Ofthe rvf nExp_ojition' Church, their enemi••· Againe, God fometimesgiues ·A thoughtof all ourauncdlors and forefathers· this gift ofdifcerningoffoine mens linall imthat liued and died in the times when popcti~· penitende ta the Church ~pon e~rth, I fay tooke'place.An[Wemaywelhopcthe.bcli,& not, to this or that priuate perfon; !iut to the thinke .that thoy were faucd : forthough th'e body of the Church or greater partthereof. Papacy be.nj)tthe Ct'iurchotGod,and-though s. I.hn writing vnto the Churches faith·, '1; the doctrineaf,Poperie.raze the fOundation,' Ioh.j.t 6·There i<afinnc vnr.dwif,:(tnat i<, •" yet ·neuertheldfe in the very.midft ofthe-Rog_.iinll: the H.Ghofl) I.foynot thattlio~fooukkfl' mane J>apacie ,. God hath alwaieshad arem-. ! prayforit: in which words he takesit tor gran• n~ntwhiclrhatre in fometpeofure truly feru<d. red., xhat this lirine mightbedif~ctued by the ht!l': ~n the<>ld!dhmeut when open tdoia- , Chbroh in thofe daies. And Pali/:faith;If:iiiy trletookeP'lace mallfraei,Gcd faid to c/iah 1 Cor. ma.rr.beleeue notthe Lord Iefus, let himbt h4d 1.·King: 19. t 8. I hauerefi,ucdfoaum tlwufoJij seem,,, 16.~1. in~.wcration,)Mara~n~ttha,thatis, prOnounced . tomyft/fc,th~tt ntHerbow~dktJ<ttfJ B44l:an"d the (AJal.ccft ~ccurfed to eucrlaft_ing ddlruCH6n.-·whence hke IS and ~ath been~.m rhe generallapoftafie ""'· It appeates that the Church hath power to " vndcr Annchnft. Samt{ohn Cute thai:when pronounce men rdecl:C:d to euerlafiihg dam-; " thewoman fled intothe w!lderne;for attme nation,vpon fome efpecial~occafions, ~hqugh! euen thc::n therew.ua remnant of herftetk w.b1ch • Sic • 1dare net fay ordinarily & vfually.,TlfePri• /:tptthe commandemtnts ofGod,4ndhdtherifli. Rcu, 11 • Cluy. lnitiue Church with one c<ifcntpra'itd againft. m_oni,ofit{111Chrijl.Andagaine,when ordina· 17 ' /u/i.,Hhe Apoftata, & theprayers made were: nem<anesoffiluation faile,thenGodcanand not in vaine, as appeareth by the euent of his doth make a fupply by meanes extraordina• fearefull end. As for priuate and ordinarie' rie, and therefore therci'sno-caufc: why wee men,forrhe tempering and re~ifyingofthdr fhould fay,thar they were condemned. iudgcment, in this cate they muft follow two Th~rdly,it nl\y be' demanded,whether the rnlc:s. The one.iS, that eucry member of the commo!'I iudgement giucn of Fnmcis Spir11; Church is bound to beleeue hisown-ele~ion. that he.'' arcprobare be goodor no?.Anf. We It is the commandement of God binding the ; may wtthbtttcrwarranr fay no, thei1any man veryconfcience,t !oh. 3· >3· th•twtfhould btfay,yea. Forwhatgifisof difcerninghad·they kme in Chrift.Now to bekeue in Chtilt,is not ' which came to viftt him in hiscx~rel"ity; and onely.toput our af/iancein him, and to be re- , what reafons i'nduced them to gine this pe– folued that weareiufiified and fa·,frificd, and rc.mptory indgemcnt? Hefaid himfelfthat he fball be glorified by him , bur alfo roar wcare C wa:so reprobate: that is-nothing,a ftcke mans elefr to1aluation in him before the beginning iuagcment of himfdft is not to be regarded. ofthe world, which is the foundationof the Yea, 6ut he defpaired;afenllelfcreafon:for fa reil:. Againe, ifof thingsthathaue necetf.ry doth many a manycare byyeare, & that·very dependanceonevpon another, we are to beoften asdeep•ly as euerSpir•did; and yet by lecuethe one, then wee aretobekeue theo• the good hclpe of the mitlitlery ofthe word, ther. Now ek~ion and adoptio·• are things both are& mayberecoucred.Andrbeywhich conioyncd , and the one nece!farily depends will auouchSpir4 to be a reprobate, muft goe vpon the other. For all the ele~ (asS , 'Paul further&proouetwo things, thathedefpai. faith)are predeninateto adoption : & we are red bothwhoRy &fin•lly: whichifthey cannot to beieeue our owne adoption : and therefore prooue, wee for our parts muft fufpend our alfo our ele~ion. The fecend rule is,that con· iudgeTI\ents, and th'ey were much to blame cerning the porfons of rhofe that bee ofthe that firfr publifhed the booke. Church, wee mufi put in prafrife the iudge· Lall:ly, it may be demanded,what is to be mentofcharitie, & that is to efieeme ofthem thought ofthem that make very f<areful ends as of the de~ofGod,till God make manifef! in rauing and i>lafpheming? An[. Such ftra11ge otherwifc.Byverrue ofthis rule the Mini1lers D behauiors arc oftentimes the fruits ofviolent of Gods word are to publilh and preach the difeafes which tormcntthe body,and bereaue \,;ofpel toall without exception. It is true inthe minde offenCe and reafon: and therefore I dec·d thereis bothwheateand darncllin Gods ifthe petfons liued well, we mufi thinkc the lield,chafteandcorneinGod• barne,fifhand bell:: for wee are not by outward things to drolle in Gods net,fbeepe & goatcs in Chrifis iudgeofthe ~ftateofany man. S•lom<>n laith, fold: bot ft:cret iudgcments belongvnto God, thar<O thingscomtalik!toaR,andthe.fomecont/J. Ecdcl; 9 . and the ruleofloue,which is to thinke& w1fh ttHn,. the i1<]/ andtothe wick!_d. '• the bell ofothers, is to be followed of vsthat Thus much of the parts ofPredell:ination: profefie fait!. working by loue. Now follows thevfe therof: and itconcernes It may be demandcd,what we are to iudge partly our iudgements, partly our affe~ions, ofthem thatasyctaro enemies ofGod. Anfw. andpartly our liucs, Tbcvfes which concerne Ourdutie is , to li1fpcnd our iudgement coniudgement arethrte.And lirfi by thedo~rme I Gcrningthcir finall e!tate : tor wee know not ofpredcllination, we learncthat there cannot whether God will call them or no; and therebe any iull:ification ofaftnner before Godby \ lore we mull: rarh<r pray fa• their conuerfton, his workes. For Godsele~ionisthecauf<:of then for their cotlfution. iuftification , becaufe whom God eleCleth to _ Againe,i_r_n::t':.: d<manded, what is tobe faluationafrer ;his lift, them he electcth tcbe · iuililied .--' --~--·----- ---------