Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

ofthe (iteede; Predel:linarion. Hence againe wcleame,rhar the~ \l'h1ch per-··,"- be faued. This bc;ing·done , he in his erecn~l~ f.yade rhemfelues .rhalthey are l!)d;!efauour CS!Umtll .fo,refoemg who would belowo m ofGod,becaufe ~~y.)iue~teaf<;il}·\\l~~lthand <;;~"~, dtd therrupon elect them to ctet'nalf profPJ:litie are(~rtedecetued.For l)amrPN<l fa.uatwn •.aQd.agame forefeetng who .would faiih,J-tom ~.•tlfoffmrhwi!fl, t.~gta<ience ' not·beieeueb~tcontemn_e grace offered, did r/J<<J<ffelsofwr•thprep4rtdtodef/r•CfronJtqm•"s : !ther_eupon~!f'!,decrco roietect them toeter– k..no1f11,hiqfiVIIer,•Piltdl!•wforrbhu.wJ..1tbo~the. I , ,,all·d~mnattoa: '", J' • o.. . 'f\tls' becing fo-; .no man then·,by outward , . Thts platf<>rme ho\~trle~er_ ':\may (eeme> blefsings ought t!l,plead that·heihi\Citthe.louc. l ,~latiiible_roroa[on, yet t~deed'lt ts.norhmg:ets ofGod. Sheepe that goe in.faG l)anures eo~ne 1 , liuradcutc~of.mansbrame:asuall appeare br, foonerto the !laughter-'¥>ufe th~ !'W.fe W.htch f l)mdry def~as& errors thalbem1t. F-or fiift; are kept vpon the b!lre commonfl·:' ,and they whereas auot1_ched that Atkms, fall ~atoe> which arepaperedwithwealthof-thi~world, by the bare _ptc;fct:nc~ ~fGod, wtthouc.any fooner forfake God, andtherefo~e are fooner r.lecree orwtll <?fhts, ttrs a·flat vntmth. ·Tho fqrfakcn ofGod, then others. Sa/onion faith, puttingofC.bri!ho dea~h wasasgreatafinac ~cclcfe.9-I.~111!'nk!Jowuhlo~e or harred,t~at I as the fall \If' Ar/am;naymfome relpec!lsgreals,byoutward things':for alltbmgs comeahke •B ter. Now that came to pa£1e,not onely by the All,•, coal! : the fame condition is to rhe iu!l: and to forcknowle.dg ofGod, but alfobyhu dete~:- 1 , 1 , the vnin!l:,tothe wicked and good,tothepure n•tecounjiU. _And therefore as the Church of aodpolluted.La!l:ly,itmay be an olf~nce vnto Ierufalem fa•th,AI1+>8. Hmdan.d'Pontt111 vs, when we confider that the dochme ofthe P•i4te'PPJtb'(heG'""'"& thepeopleoflfr•el,g•- Gofpel is either not knowne, o~elfe defpif<d theredthrmjil~Jtstog"her,to d.ewhmfoeuerthine & pcrfecuted ofthe wholeworld;bu_~ we mull: h.nd•ndthy ctJNnfoa h•ddeterm.medbefore to bee fray our felues with this confideraticn, that done : fo may we fay,that Atbmin hi.fa!didnonothing comes to palfc by chance ; that God ~h!ng~utthatwhichthe h•ndofGodandhuconn. knowes whoare his; & there muft be f<>me in fell ~4dd6terminrd beforero bedone. And confithe world, on whomGodbath in his eternal! dering rhe ,wil.l.ofGod extends ;, felfe to the counfell purpofed to manifeft his power and leall:rhingsthatar'o,euen tolfarrow<s, wherof MJt.Jo, iu!l:ke.Again,Mini(\ers ofthe Gofpelmay be nonedoe light vpon the ground withoun our ' 9 · difconraged, whenafterlongp,~acbfug they heauenly Father, how can a man in reafon i'- fee litle or no feuit oftheir labou.s:rhj!