Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

l .. ""~=' I ~:::-!T. ·t"•ti.· ., . Of.the J :z.88 .An 8xpojition Chur.oh, to the.cnd.t-hat is damnation: therefore he or- A th~ very wil o£Gcid it fclfe is caufe fufficicint;ir dai,ies,t;hem to the,mcancsthereof, rha\ is fin. b.c1ns, the abfoluterule ofiullice. Andrhoagh Anf. T~e,propofitiol!~cing thus vnderllood, '."~~ 10,not d1fcerlio the equity and 'bee wh~ch oqlalQCS-a,man to an end-, in the mlhceof Gods will in this eoint,yet may wee fa111e order and manner ordaines :hii1l to the no.tthereupon.condede thauhcreforeioist'nJllean~s, is,falfe, ;,j1lay OOUJ:\Iained to iu~. The funi!Q)nay !hine clearely,though the ~~<-fp<;lfimply, tljoendpcingfimplygood;& bhnde man fee it nor. And it is a Hat milla'- ycr notbe fimply or<;la\,n<;d '-o the meanes,be- ·king to imagine that irhingmull firll ofall:Qe .c~'lf~Jh;y, may bee eui~ in themfelues, and lu1Un1t felfe, and then aftcrw.ard be willed of onJ',f~goQdinparr,na'liSlY, fofarforrhas they _Gj>d. Whcreas.coutratiwife, God mull: firn ,biui, rJ;[('!'Cl: of good,<:in the miode of1hc ~11~ thing,before it ca11 be iufl:. ThG,,~ill-of ordainer. Secondly,rhealfumptiq~is falfe;for .God dpth noto!lepend vpo11the qualitiyJ'and t)l':lltr,reame ~nd_<>fGods counfel isJI.ot damnjture of!he>thing,_but th~ qualitiesofthings natt'IIJl~ut the declaration ofhis iulli~e in the J,ll order of_eauli!s iollow .Jwwdl ofGod.Por iu!I deltr~iCl:ion ofth• ~r_s:ature: 9eirhe,r doth ~uerything.i_saliG,odwils i_~Lafl:ly,•· G?~4e<!re,c man~d~lflttation as it i~amnatiled an- apJOlut<;'deeree, ..b$:caufe it is done · on. th~tis, the mine o~manandthe putting of '5 \<titho,utallr,efpeCl: to}Tians fi•ne, thcnwt fill!' himfo~th to peril)lment, but as it is,a real!ex- .denleit te be abfolute. For as G,od condeinnes ecutionofiofl:ic~• .JN{llly,,we•tl]u!i!'lakediman for !inn<!~ fO hee decreed tocondem'ne ftinC!ion betweene finne itfelfe,,aAd the perp~m for,and 0)' bis finne: yecfo, as ifthe que. mds,\'?.O ll,hercof:{!< qetweene;rhe;de,qee ofre- .lhon be-mad~, what ts d!c:.&aufe why beedeieCl:io~, :111d aCl:u~ll ~(l!llnation: now•the per- .crees rath,er i6 'his iufiicc Jto condemne 'this !Jii1Sio'1offinnc,and.not Ctnneitfelfe properly :!!la\1 t[•en ·that man,.no other:reafon can·bee Isthe1Ubordinate meanes ofthede<:ree -rcndred, but his will. " , '. . , ieCl:ioh. For when God had decreedto p,t!ff Tht lafl:pointis, the end of Gods decree, by fonif men,he withal! decreed thepermifsinamely the m.wifefl:ation of'liis iul\ice as Sa· on.o\"fin~e,to which permifsio0 m_c;p wereorf-mon (aith, T/>< f.,ordhathfnil!4 aOthiuJ,for hi& Pro,tl. da!11e;l: .;md finne itfelfe isnoeffed';bu~onely 'l'f'l•fof<t,and the wickz!dfonhuky of•••IJ· ' And '•· the eonfequeptofthe .decree:yet fq;a,s it is not Paulfaich1 that !:iod mad~vc!felsof wtaiilyr. Rom,9· onely the antecedent, but ?l(o the ~flici~Gt. fhewhl4wrath,an!itomak!h_i&powerkz!o•rme,1 • • ''· and meritoriouscaufc-ofa<%uall d~mnatico. 