Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

and of the [retde. _ Predeilin~fi>n. to be damncd,thercfore Lwill.liueas I liO::fo.r a •Y day tG tflc.p~rt-e.of yods,iuflice; whct};!cr iris nptpofsible for mee waltetGods decree., thou be P<:<!P.ingor waking, ,fining_odlidi.Qg, Blafpliemous mouthes of men make nmhmw as amancQn_t~e fc:a in a frt!F , g_oe~ ~onti;mally ofthls·& likefpeeches, &yec~heyfpeakelfl~t toward t.hf. hauen, though hejlirre not bis contraries. For.whom G6d!1athpurpofud;)ft fog4e•. B.~WplloWat length to.l~Y. thi~ point to his eternal! cotio&lto.rofufe,tlieroalf~.hc hath ypur·hq~rts;ojWa~, fa loqg as yenm OQinyour purpofed for ~1ei~ fins, 'tokaul'!t6 dleblindt blind -w;lie~\wlth9ut r,cJl~nt•n.;c;.,va~l}lnch :Is nesoftheir mmds&.ha.rdnesb(<hctr·!Jcarts,fo te.~anl\_ remake polt~)J~f\_ tP.h<\>;"!ar.dl and fo as..they neither will,nor can liue-algodly,lifc;fl l(>ng-as you cont1q~e •M\l.ef£ 'lMlerail:k$:S(ndi- . Secondly,nhis ruledorh.asi~W.ete,I<ilde vs !JQnla~$.f',tJ!f.Ji"'f1,:• .J'rt,,a:•>· [(I"J'"'dg~?ilmt by tile hand to the coofideration~tbefeare; ~~otfarr•'o/J.~ntlyo~rdp'JPtlli~'!forpe:h.wN.' ful.tllate ofmahy.pel;>pleathon!l V$>IJI'iehao< ~ Tbir<lly.1 'f<eipg1thofc<y,hqm !Jod liath parbad forthe fpace of-thirtie yeeres.and.more Pi>.fc:d t9refu~, fhall•b.~,left·Vnt~ thcmlelues, the!'teachingofthe~ofpelof Chrifl,and.tne ;md nener,co);lle tor~p~!:\\m~<, w~areto.loue moreplentifully by reafon?f the.fchooles of B ,a11d emb~ate the wor!l 6f,~'ld preached; and learning. :But whltrhathbto the tifueoftt? I " taughrvnrovs byche Mlmllers,oftheGofpel: doubt notbut-in many it harh bin'the meanes and.w.i1hall fu.bmitting,oU! till!les vnrd'it, and ofthelt conuerflon&faluation: but to fpeak.e fulforiog.t~e Lore! to huinb)e vsthereby, that geoer-•lly ofthegreater part, ih~re is little or ,we mayoome a~ length 011t-of the·broad way ilo fruitto be feene. The.moll afierthts long ofblinQJle~pfmind, and h;Kdnes ofheardeapreaching remaioeas blind,as impenitent, as ,dmgro~efhudion, il\tO~· O:raitway oftrue hard-hearted,and asvnreformed in thei!lines repentance aNd reformarioiJ,oflife 1 Whi\:h leaas euer they werc,though·they haue-heard the .de_rhtofalparion. For fo as a man Jiues in Lordcalling them to repent~n~e from day to thts worJd.a,fterrhelufl:s o~his owne hoart, he day;a.nd from yeere toyeere. Well,ifthisr~le goes on w~l!<ing in the very fame broad way !;e the truthof God, as nodoubt..itis,.then l ro hell, in \\1l1ich all t~at ar.e prdainedto confay,plainely,that-t\!ere is a moflfeareful iqdg- .?emnatioq walke;and ,;vhat a fearffull thingis ment ofGod among.vs, My meaning isnqt re tt, )>ut fpra htde whtl~ to be a compaoiQn in determine or giue fentence of.any mans perthe way. q(de.flru<'tion »\itlahem that perifh: [0111 ofany towrne; or people, neuenheles this and.rherefor.e I fay onceagaine,ktvs allin the may be auooched, a terrible& dange. feare~fl;l_Qd, lay his.v.rorp Ynto our hearts, & rous flgneofthewrathofGod, that afterthis CJ~.,a{e ttWtth rcuerence, foas tt may bee in vs