Protulit, nonob– ruli,. ofthe[reede. Sacrifice. 2191 Chrifts likewife Chri!l:as beis G~d, hadnonlO!hcr; A' oneonely priefl: ~uen Chrifl: hicnfdfc God & and ashcis man, he had no father. The PJman.Indeedall Chnfl:Ians areprtefl:s to offer pills auouch Chrill to be apriellofthis order vpfpirituall facrifice:but itis the property of in a new refpect, in that as Melchifedeck._~ff,- Cl.uill alone to offer a~outward Jrd reall fared bread & wine,when .Abrah•mcametrom crifice vnto God now In the new tefiam<nt. the llaughtcrofth~ :KinBs:fo(L'Y they)Chrifi _Thus much_of the firfl: point, who is the 1n his la!! fupper did ofter lm owne body and prtefi.Thefecod followeth: ~hat Is the f.~ enblood vnder the.formes of bread and wine. lice..AnfThefacnF.ce IS Chnfi, as he IS man, But this isafriuolous deuice of theirs : for if orthe manhood ofChri!l: crucified. As the we reade Heb.7.whcrethispointis handled, priefi is both Goda,~d.~an: fo the facrifice is there is no comparifon at all made oftheir man(dJnor God.So It IS faid,we arejimUified 'Onhc twofacrilices; buttherefeblances before n"- rytheojferingof thebody of lefu< {hrift. Tou- godh<>d. rned are fctdown,in which,pcrfqn iscomplchingthis fu;rificc,fundry q~wfiions ar7 to ~e l ~~:·• o. red with perfon.Again,it is not f•id in Gene· skanned. The firfl:, what ktnd offacnfice It fis that' Melchifedec/coffcred facrifice ; but was ? .Anf In the old Tdl:amerit there were that he bro•ght forth bread& wine,& made •· kinds offacrifices:one,pr\}pitiatory which afeafl: to .Abrahamandhis company. And if B ftruedto fatisfie for rtn: the other, euchanChrififhould bee of "the order ofMelchifefl:icall for praifeand thankfgioing. Now the deck.,, in regard ofthe offering ofbread and facrifice ofChrifl: was afacrificepropitiato'Y i G••· 8 • wine, y<r would this make much again!l: the efpecially prefigured by rhe typicali facrilice 1 ;~i, 1 8 Papifis.For Melchifed.cclr! brought forth true called the whole burntoff<ring; for it was all .. bread and true wine ; but in the facrifice of confumed tO afhcs vponthe altar,and mrned themalfe there is no true bread nor tr~e wine: int<> fmok,IO the lireofGods wrath did feafe but (as they fay) the reall body and blood vpon Chrifi on thecro{k, and <lid confiime ofChrifl:,vnder the formeofbread a11d wine hini'asit were to notiring, to make vs fameThe fourth point is, whether there be any thing. Secondly, whenNoe offered an whole more real prie!l:softhe new te!lament bcfide burnt offering after the flood, it is faid. God Chrifi orno?.An[.Intheold Tdhment there {melledafauourofrcjl:not becaufe be was de- Gen.S " were many Priefl:s one following anot~er in lighted with thefmell ofthefaeri6ce, but be· continuall fuccefsion, but of the new Tefiaeaufc he approoued his faith ·in Chrifl:. And ment there is one only reall priefl:,Chrifl: Iehereby was figured, tirat Chri!l: vpon the Heb; 7 ., 4 fus God and man,and no more: as'the auchot crolfe was an offering,andafacrificeofafweet Eph. r••• •~,;:e.. ofthe Hebrews faith,becauft he cndnrethforc- C (meRing[auor vnto God:becaufe God was well '"· uer, het hath an medafting priefthood: ~nd the pleafed therewith.Nowwhereas Chri!l was W?rd tranllated[cuer/afling]fignifierh fuch a content wholly to offer vp himfelfe to appne!\1\ood, which can not palfe from him to peafe the wrath ofhisFatherfor vs: icmu!l: any other, as the prie!l:hood <>f .Aaron did. teachvs to giue our bodies and foulcs,ashoAnd therefor,e the pridlhood of Chrlll: is {o ly,liuing, and acceptable facrifices, wholly tted to his.owne perfo\r, that none can haue dedicating them to the feruicc ofGod. thefame but he;neither man,nor angel,nor aThe fecond quefiion is,how ofr Chrifl:offenyoth<rcreature, no not the Fath<r, 1,1orthe re~ himfelfe? .Anf Onceonely and no more. holy Ghofi. But the fa<'!:ours of rh~ Churcb This mull: be held as a principle of diuinitie: of Rome will fay,'th~t Chri!l mI¥ haue men Wf?ich once offerint. hath hee cimftcratedfor eucr,, to be hisdeputtesm his!l:ead toofier facrifi:c themthat arefan&ifted: andagame,Chrijfw<U , 4 • cAn[We mullconfider Chri!l two waics: I. onceofferedto tak.,•way thefins ofmany. And it Heb,~. ai'be isGod:I l· as he is Mediatour.As he is feruethtoouer<hrow the abhomi\uble facri- 1~. God with the Father & with the holy Ghofl:, lite of tlle Malfe in which the true bodie hee hath Kings and MagH\rares to be his deand blood of Chril'c is oftered vnder rhe puties on earth: an~ therefore they ;\re called D formes of bread and wine,reallyand (ubfl:anEiohrm,thatts,godr.B,itas he is Mediator,and tially (as they fay) for the remifsionOf the fo~onfequenrlya pnell and aKmg, he hath linnesofthe quick and rhe dead,andthatconneither depu.tte nor viccgere.nt : neither :King tinually : but if this vnbloody facrifice of to.rule In his !l:ead oner Ius. Church , .nor ~hri!l be good, then is it either the continu~ prtofl:s to offer facnfice for hm): nay he hath mgofthat which was bogun cm the ctolfe by no Prophet to be his deputy, as hee is the doChrifl: himfelfe , or the iter>tion ot it by the Cl:our oft~e Church. And therefore he f.tith malfe prie!l:.N<>w letPapi!ls chufe whether of :o hiS dtftlplesobe not caned do(l:ours,for one thefe two they wil,ifthey fay lt is the ccitinuuyourd.fJour. Indeed he hath his minillers to ingoftbe'lacrificc ofChrifi,then they fpeake teac~ men hiswil:butadeputy ro·ofi:.'< factiourragious blafphemy:for it is in effdl: to fay lice u1J.11s ficad heHat9 not. Andrncrfore we that Chrifis facrilice was not p<rfeel, but m~yw!th good COI)fcicne< abho:·rc the mafonely b"egun on the crolfe, &mufl be •ccomfing r,ne!lhood qftqe Church of Rome, as:t pli!bed by rhe maffe prie!l to·the end of the thing fetched from tlic bottomi:"of hell , and world.If thefaffirme the fecond that it is:m rheir.m.Jfs~ng prietr's asinH:rumenc.sofSat:ln; iterationofChriU:s f<Icri:fice, rhe,n alfo they ----h-ol_d_m_g-thi_s_fo_r= v~r~,!.':~i-th,th~~c haue,Euf fpeake blafphemy: f~r i1ereby they mak_~_fo_t I___ p{:U.S%,