1 , Thus we h•ue feene what Rcptobauon i~ : The, third point, is the reajl_folJ#dat-ipn•of !10\YfollowcHbe Executionthereof, for thai ·the e!'ccittion ofthis decree ,)n iufl:, cor(d~mc o whichGodpeerees before time, in rime he d-. nation,and that is the '10luptaryfall of, ecutes. And here afpedall rule to be rememand ofall his poRerity in[<il)l ,,_wjt!Hhe_f,uit bred is this;T.I;ofewhich are or:d.inedtoiHf/dAm. thereof, the geuerall corrop;#O~J,9fman! nalldfioJ!,are/ikz!wi{eordAinedto belifi to rhemfelu" ture. For howfoeucr Gsx( hath purpofed to iruhi&wor/d.inb1 indneffiofmipfkandhardneffiof refufe men (0 pl~afedhim, yet when harr,fo.uth•,noro•'lreperofrheirfirrs. his purpolc comes rq,executio~, he coqdemThe rruth.oftbis wc.e may fee inGods word.. neth no manb•t for)1is fins: and6nne though ForS. l'mr fpeaking ofthe pridls and Doitwcrc'not in the cou!lfel ofGod an impulfiue flours, lln'd chiefe of rhe pwple am 0 ng the caufe thar mooued him to pJJrpofe a declarati- !ewes,faith;plainely,Thry}tumbledat theword, on ofiufl:ice andiudg~ment, yqt wa·s it a fub- &weredifobedient. Why folthe re•fon is.rhere ordinate meapes ofdamnation: -God in wonfer downe: becauftthry weu ordAinedtoit ofoid. dcrfull wifedomc ordering and difpofing the t\nd foPa•l faith to the Corimhians; thatbe• ex~cuiloof tbisdocrce, fo as the whole blame handkd aot the word ofGod deceitfully, but and f'ault of man>.deltruchon !hould bee in in the declaration of the truth he approoued himfclfe. And therefore the Lord in the Pro· himfelfe to euery mans confcience in the fight phetOftfaith, Hof '3·9· Onehathdej/royed D of God. Now hereupon itmaybefaid: how :hee,bm JwiOhelptther: that is, faluation is of thencomes it to paffe that all receiuc not the God and the coudemnarion of men is from Gofpcl in Corinth; and to this hee nntivers themfelues. ,Now_whereas many depraning with a terrible fentece,_/f(faithhe,I.C•r+ 3.) our doCl:rine fay, thatweafcribe.vnto God an ••r_GoJPeObee hid, " uh1dto them that perijh: ab(Giute decree in which he cloth abfolutdy gmmg vs to vnderfiand, thatGod leaues them ord~ine men todamnation, they may here be to themfelues in this world, whom he purpoanfwered. Ifby abfolute,rhey vnderltand that feth to refufe. And the Lord by rhel'rophet whichisoppofcd to c6ditionall, then we hold efoy faith ofrhc!ewes,Efa.6,9,BJhearmgthry and auouch that al theetcrnall decree! ofGod Jha/1 heare andnot vnfkrj/and. andbyfeeing thry arc fimple o'r abfoJute, and not limited or reJhallfte andnotpercezlle,lej/theyjhouldheamvith ll:raineclto this orthatconditiO~l or refpeCl:. Jf thcsr Mru,andfu wtth the:r eyes~and7mrkrftaHd by abfolute, they vnderfl:and a bate and naked "'iththmhearu,andfoturneandbefoued. decroe without reafonor caufe , then wedeny The vfe ofthis is manifold' fir([ it fcrues_ro Cods .decree to be abfolute. For though the ouerrhrowtheopunonofcarnallmen, wh1oh caufcs thert:ofbe uotknowne tovs, yet caufes reafon thus : If1be ordatned to damnanon, thljr~be, knowncto hirn,andiufi: t:-~eyare:yca let me liue ne~er fo godly and wc11 ~ I am fure J '~----~------------·------------- to_____