and ., - oftheQ·eede. Prede!linatiori. 'i87/ ChriO: : addingthis wltha!l. tb~t th_ey whicn ,A top-f~ilcs, for the .w~"d ofGod f;n·~ a;i' I hauc no more but theft fmal begmnrngs mull11 fn platne,tearmes. 1 re A'po/He !ude1p,eak!ng be c~refull toincrcafe them, l><x;aufe he whic~ .l offalf<.\'rophetsfaith, ?~d~ 4· th;t t~ej wer~ o[l gocsnotforward.goes backward• .· , •ldord•med rorhudamnattim. And 'J'aulliitth 1 c LaO:ly, it may be demanded-w~ar a !J1ill): 1 mernphartcalltt:armes ~. ~om. 9·"; that G~t{ l lh.ould doe ifhe want ooth .the relhmo. nte of 'I ma/(ts'IJtjJlliofwr•rhP.r'J.•~•r/·tod~ftiUir,.;n~ >.Cor, 4 Godsfpirit andhisowncfpirlt; and ·P.aueoo, fomeartnlefled; wh<;>1!1Ht'Oppdfer~¥81:ficm l• Th er meanes in the world ofa!Tu.anco? .A>f111.' lile whkhare~le<'!ed rofilluii~on. · .... J j 1 ;· 11 .," ~ l ;: 9 , 13 : 1 1 mu!!: not vtterly;defpaire, but be refolued of The ll!cond pdmt is; ~he tmpulliuecauf<;tna~ this, that though he want allilrance now; yet! ~ooucd Godto fct doW\ie tl:is dccree~":l<'er• 1 l he' may. ol;,taine the fame hereafter. Andfu~hI n!ng htfl creatur~, and-th~t Wa$ natht.~.ot; of 1 mufl:,he aducrtifcd to hcare the"word ·of God! , h1mfe!fe; l)ut·htsvery."Ltlbnd ptcaiure. He.e · preached:and beingolit)vardly'of\he Church hardened Ph~raoh 'f~h 'iinall-har~~!fe ?f Nr«:eiue the Sacramcnts. When wee haue 1 heart, b~caufe hee woold :•-and:thdreffi,e.hee ~atetocGmeihtd~he Lords vine?;ard, an~ to decreed to dpe fobec•ufe jle would•.' And OQr , 1 conuerfeaboutthe winecprc!fe;·wdhall 61tde : Samour ChnO: fatth, Tth"".k! thee, 0 Fttther, Mar.u, the fweete juyce of heaueltly grace pre!fep B Lordof htaum•nd <~'~"'"'·-bteaufo thou b4fo hid '5• forth vnto vs pletttjfolly by the word and Sa-. theft rhlngifr•mtht"fifi,;~menof"Jndeff/•ndinl, craments, to the comf.ort ofour tonfctence's,. andhAjl open~drhem vnte ~kbl!.5. ·But vpon what .cpncerning Gods dettion. This 'one mercy,: caufe did God fo? It 'lollbwes in rhe nexo that God bythefe .meanes i<>fome part re-; Words, vcrfo6 •. (t· wfo( OFather, b<ellli[<fhy ucoleshis mercy;.is vnfpeal<able. When lick'-, good ple4furc u fltchl"And•ifit be in tlle pow, nellc or the day ofdeath come~·; 'th~ de~refi:o' er and libert ie ofa m~n to kill an cxc or a feruants ofGod , it may bee; nitiO: enc6untet fhc.epe for hisvfe,to huntand kill the hare and withthctemptatib1ls ofthcdiai:It,and·wrafl:le ' partrioge-'for his·pl<'afu/t"; then much more m coufciencewith the wrath .,,ddifpleafi~t; without.iniuibce may itbei,n the will and liof God, as foi' life ana death : ·and !'o ritim ~ -berty offhi: ~reator to re{ttfe and ·fi>rttke his kn9weth how 1teiribl• tliefe thingsare, bill: creature ftl't his glory. Nay, it frands moTe ;qofe which bade fdt them. Now whe~'ffie'lt wirh.equiti,eathouflnd fold, that al!