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and ofthe Oeede. Prede!hnation. iultified in this life. Now eleCtion it felfe is of A "tooke Ejimbythe heele, fo as there could not grace and ofgrace alone, as Paul f~ith, Rom. be much difLrence bet\\'eene them in time: Il·) .i:t,u; 011 j;bygrace, andifit beifgrace,it u yet for all this Efouwas dierceman& wild<, No'f!J(Jreofwork[s,_ore/sweregra,enograce: th_ergiuen tO h.unting; but facob \\'aS mi!dccfna• fore in!hficarion is ofgrace&ofgrace al_onc: tur<, andhuedathome: the one had fauour ao and1reafon thu< : The caufe ofa caufc IS the 0ods hand and was m r~c ccu<nant, b"t God caufcofal rhingscaufed:butgrace alone is the kept backe that mercy~rom theother: Agafu~ eau(< ofpredeltination, which is the caufe of 111 a pttcht field ar~ Ill me a tho'uf;nd men at ourvoCatiGo iultilication fanCtification, &c. one and thefame ttme:now 1fwe copfider-thc Grace therefore is alfo tl{e al0ne caufe of all time oftheir Births , it may bee, •hey, were thefe. Thcrforethe fcripturcsafcribenotoneborne ata thoufand fundryti'?es, &therefore . lythebeginning, butalforheconrinuanceand vnder fo many d~uors pofinons of the h~a• accompliihmcnt ofall our happines tograce. ucns, & fo by the tudgment ofall Altrologers For firlt, as deehon, fo vocation isofgrace. fl1ould haue'a!ldmers and fundry Im~s .&endso Pa11l (;~ith z.Tim.t.9·GodhathcaHedvs nota&· ~ut we fee accordmg to thederermmatlGn'.of cording to ••rwork£s, butaccordingto his purpo[e the counfell ofGod~ tbey_haue all onea~d the MdgraceAgaine,faithin Chrill:isofgrace. So B fameend:and therforethl~ mutt admomlh all it is flid,'J'hil.t. 29.Topuitisgiumtobcleeu"" t~ofe t! are brought vp 111 fcho?les.oflearCbrifl. Alfo the iultificarion ofa !inner is o~ mng,to haue care to fpend thmttmem better gqco. So'Paul faith plainely to the Romanes: ll:udics :and it teacheththofethatarefallen in. Rom + 2 4. You .<reiHftified freelyby hugrace. to any manerofdtll:reffe, not tohauc recourfe Againe, flnCtificationand the doing ofgood Vnt?thefe fond figure-calters. Fortheiraftroworkes is ofgrace.So it is faid,fph. z.Io. We logtcall iudgcments are falfeand foolifn ,as wi! are hu work!11unjbip createdin Chrifl le{U4vnto may fee by the two former examples. Thirdgoodwor~s, which God bath ordAined that J"ee ly, theknowkdgeof God is one of the moll: (ho~<ld IValk§ mthem.Aifoperfeuerance in good fpeciall poincs in Chrifrian religion:and rherworkcs and godlines is of grace. So the Lord fore tbe Lord fairh..{er. 9· lf· Let himthnt rt• faith,!er. 3:l.4o. TwillWM/@ t1n euerlaJHng coue~ ttryGeth, teioyce inthi1, thatJhe vn..derftanderh·-a'nJ nann•ithtbem,th.«?••illneucr turneawayfru'?' i<aow:thll'e• 'Fwl amthe Lord whicbfoeWmcrcy them tQdoe themgood, bHt 1wslt putmyfoare 1tt and 1-udgemmt m the earth. And our Sauiour theithearts, th<t theyfo~llnu•d<partfrumme. Chrifr faith,loh.i 7·J·This u lifemrnalto leyow La1l:ly , life enerlalting is of grace. So'Paul thee, the onely -;;cry qod, andwhamth.u haftfont faith,Ro"' 6-lJ.Lifeeuerlaftingis thegiftofGod C lefu. Cbriji. Now Gods predeltination i,sa tbrough le{ mChrift. Now they ofthe Church glaffe whcrin we may Q<:hold his maicll:y. For ofR•me reach the flat contrary ' they make fir11: 1 by it we fee the wonderfi,n wifedome of two iullilicarions; the firll:, whereby a man of Go<!, wbo in his eternal! counfell.didforefee an euiil man is 1mdea good man' the fecond, and molbvifely fet downe rbe efcateofeuefy wherby of• good man he is made better. The man : fecondly, his omnipo~encie, in that he firll: they afcribc to grace;butfo, asthefec6d, harh power tO faue, and power to refuft: wb& is by w~r~es.Secondly, hence we learne,thar he will:thirdly,his iultice and mercy both io~- rhc art ofiudiciall afl:rologie is vaine and fri. ned togithet in the exe<ution ofelection: his' uotons. They thlt prattife it, doe profeffe mercy,in that he C.ucth thofe that were vtterthcmfcll!es to reil of things to come almoll: ly loft ;· his iultice in that he ordained Chrill:' wharfoeuer, andthisrhey doe by<lltingoffito be a mediatonr to fuffer the curfe ofrhe gurcs: and the fi>cciall pointofrheirartisto law, and to fatislie his iultice for the c'ktl: iudge ofrn:nsnatiuities. For iftheym:1yknGw fourthly_.his iufriceJin the execution ofthedeb,'lt the ofa mans birf1, the~ t>k,e vpon cree of Reprobation ; for though he decreed t.lem to:dl the whole courf, ofh!S ltte from to hold backe his mercte from fome men, beyoaretoycue,from woeke to woek,and from D I caufe it fo pleafed him, yet he condemnerh no eh/ to d •Y, from the day ofhis birth to rhe man bur for his finnes. Now the conGdeurihoure of his death: ye> that which is more, on ofthefe and rhe like points,bringvs to the they profeffe thcmfebes to tell all thing; tha: knowledge ofthe true God. lhlli befal men,ei\herinbody,goods,orgoo:l The vfes which concerneouraffd~ions are name, atid what kmde ofdeath they lh11l die. rhefe.Firll: the doctrine ofpredell:inarion miB" thlt thistbeir pr•Ctifc is notofGod, but nilters ro all the people ofGod matterofcndindeede vnlawfull, i: may appeare by this,be, leffc confolation. For confiderino Gods elec.tufe it_fi.t~ds n'lt with ~he dot!:.-ineofGo?s Cfion is vn~hangeable, therefore~hey which predcll:uut10n. Two twmncs begotten oftne are fJiuation can notperilh : famepncnts, and borne l>oth atone and the though the g1tes ofhet prenai!e aoai·1fr them flmerimc, by theiudgemcnrsofAltrologians theyb: hardly faud, yet fltaU they cermnlt haue both the fame life and the fame tamelybeCm:d; thereforemrSauiourChrirt death, an:! be cuery w.1y alike bor:1 in go3Js f~ith, that in the latterdaies !hall arifc f.tlfe and good name: yet we fee the contrary to be Chrillsand f1lfe prophers, which !hall fl1ew true in lacoband E_j(m, who Vf~re born~ both 1 gr.'atfi~nes a!ld wondcrs,Mat.24.24..So that of the fame p.\r~nts at ('\'lC ttrne. For lacob :(tt rver~ po(jiblerheyjhoulddeceitseth~very eleU. ·~-------------------------- Jn i