrer whatorder heis a prieft?Anf.The C Vrimand Thummim in his brcall:: firfr, beSotipturemenrioneth two orders of prieas: caufein him are hid all the treafuresofwifeCol.~ 3. the orderofLmi,aud theorder ofe)lfelchifodome and knowledge: fecondly, becaufe he dech. Chrill: was nota prie!l afi:erthe order of reuealesto his Church out of his word IUch A•r.n:andyet notwith!landing in that priefrthings as none can know but the children of hood were many notable rites whereby the God:as Va~titlfaith,Th•f«retoftheLordi<rerr.J,>f, priefrhood of our Sauiour ChrifrwasrefemNe./edro th•mthatftarehim.AAd forthiscaufe ••· bled,andwe maynote fiue efpecially. Firll:,in thefpiritofChrifriscalledth•ff>iritofwi[dom< Eph.r. the ann0inting oftbe high Priell ; as of Aaandreudation: and th•ff>irit ofGod, whmby "'" '1· ron~and his fonncs after him, oyle was poured ktJqrpthnhingsthttt aregiumvntow of Gu4: as :~or.:. on his head, and it ranne downc to rh: very namc:lyJour dection,vocarion)iufi:ification,& edgeof his garments, whereby was fignilied Unaificationin this life,andoureternall glotlur Chrifr the tmehi~b Priefr was annointed rification afrcrthis life: yea toeuery member withthe oyle ofgladneffiabouchi<fe!low";thatis, ofChri£1: withinhis Church he giues afpecial that his manhoocl was filled with the gifts and fpirit ofreuelation outofthe word, whereby graces ofGod, both in mcaft1rc, number, and he may know that God the Father is his fadegree abouc all men and angels. Secondly, D thcr; the Sonne theredeemer, his redeemer; the fumptuous and glorious apparell which and the holy Gho!l his fanaifier and comforthe high Pric!l put on, when hecame into the· ttr. Lafrly, thehigh Priefr had aplate on his Sanctuarie, was a figne of the rich and gloriforehead, and therein was engrauen th< h</i. Erod.:S. ous Robeef Chrifts righteoufndfe, which is n<ffiof lehouah: this fignified the bolineffeof 36, the puritie& integritieof his humane nature, Chri!l:foras heis God,heis holine!fe itfelfe: and ofhis life.Thirdly,the fpeciall partsofthe and as heis maR, heis moll:hoiy,being fanctihigh Prieftsattire were firft theEphoJ,the two lied by the holy Ghofr for this end, thathee !boulders whereof had two onyx frones, might couer our finnes and vnrighteoufndfe, whcreon were engrauen the names of the withhis righteoufnelfeand holy obedience. twelue tribesof Ifrael : fixe names orrthe one The ftcond order ofprie!lhood is the order !lone, and fixe on the other·, as!tones ofreof Melchifod.chof which order Chrill: was, membrance of the children of Ifrael to God" as DaNidfaith, Thou art aPrieft for merafter Hew,7; ward: Secondly, the br.fl-plate of indgemmt th,.rder ofMeichi(ed.ch:and that in two fpecilikc the worke ofthe. Ephod,whercil\ were fet all refpeas. I. Melchifod.chwas both aPriefr twelueltones according to the names of the and a King: fo was Chrifr. I I. Me!chifod.ch children of Ifrael;grauenas ligners euery <>ne had neither father,nor mother,becaufe his hiafter his name. Now bythefe twoornaments frorie is (et downc:withmention ofneither:fo -----·---------~~----~~----------------------------~~--------l=ik~·-- ----