1.2.0 Chrifls .An Expojition ·Sacrifice, alfo an imperfit facrifice, becaufe it is repea- A ofChrifl:.He was boththeprie!t,the facrifice; tedand iterated: forvpon this ground doth and the altar: the facrifice, as he is man; the the auther to the Hebrewes prooue, rhat the priefl:,as he is both God and man;the altar as facrifices ofthe old refl:ament were imperfit, he is God.The prbperrieofanaltar,i<to fan· J becaufc they were daily offered.And wheras tl:ifie the facrifice:as Chri!t faith, Tefooles and Mat.>;., they fay there be two kinds offacrifices, one blindn•herherugreaterthe offmng, or thealtar bloody once onely offered vpon the cro£fe: thatfonCiifieihthcoffering!NowChrillashcis theother vnbloody,which is daily offered: I God,fantl:ifieth himfeltcashewasman: and anfwer, that this dif!intl:ion bath no ground therefore (~aith he)for their fok!J[anfJijie I my Iolw. outof Gods word: neither was it known to ftlfe,by domgtwothmg~: J. by feuing apart 19• Heb,,,u the holy Gho!t who faith, that without bt.od the manhood to be afacnficevnto his Father there uno remifsion offtnnes. for our linnes. Il. by giuing to this facrifice The third que!tion is , what is tpe fruit of nicrit orefficacytode!crueatGodshands rethis facrifice.An[.The whole effctl:thereofis milSionofour !inncs: the manhood ofChri!l: contained in rhefe fourt things: I.rheoblatio withourrhe godhead hath no venue noreffiof Chri!t purgeth the beleeuer from all his B cacy initfdfetobea mericoriousfacrifice:& {iAnes,whether they be originall or atl:ual: fo therefore the dignitie and excellencie which itis faid,Ifwcwal/tinthe light,we baHt fellow]hip it hath isd<riued thence.As for the chalkie& 1 Ioh,r,7 l one with another.- andthe blood of IefmChrift hi< fioni• altarsofthe Church ofRome,theyare fonne purgethvsfomalljinne: whether they be nothing elfc but the toyes of mans braine. linnes ofomifsion in rcg1rd ofour duties:or Chrifi himfelfeis the ondy reall alrar ofthe ofcomrrifsicn in doingeuill.II.the oblation new te!tamenr. And in fieadof altars Which ferueth for the iu{htymg of a /inner before were vnder the law, we haue now the Lords Rom. !• God,as Pautfaith, We are iujlijiedbyhi< bt.od, table whereon wccelebrate the facramont of 10 • andare reconciledto Godby hi< death. his body and blood,to !hew forth his death This being here remcbred, that in thepafsitill ne come. on ofChrifr we include his legal obedience, The fourth point, is concerning the time of wherby he fulfilled the llwfor vs.!lJ.theob· l Chrifis oblation, which he himftlte ~alleth Lok,.,,. lation ofChrifl: fcrues to purge men' ~on(ci. the acceptable yeareofthe Lord:alludrngvnl,.,, 1 , encesfrorodeadworkcr;HowmuchmDrethe, to another yeare vndcr the law callt4thc 1a. ~ Jl•althe bloodofChrift,whichrhrough th. eternal! yeareofiubile,whichwaseuery fiftieyeare•· He ' 9 '' 4 ' Jjnrit offeredhtmjilf<~vith•ntfpotto God, pur,y,e C mong the !ewes, in which at the founde cfa ' y our cqnftiencesfom deadworf<ts to ftruerhe titrumpetall that had fetor fold their pcfi'efsiuing God! 1 V .the oblatio.o o. Chn'l procures ons recei~ed them againt:allthat wer<bondvs tibe. tV to enter into hea:rrn, By thebt.odof men were then fet at Jibertie. TI1is !ubile was ~~~ ro, -~t;YJ,;'f::::..7ti:~~:;.;; :;;:h'z;~;~~;~ ~::t~i:~:::.?~:~tb;~r1a~~:7s~~.:~:~g partdfor vs throughthe vcile,rhatu,huflejh. By was nctteporarie deliuerance foreuery fifty our finnes there 1s a partitio11 wall made oeyeare,butan erernall freedome from thebontweene God and vs : but Chri!t by offering dage oflinne,hell,death, andcondemnation. himfelfc vpon the croffe, hath beaten downe And the preaching ofthe word is the trumthis wal,opened heauen,& aslt wete,train:d pet founded which proclaimeth vn,co vs tree• theway withhis ownblood,whcrby we may dome from thekingdome ofdarkendfe, and enter into the kingdome ofGod, & without inuites vsto come and dwell in perfetl:peace the which we cannot enter inat all. with Chrifl: himfelf. Well,iftheyeue ofperThe !all: que!hon is, how.this facrifice may petual Iubile be nowcofne,in whata wretched be applycd tovs.Anf The mcanes ofapplye!late are all our loofe'ani:l blind people that ing this Crcrificebe two. J, the ~andof God D e!teemenothiRg ofthat liberty which is oflc– whichoffererh. I!. the handofthe beleeqer I red tothem,but choofe rather ro hue mthetr thatrectinetlithe facrifice offered. The hand , linnes, and in bondage vnder Satan and con. ofGod wherbyhe offereth vnto vs his b~ne- ~ demnation,then to bea: freedomc in Chri{l? fit,is the preaching ofthe word,& the admiN~w foUow the vfes which are to bemade. niHration ofthe facraments,bapttfme,& the ofthe facrificeofChri!t. The prophet -4U"' I Lords {upper: an,d wherfoeue~ thefe hisholy faith, that the fe.cond.remp.le built by Zomb- Agg,:+ ordinances are nghtly admnuffred & put m babe! was nothtng m beauty vnfo the firfr praClife , there the Lord puts forth hishand 1 which was built bySalomoit: & the teafon tS I vnto vs,. ando.tfcreth mofl freely the vertue i plairn:,(forasthe Jews write) it wanted fille , and benefit of the death of"Chrill. And then 1 things which thefirfl: templehad:I.the appea· in the next place commeth, the hand of the ' ring ofthe prefc:nce of God at the nierc~ feat beleeu<r whicli is f.lith in the heart; wllich, l betwccne the two Cherubins,IJ.theVnn\ & when God oftereth, doth apprehend and re- ~ Thummim on the brea!l;-.pbte of the high ceiue the thing offered,...,d makeit ours. '- Priefl:.IJJ. the infpiration ofthe holy Ghofl: The third thing to be fpoken ofis, the ~1vpon extraordinari< Prophets. I I I I. the tar whcrcon Chrifl:oftercd himfelfo. The al- l Arkeofthe Couenant:forthatwas loll: in the t•r was not the croffe,but ratherrhe godhead captiuity.V .firefrom heauento burne the f•- crificc•.