Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

trifices•yet for all.this,the-ProP.het1fterwar4: -~ ~~~facriftc~s Jis the cle@e-offering_ wh1:h.i:s tht:: MJt.t 1 •· I Chrifls -------;fthe [reede. Sacrifice ll.l faith; Thegwricofthe tajlhouftJh:z!lbeegreqtcr ltfnnll Vf> ol fU" h.wdf to God without >yuth 1 Tuu,,, Agg,:,:o then thefirjl. Nowit may be dem,,.u.nded,how.. or d.oubrm. g :nour prax.~«:. alfo out bo . . sl!f, &: 8. l . boththefe fayings can !land rogu:her. A'!/'JJ1. (oules,our hea.ts and a.lfetlwm,the worke! o~ We are ro know• .that the (eco!'<! rempk )'/"'' our.lines, ~nd theworkes. <>four c~)liugs:,aJr !landingin the time when ChnlE was ~rue•~-. , W~Ic~ mull.?< dedicatoo;to the feru!fe ofGoGI ed for our finnes; and it>was the fac;tfice o~ ' for hiS glorte!'lod the good oflus Churcb.The Chriff which gaue glorte and 9•gnme to rhe. alte~ whereon wee 11'\llfr.f>li':r our f;.c;rJfi,ee, IS. fecond temple, though orherwtfefor bud~g- ' Chnfi o"r· Redeeme~ both God and;ma!l,be- :~~h~u~~fr.1~~b~~~~t~~;:,~~~~~~:::f;~~~I~. ~d!;~ ~~ev;::fi~~~~~tld;,~:~b:df:.~~~~~~d ~:~;8; j.' we would bring glorie vntoour owne felues,• makestt ac. ceptablew God. The tn1~1!lersof 1c, vnto our houfes and kindred either before. the Gofp,el arealfo mthts manner pnefh, as Godor before men we mufl: labour to be par~ P~ul infinuateth·when he call~th the q emiles Rom.1,.. takersofthe facrifi~e ofChrlft,ancfthe fprillk• , hisejferingvnto God. And~he preachingofthe •6. lingof his blood to purge our hearts.' This is B word is~sit were a facrificing.knife,W_jlereby the thing that brings renowne both to place the old .AJammull bee killed mvs; ·and woe and perfon, how bafe foener we be in the eyes made an holy and acceptable f'veet ftnelling ofthe world. Secondly,all oblations&meate oblation vnto G 0 D _, fancWied by the holy offerings were fprinkled with [ale, & enery.U-. Ghofi. Therefore euery one that-. hcareth Lcu,>.JJ crifice ofpropitiation whichwasto be burned Gods word preached and taught,mu!\ indeaE•"· 4!· to alhes,was tir!lfalted: & h~rt;bY two thinlls uour that by the profitable hearing <herof, his 14· are fignified.The firft,thateuery one ofvsour . fu,mes and whole nature may be fubdued ancl Ezcch. felues are loathfome or vile in the fight of ktlled;asthebeafi was_flain_.:and G.crificedvp· :6+ God; like vnto !linking carion.or raw flc!h, on the alter by the hana ofthe Lcuite. Lafrly kept long vnpowdered. A dead &'rottencarthe exhortation of the holy Ghofr mufl her; Cal.4.cJ. Manb.s. lj, keis is loathfomc vnto vs : but we our fclues. be confidered:Seeing(faith he)weehaucanhigh are a thoufand times more foatqfome vnto Priejl, whichisoucrthchouftofGod, letwdratr> ~~};,'0 God.The fecond,that we arC as'it were falted neerewith4 rrue heart in ajJUr4nce ofaith, fPrinand made fauorie and acceptable to God by k!•dinour hearnfroma~euillconfticnce, & w•Jb· the vertue of the facrifiee ofChr\fr vpon the eilinour bodies with purewater, The me1ning of cro!fe.Ourduty thenisto labour thatwe may C the words is this, that ifChrifr haue offered feelein our felues the biting and !harpenes of fuch a c,erilice offucn value and price, which the oblationofChrifr, to waft and eonfume procureth pardon offinne, iufrification, fanthe fuperAuities offinne and the corruptions ctification,and rcdemption,rllen wee m~fr Iaofonr nature.And we mufl with ailindeauour, bourto beparrakers ofit; to·haue our bodies that the whole courfe of our liues, and our andfoulespurified and deanfed by his blood fP<ech it felfe begracious and powdered with and'fanaitieathroughout by tj1e holy Gboft: fait, lea!! God ar length fpue vs out of his that thereby we may be m'ade fit to doe (;<rimourh. To this end hath God appointed his fice acceptableto God in Chrifl. is the minillers to be rhe f.tltof the earth, that by vfe whichtheApoiHc makcrh ofthe dochine their mini(\erie they might apply the death of of Chrifrsprie!lhood in that place,which alfv Chrifr, and feafon the people. And it hath euery man !hould apply vmo himfelfe: for pleafed Godto befprinkle this lapd with more why !hould we liue in our fi.nnes and wicked plentie of this fa!~ then hath bin heretofore. waies! euery houre incurring the danger of But, alas , fmallts the number ofthem that Gods 1udgements, fcemg Chrifr hath oflered giue any reli!b of their good fcafouing. The fuch afacrifice whereby wee may bee purged more lamentableistheircafe.For as Ae!b tljat D and cleanfed,and at lengthfreed ftam all woe cannot befeafo~ed with f1lt, p\itri~es:fo11\CU, I and mifc:rie,~ that ea~ not bee f'Yeetened and changed by.! Thus.much of ChriiHacrifice: nowfolthe facnlicc of Chnfr, doe rotte and pen!h 111 1 !owes Ius 'numph vpon the Cro!fe. That Em&; thetr fins. Thewaters that !lfued from vnder Chrifr did triumph when hee was vpon the ~~j:;:•· the thrc!hold of the Sanaoary., when they cro!fe, it is plainly fet downe by the Apofrlc mortucamemtothe(a)dead fea, the waters thereof Paul,where he faith,Col.z,l 4 , 1;.Th..purting we~cholefomc, ~tmyry place~ and man1hes oHt th~hand wr,tmgofordinances tl».t nyuagainjf ~htch conld not.bc fc.tfoned, w;er.emade falt- 1 vs,whichtVM comrarie tovs, he eHen tookEzt rmt 0 . ptts. Now thefe \~atcrs ~re the p_reaching of the wtry, andf.aJI.ened 1t vpon the crojf'e, a.nd·heth the Gofpell of C~nfr! v:luch Rowm!; through JPoyltd theprtne>palitiesandpowers,& hat I>made all the parts!Slfle,Jfttdoe ':ot leafon and jhC!Vofthc"'openly,& bath triumphedoun them change our n.mon, •:!bal m1ke1t as places of . in thefo'!'ccroffo, This. triumph is fet torch by nettles and faltp1ts, andat length pc an occafi1 ·figrics &tefrimonies oftwo forcs.r. l'y fignes on of the.ctornall cur[e of God. Thirdly, of his glorie and maiefrie. l!. By fiopes af Chnfrs pne!\hood femes to m.;ke euery one his viaoric on the Croffc. The figne~of his ofvs alfo t~ be pnefts. And ~ectng pnefrs,wee I g~orie andmaiethe are priru:ipallyfeauen.The mull: hkewlfe halle our facnfice and our alter: ! tirfr, is the ride fet oucrj]is head vpon the crofie.