Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~o the [hrijiian 'R.eader. V)l-'::!:"<;{j%1'£l: HR IS T I AN Reader, _there are at this day foure fouersll opinions of 4.opini~ns the order ofG?.d• Prcddlmatwn. The firllrs, ofthe olde and new Pela. of P."d ,_ gians; who place thecaufl·s of Go~s PredeHin2tion inman; in that they fiiu;mon, holde, that God did <>rdaine men either to life or death, acwrding as hee 1 • did fore-fee, that they would by their naturail Free-will, eyther rei<-ct or rec~iuegrac;olfa:eJ. The fecond of ihem, who (offome) are reanned •· Lutherans; which teach, that God for.c:-fedng, how all mankinde being lhut vp vnJer beliefe, would therefore reie(j; grace dfcred, did hrr, up on purpofeto choofe fome to faluation ofhis mecremercie,wirhout any refp,CI: oftheir laithor good "'orkes,and t}le reft to reiea, beeingmooued to doe this, becaufehe' did c:ternalk fo1c- Re that they would reietl: hisgrace olfered them in the Gofpcll. The third Semi Pe!agian Papiils, 3· whichafoibe Gods predeilin~tion, p:utly to mercy, and partly to mens fore-ftene prop1rations andmeritorious workes.The fourth,offuch as t<ach,toat the caufe ofthe cxecwion ofGods pt<· 4 • ddlination,ishis m..ercy in Chrifl,iothem which arcfau:d;and in them which pcrifh,rhe [;;.l,!·o.:C corruption ofmaa:yer fo>as that the decree and eternal! counfeliqfG.od,conccrr.iog thtnl both~ bath not any caufe beftdes his will a~d pleafure. Ofthefe loure opinions, the three former I labour to oppugne,aS: erronious,and tp maintaine the laft,as being truth, which wlll beare weight in theballanceofthe Saot!uary. Afurtherdifcourfe whereof,here'I make bold to olfcr to thy godly confidcraticn: in readin~ whereof,regard not fo much the thiyg it fclfe penned very flendcrir,as mifleiotent and affuS:ion: ·who defire among the re!t, tof>fl my mite into thetre•furie ofthe Church ofEngl•nd, and, lor w•ot ofgold,pearle,andpretiou~fiQ~.tQb.ring a~I)J'fl<;~ $kinn9 orrw'aine,>nd a httle Goatcs haire,t:9 the budding ofthe Lords t'!hi:rnacie, Ex•d. 3Pl· ' The Father ofour Lord Iefus Ch~illgrant,that according to theriches ofhis~!cry,thou m•ifi be ilr<ngthened by hisfpiritin the jnner man,that Chri!l may dwell inthy heart by faith ;to the en~ that thou beingrooted aod gcopnded in loue;maiell be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is thebreadth,end length;and height thereof; and to know the loueofChrifi which palftth knowledge, that rhoa waieft be lille~ with all fuloe!Te ofGod. Amm. Farewell,lll£123.the-yeare ofthela!lpatienceofSaints. x 59 z. Thine m Chri£1: Iefus~ William Perk.Jns. B z.