Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

2.86 Ofthe dnExpoftion Church, J d~ption,,it appeares by that which Saint Paul A letho~thenameofthe Lorddepart frominiquitie: 1 fmh.~.T•m+S.thartheml!>ll<>{r.ghteoufoesu that IS, let men inuocate rhe name of God laidvpfora/1thethat lo~<ethe.ppearing_ofChrijf. praying ferioufiy for things whereof the; The outwardtoken ofadoptton, IS 'JI{_ <ll>·•- fiand in ncede,withall giuing thankesanddebedience , whereby a man indeauours to obey parting from all their former finnes, and,this Gods commandements in his life and con- !hall be vnto them an infallible token, tl'!lt: uerfation:as Saint Johnfaith,t.loh.>.;·Here. they arein the cleaion ofGod. Thirdly, i"- bywee arefore that wee k(tow him,if"'' f<eepe hit outward obedience is required thatitproceed commanJements. Now this obedience mull from the whole man,t. Thetf.;.q,astherenot be iudgcdby the rigour ofthe moralllaw, generation which is thecaufe ofit, is through [or then it ihould be no token ofgrace,but rathe whole man in body, foulc, and fpirit. Ather a mcanes ofdamnation : but it mufr bee gaine, obedience is the fruitofloue, and loue efiecmed and confidered as it is in the accepis from a pureheart, the good confcience and tationofGod, Mal. P7·who(Pamth•mthat faithvnfained. ' S~ quod 'fearehim, tU aFatherJParu an obedientfonne; eThus wehaueheard rhe tefiimoniesand to· .,. non ' lleeming things done not by thecffea & ab- B kens whereby a man maybe.: certified in his b':::· fa. fulutedoing ofthem, but by the affeaion of confcience, that hec was chofen tofaluation llumcu. the doer. And yet lefiany man lhould here be before all worlds. Ifanydefire further rcfoput:u. deceiued, wee mufl know thatthe obedience, Iution in this point, Jet them meditatevpon Aug. which is an inf•llible marke of the childe of the.15. P&lmc,and lirfr EpifrleofS.Iohn beGod,mofi be thos qualified.Firfiofall,it mull ing parcels of Scripturepenned by the Holy notbe done..tnto fomc fewof Gods commanGhofi for this end. dements , but vnto them all without exceptiHere fome will demaund, how a man may on. M ar.6.2o. Herodheard l•hnBaprifr wilbealfuredofhis adoption,ifhe want the tefrilingly,and did m:\nythings: and {ueluhad exmonie ofthe fpirit to certifie him thereof. ccllentthingsin him, as appeares by this, that .Anfw. Fire is knowne to be no painted but a hewas contentto Jeaue al & to follow CJ.rifr, true lire, by two notes, byheate, and by the & he preached the Gofpel of Gods kingdome flame: now if the cafe fall out that the fire in !uricas well as the refr:yctalas, all this was wanta flame,it isfiillknowneto be lire by the nothing: for thconecou!d not•bide to !leheate. Inliliemanner,aslhaueliid,therebee come obedientto the feucnth comm:idement twowitoelfesofour -<loption,Godsfpirit,and in lcauing his brother Philips wife;and the o- C our fpirit:now ifit falout that a man feele not t)ler would not Jeauehiscouetoufnos,tody for theprincipal], which is the fpirit ofadoption, it. Vprigh~& fincere obedience doth inlarge he mu(hhen haue recourfe to the fecond wititfelfe to all thecommandcments, as D•uid celfe, and fearchout inhimfdfethefignesand faitl>t Pftl.tr9.6.lfh•llnotbe·corrfounded, when tokens ofthe fanailication ofhis ownc fpirir, ( haucrefPell toaD tlry commandemener. And: S. by which he may certainely a!Wrehimfdfe of [Amcs ! inond4'W btsadoption,as weknow fire to be lire by the Ug~ilrycfa/J: that is, the oL>cdi.ence to many heate,thoughit want aflame. commandements is indeede before God no Againe it may be demaonded on this manobedience,but a flat fin,ifa mac wittingly and ncr: how ifitcc?metopolfethatafteringuiry, v.;illinglycarrie a purpofe to omit any oneduwe find but'tew fignesof fanflificationln our tyofthe bw.He that reF<nts ofone finne tru· felues..Anflnthis cafeweare to hauet:~courfe ly, doth repent ofal:& he that liues but in one to the leafi meafure ofgrace,lelfe then whirh, knowne finnc withoutrept:ntancc, thoughhe there is no faning grace; andit fiands intwo pretend ncuer fo much reformation of life, thi"gs: an hearty difiiking of our finnes beindeede rcpcms of no fin.Secondly,thts, obccaufetheyarefinnes, aadade!ircofrcconcili. dience mufr exr<ndit felfe tothcwholeco•rfeif D ation with God in Chrifr for tilem all: and nm•nslifcafter his conucrfion and repentance. ! thcfe are tokensofadoption,ifthey be found. Wee mnfr not iudge of a man by an aelion or ly wrought in the heart, though all other totwo, but by the tenourofhis life. Such as the kensfor the prefent fecme to beewanting. If courfc ofa mans life is,fuch is the man:though any!hall fay, that a wicked man hath thisdehe, through thccormption ofhis nature,_ faile fire,asBa!Mm,whodefired todiethedearhof in thisorthat particuhraai6, yetdothtt not the righteous: the anfweris, that Ba/aaminpreiudice hisefrate before God,fo be it he redeeddefired to die as the righteousmandoth, nne his repentance for his fcuerall /Iippes and but hee could not abide to liue as the rightef,Js not lying io any fitme; and withall from ous; heedefired theende, but not the proper yeare toyearc walke vnblamable before God fubordinate rneanes which tend vnto the end: and mcn.S. Pa11l faith,2·Tim. 2·1 9·Thefounda, asvocation,iuil:ification, fantl:ificacion,repCI r.io11 o[G'odrem.1mrtbjiwe: theLordJe!owrthwho . ranee.~&c. the firfi is the worke ofnature,thc I <re 1":'. Now fomc might herellpon £ty, lt I fecond is the worke ofgrace. Now I fpeake IS true indeede, G 0 1.) knowcs whoare his; I not this to make men fc:cure and to content but how may.I bee o!ftutd in my felfe, that1 themfelues with thefe fmall beginnings of amh1s?ro tb sdemaund,as Itake tt, Pliltl an- ~ grace, but onelyto fl1ew how any may affL:J:e 1 (~e!:_S inrl:e"~1:xt wotd~_:_ ~:!" cue_ry cmethat cat. tl)emfelues th::tt they are at the leafi b~b:r:~~ \ - - --------.-- ---- --··-