(h~ cr~:.i~ walke thus through. the valkyofthelha~w Lure~ in htaltt·n ant! earth fhouldiointly feni'e ofdeat/J , vnlelle God fhould xs it were open I tofer forth the glotie and maiefrie.ofGod the heauen, and 'frreame downe 'vnto vs in thi~ Cteatbr~thejret'ernalldeO:ru<'lion;'-then·the world fomdightfome beames·bf.his loue·ia c , ibi~ingbf-a !lie or the killing of aflea fhould .Chri{t by the operation ofhis fpirit, mifera• ' fcrue for the dign!tie ofall tl)en in rhe world. blewe~e the cafe euenofthe righteous. . '·· ' FMa:Il this\ tl!ought by verymany to bee · Thusmuchof.Eledion, nowfollowesRe• 1 veryhl!rd t" a're'ribeVIIto God who is full of prolwiolt ; in handling whereofwe are to ob• bounty and mercie, fuchadecree, and th~t vp~ leruethree things,!. what it is. IJ.'how God on his will: ~u~ let v~ fee their reafons. dothexccure thiS decree. I I I. how a m•n ·Ftrllofalh.hey iay,tt tsapo!at ofcruelty with mayiudge ofthe fame. God to purpofe to create a great part of the For the firO: , R•probation.u GodJ tkret, in world to damnation in hdl fire: the anliver'is which bec~uf< it[<pleaftd him, he hath.purpofodro that by the vertue ofthis decree God canno~ rifuftfome·men bpne4ncs of AdamsfaOIVId thtir be faid tocreate any to damnation, but to the ownecorruptions,forth<manifeftationofhuiuftice. mamfeO:atioH ofhts iulljee & glory inbis dite Ftril, Ifay, it is a decree, and that is euident and deferucd damnation:. antl thedou1g ofthis thus: Ifthere bee an eternall decree ofGod, is abfolurc iufl:ice. Secondly it is' alleadged · whertby he choofeth fome men, then there that by this meanes God fhall hate his owO:, mull needs be another whereby he doth palfe creature, and that before it is: outit iSan vrr• by others and refufe them. For ele<'lion al- D truth. Wee muil diilinguiib betweene Gbds.. wa'ics i•nplies a_refufall. Againe, what God purpofe to hate, and al'l:tt~li hating. Now itrdoth m ttme, toat he decreed to doe before deede God before all worlds did purpufe to ttme: as the cafe fals out euen Wtth men of hate fome C«atures: and that iuO:ly to farre meane wifedome,. who firO:ofallintend with forth as his hatingot'.them will fcrue for the rhemfcluesthcthtngsto bedone, and afrcr do manifeO:ation of his iuO:ice< but hee neither them. ButGod in time refufeth tome mea as hates them indecde , uor loues them before rhe ScriptureteO:ifieth,and irappearethto bee they are: and therefore a<'!udl hatted comes true by the euen~? Therefore God before all not in till afterthe crearioR. WhomGOdhath worlds decreed the reie<'ling of~omemen. decreed to loue,them, when they are once ereNowm thts decree foure potots. are to bee ated, hce begi11s to loue in Chrifl: with acrna!I con!idered. The firfl: is, the matter or obie<'! lone: aud whombee bath decreed tohate them thereof, 1vhic~ isthe thingdecreed, uamely,, beingonce created,he hates in .:,.4dam ,;itli a~ therete<'!IOnof fome~entn refpett of merttuallhatred. Thirdly itisobiccted, that by cte, or, the mamfdtat!Oll of hts m!hce vpon thtsdoetrme God 0Jall betheaulhor ofiinne· them. Thi! may feemc firange to mansreafon, forhee whichordaii1esro the end o_rdainC:s t~ but here we muil withalJ!ubmiiSionllrikcour th':_l_neanes ofthe end: bur God~rdaines men ------------------~----.:B~b >:_:·--~----