long& daily preaching,there is flilremaining >he (word ofthe fpirit to ~utdowne the fiRnes a generall hardnes ofheart,impenitencie, and . and corruptions ofour natures, and worke in want ofreformationin the lines ofmen. Ttu: vs a reformation oflife and true repentaoce. Smiths fl:ithy,the moreiris beaten,theharder . , The third point concerning the decree of iris made: and commonly rhe hearts of men, Repr?bation, isthe Ixdgement tobegiHm of it. the inore they ate beaten with the hammer Thts mdgcmenr belogeth to God principally ofGods word,themoredul,fecure,& feni!e!fe & properly, becaufejJe knoweth belt what he the~are. This being fo, it flandseuery man in hath determined c6ccrning.the eflate of<euery bandtolooketohisowneflate.Wearecare• man, and none but he, knowes whorhcy.boe full to flie the infettion ofthe bOdily plague: which areordained to due & deferued.damna. oh then! how carefull fhould we be to !lie the tio. And again, he only knoweth thehearts & common blindnes and hardnesofheart which wilsofmen,&whatg~ace he h'ath giuen them, is the very plag"e ofall plagues, a thoufand- .what they are, and what all their fins be,and fo fold worfc then all the plagues of.IlgyptfAud doth no angell norcreatu~e in the worldbeit isfo much the more fearefull, becaufe the fide. As for men,it bekmgsnotto them to giue more it takes place, the leffe it is perceiued. D tudgement ofrcprobatton m themfelues, or in When> malefa<'tour on the day of Afsife is others,vnles God reueale his wil vmo them,& brought forth ofthe Iayle, witlii;teat bolts & giuethem gift ofdifcerning. The gift was befetters tocome before the Iudge,as heisgoing flowed on fundry ofthe Prophets in the old all men pitie him & fpeake comfortably vnto Teflament, and in the new Tefhmem on the him: butwhyfo? becaufeheisnowtobearApoflles. Da~tidinmanyP!'lmes makethrcraigned at the batrc ofan earthly Iudge.Now <J.Uelt for the confufio·of his enemies,notpraithe cafe ofall impenitent!inners is farre more tngonely againfl thtir fins,(which we may do) miferable,then the cafe ofthis man : forrhey but eueagainfltheir perfo• which we may not lye fettered in bondage vnder finneand Satan; do. No doubt he was guidedby Gods fpirir & and this fhartlife is the wayin which they are rccemcd thencean extraordmary gift to iudge going eucry houre to the barro of Gods iuofthe obfhnate maltccofhts aduerfaries. And . I I i ! '~I H:.icc, who is the King ofKings, and Lord of Pa~/ praics againfi: the perfon of Demctri;u ~ Lords, there to be arraigned and to haue fenfaymg, Th< Lordm~ardhim .ccording to hudo- >.Tim. 4 tcnre of condemnation giuen againfl them. mgs.Andfuchkindeofprayers werdawfullin ''• Now c~nil: thou pity a m<ln that is before an t~e,bccaufe they were carried wirh pure& vp. earthly mdge,&wiltthou ootbc touched with nght zcale,& liad no doubt afp<ciJI gifrwherrh_e_m_t_'fe_r-'--y-'o"-tt:h::::h::: le ..:o:.:'::: VI:,:: I.C::fl:.::a::r::e':.::w:.:h~o~g.:: o .:e::fl..:e:::ue::·.:__:_:b;_y::: tl~lcy were able re difccrnc ofthe tinal efl:ate ---- B b -,.----.---oftheir ,