Chrifts d nExpofition . . Triumph. \ croife,Ioh.t9·t8. lefi~t ofNa:u~reth ki_ngofrhe A to change the mle,faymg, Wnrenotthe k{ngofl !ewes. The endwhy titles were fer ouer the the lnl!es, b11.t that hefozd> 1amthekingo[tbc Ioh 1If. heads ofmalefaCl:ours was,that t!iebeholders Iewe.: but P•lare anfwered them againe Thar 1"• might know the caufe ofthe punifhment, and which 1htJuewntren 1ha:uewritten. ThoughPi.· be admonifhed to takeheede oflike offences, late had bm oucr-rul<d before to condemne and be llirred vp to adifiike ofthe parties exeChrill to death, againll his owne confcicnce cured for their offences. And therefore n<> yet wil he n?t in any wife c6defced to chtng~ doubt, 'Pilauwrote the title ofChrill forthe the fuperfcnpnon. How comes this to palle? aggrauating ofhiscaufe,& that with hisowne Surely, a• he was ruled by the hand 0 fGod in hand. Yet marke the llrange euentthat folpenning it,fo by tbe fame hand ofGod ..las lowed:forwhen'Pi/atewas aboutto write the he confirmed in not changing it. Hence wc'i: fupcrfcrirtion, God did fo gouerne andouerlearne fundry inll'ruCl:ions. Firll.that no man rule both his heart and hand , that in !tead of In the world , let him indeauour himfelfe to noting fome crime,he fets downe a moll glo the vttermoll ofhispower, is able to fl:opthe riousand worthy title,calling him,/<[Hto[Na c.,u fe ofthe kingdome ofG 0 D : it llands z_amhk..ingofehe /ewes: whichwords containe lirmeana lllre, and all theworld is not able to the very fumme and pith ofthe whole Gofpd B preuaile againll it. Secondly, whereasPilar< of Chrill, d.;liuercd by the Patriarkes and bemg buta heathen man was drus conllant Prophets from age to age. We mull not think thathe will notbaue his writing changed; w; that Pilar<did this ofany good mind, orvpon may note, how permanent and vnchangeable any loue orfauonrchat he bare to Chri{t; bu: the writings of the holy word of God arc. onely as he was guided and ouer-ruledby the They are not the words ofheathen men, but power ofGod fortheaduancementofthc ho. were fpokeo by the mouth of the prophets & oour and glory ofChrill. The like didCaiphM Apollles, as God gaue them vtterance. The who though a fworne enemy to Chrift, yet he booke of Scripture therefore is much more Yttereda prophecie ofhim, faying, loh.n 10 immutable, fo as no creature fhall be able to ThatitwMneccf[arythatoncjhoHiddieforthcpeo change the !call part of it till it be fulfilled. pie: not that he had any intent to prophecte : Thirilly,by Pi/amconllancie,welearne to be but becaufe the Lord vfed him as an inllruconfl:ant in the praCl:ifc and prof<fsions ofthe mentto pnblifh his truth. Am' hen BaLtam religion ofChrill.- this isa nece!fary leifon for for the wages ofvnrighteoufne!ti: would haue thefe daies, wherinmens profcfsions do fleete curfed thi: Lordspeople, for his life he could like water, and go&come withthe tide. Mauot;nay,all his curfings were turned intoblef- C ny zealous profeifcnrs to day, buttomorrow fings. By this then it appeares, that it is not as cold as water. And the complaint ofthe pofsible for any man, doe what he cao,to fiop Lord touching times pall,agrces to ourdaits: thecourfe oftheGofpellofChrill:nay,(aswe Ofe.6+0Ephraim,Whatfha/11foyto thee?thy fee)God can raife vp the wicked fometi11eto rzghuoHJn'.fe uilk; themorningd..,.. fpread abroad & to p.,blifh the truth, though the f<cond is, the conuerJion0fthe theefe: they themfelnes intend the contrarie. Fura moll worthy argument ofthe God-head of thermore let vs marke that when the Iewes Chrill.For by it when he was vpon thecroife did moll of all intend to bring difgrace & isand in the very middell ofhis pafsion,hegiues nominie vpon our Sauiout Chri<l; then did vnto all the Worldaliuely andootable experitbey moll ofall extol! and magnifie his name; enceofthe verrue and power ofhisdeath,fo they could not for their liues haue ginen him as his very enemies might not ondy behold amoreren~wned title then this, that he was the pafsi011 it felfe, but alfo at the fame time I kingofthe !ewes. And the fame is thecafeof aclznowledgethe admirableeflicaciether<of. all rile members ofChrill:for let a man walke Add therefore with the pafsion of Chrill, we in a good confdence before God and man, he mull ioyne the conuerfionofthe theefe:which I fl1all findethis tobetrue,that when he is moll D is as it were achrillallglaife wherein we may I difgraced i10 the world, then commonly he is fenfibly behold the endlesmerit andvertue of moft honoured with God and men. the obedience ofChrill to his Father, euen to · Forther,'Pi/are wrote this fuperfcription in the death Of the croife. And therefore I will ! I . three lanacage.., Hebrew, Greeke, and Labriefly touch the fpeciall inllruCl:ions which t i tine.Anlno doubttheend thereofin theproare to be learned by it.Firll, let vs marke that · 1 1 1 I uidence of God was, that the pafsion of both thethceuesin euery refpeCl: werecquall, • Chrill,as alfo the pnblifhing ofhis kingdome both wicked and leud liuers:& for their noto- ' I and Gofpell might be fpread ouer the whole riousfaultsbothattached, c6demned, &exe- , I I world. Thi~ fhewes.the maliceofthe Church cured both on thecroife at the fame ume with of Rome, which will not fuffor tl1e word of Chnll: yet for all thts,the onere~entmgwas 1 , 1 t God to bepubli(hed but in the Latinetongue,,rhe orherwasnor. And in their two t'xi !call the people fhould bee emangled irr eramples we fee the llate ofrhe whole world, J' J rours. whereofone part is cholento life eternall:and 1 Againe, whenP ilate had thus written the thereupon artaines to faith and repentance in I I ft1perfcription, the high Priells and Pharifees this liie: the reil are reieCl:ed in the eternal! ofrfnded.tberear, cameeo Pi/ate, willing him counfell of GodJor iufl: caufes known t~ him• J -·--'---- fdfe:,_1 - -r-- - -