_people magine thatthefallof oneof rhe. moll:princi• whomthey reach remainingasblind, impenipa.ll creatures thatare, !hallfallout altogether tct,&vnreformedaseuerrheywere.Butther, c . without the will and decree of God? And mull:alfo cofider,that it is thep•rpofe ofGod there can b.! nothing·more abfurd then to fO'• to chufe fome to taluation& to refufe.others: uer the foreknowledge ofGod from hiscoun- •nd thatofthofirll:, fomeare called foo~er, fell ordecree.Forby this meanes, things !hall N fome later, and that rhe fecond betng!lettto come to p.tffe God(~Jnilling,or not knowing, \') o. th~mfelues neuer come to re~entaqce. To or not regarding t~e~. ~ow if an~ t~ing ;~~~ie:nte.' thtS'PaHlhadregard when hefaid.>.Cor+;-- came to palfe God~tlhng tt,then that Isdone ooo cu• Tf•or Gofpelhehid, itu hidtothtmth.t perijTt. which God would not hauedone, and tofay root>, , ~\nd againe. •· Cor. 2·15. Wee•re -unto fjodthe fo,isto bereaue him ofhis omnipotency. And '~'""'"fouour.f Chriftin themth4t 4r< foHeJ,4nd ifweefhall fay that things fall out, God not m them that perijh. knowingofthem; we make him to be impruHithctto I haue deliueted the truth ofthis dent,and denie his omnifcience. L·:ftly,ifwe weighty point ofreligio,whichalfo is the do. fuall fay that athing is done, God not regar• <tnne of the Churchof Engl<nd : now it folding it,we bring in an idolofour own braines loweth that we lhould confider the fallhood. and !l:ablilh theidol-god ofthe Epicures. Bu; S_undry lh•ines haue denifed,and in their wri· it is obiected to the contrary, tlut ifGod any tmgs pubh!heda new frame _or platform~ of D way decreed and willed the fall of.Adam,th<n the do<trmeof Predeflmatton: the cfli:ct hewastheauthoroffinne: whichoncctof•y ~~erc'?fIs rtus. The natureofGod(fay they) is blafphemie- Anfw. Theargumentfollowes ts tnfimte loue,goodpelfe,~nd mercy It felf: & nor.There be three actions in rbe will ofGod, ~~v~!u~: therefore he propounds vntoh~mfdfe an end one whereby hedoth abfolutely will any thing a~fw:rablc t~ereunto,andth~t IS the comrnuand delight in it: and ofall fuch things God •· No. mcat10n ofhts loue and goodnes ~ntoall h~s himfelfis the author. The fecond is,wnolly or lerdo creatures. Now for the accom_Phlhtng ofthis abfolutely to Nill_a thing : andall things thus nolle, or fupreame & abfolute end,he dtd fo_u~e thmg~. mlkd, caAnot ~o{sibly come to [>alfe,- or haue !''"""' Full:, he~decreed to create man ngnteous In the!call: bomg m·natnre. There ts alfo a third uol!e. hu owne unage:fecondly, he forefaw the fall action which comes as ameane betwecne the ofman after his cre.ation,yet fo, as he neither two former,which isrcmifsely or in parr both Wt~led nor dec<eed 1~: Thtrdly,he decreed the , to nill and will athing: whereby thougnGo;l vmuerfall Redcmpuon of all an~ euery m~n approouc not euill,as It is euili, and theretore actually by, Chn!l:.fobe ttthey ;nil beleeue tn doth it not:yethc willetl1 the permitting ofit l1tm: fou:cnl)•, hedccre~d to callall and cueto be ?one by others , 0 r th~ being Jfit : be~ ~.Rcmif .. fe&vclle & nolle> :.u~ no– J,ni.!CJ vcllc 1 ry man efre<tually, fo astfthey wtll, they may cat&mrefpcct ofGodthat dectceth the per- ~----~------------------------------------------------7-_-_-_------~n~u~·r~tin~------