Of the ,, Churbhf- ) , mittiogofcuill, it .is-.good~hnnm.re !hoald'bel arrd -ft:_bie&tb Rtme ;1 ~Aii<rhls Te;y\~ill ofthi• ' ,euill.•And on •his mannenncfno.orh@wife:> tSth~~~u(obf,all thin~ lilaucbeeil'b :!..tOr ' !Godwilled the fall ofAd.m:aricl lher~fmeiiil l wee mu!t ilbi'Jtd.agi~e•tlll.'C>Ailhing firili: j~ 1 thcreafon'ofan}"iiidillhcntJilahl,~hou·~nshee1 exifteth,liA~f!liet\<tfrerwal>ll'Mw!ile<l\> :<J.qcr~edcheJalll~ fhall.be~ belfcb:fwm.thc1 1 bl!tfirfi ofa~fui<xi Wils :b!ame.rhereof,wh~bJienvlroily~on·,he·~,.:_:, 1 warditcorMs'fu 1h'aut' , ,er:tr.efe two caueats alwaies l'41lttbmhiirlb,' 1 tliatfurefecnefu~'li'or' . th'e ·11.1 ' that God by hi'SlJW111 did not~<ibofr_ra\nt'or I ,umg'<at:lres:whercby<GI!>d>llra§lnd)'lcea·h:i'~iJ • l(<!fQU the will of:AdAm to finn<l,.or<inliiwlint0J dain'e:n\ci\~lihtr to faluali!>ll:Ohufi dlufih),l!) i ifdltiy corruptiontllnd'that•herefore hefinned 1 ,on>f~to>vhil~ ~hlsduuuc~~~~of.~ul'e@,~h\J: ~.:'~~; \\!Wlllgly'and freli)'Jonclyi>y the(b)11ccelsitie! ' t<> dtfplat'trtht~'lnRe!1inth'at\'lO'ds wi~isirlHil~ : non tol!n ofTI!!lmutabihty,_:ud notbr,-rt:>~~lacefsity of afccbbd~ry~~!ddle ~ltiti::fubordinaf~li'~ 1 lobnu. ~~~n:fecond!Y,that Go~wl~fd thefal for thenau(t!A:pl;lted abod6ir:~1\thi$is!6 rrra·~'i: : tcm vo. ,a ll'f>flworthy en'll~wl11cbwa~,ro,laytdown.,Ji! the will ·l>fGbll to depond:vpon Ithe qiHiiHe I• }~~~:. 1\'~f'tending-ro rh~ manife!tai:iorp,hth o~ iuq and condit'lo~ oftpc cr¥IK~1, whert:\~bn· nar. frlEC2nd•mercy.,Ygame,ms ~llea~ed,r_haNi trar;w;!e ahh!hgs de~vpt\nGodswiJl. A! , ,, ;, GMWtlicdA dAms fal,;hcrrhu; Wil;lllatc<ii>' ~ game , •'1'41ilftith that•God hhd ope'n~d the , 1 tram to 1t felf~,becaufc.be wil~hatwh1ch h<! myfreryblikiillwil,ntt6'1Hng-to hiSgoc~ ~leh· h3d t.y. exptefle_=mmanndclru;nt furbldden~· fu•e' . .EpH·'9· WhiJiihfJhdpurpofeil.tobird4nfo.'Indeede tfGod!hodld ootinvtlandforl e!fe:whcr!Jyhemakentliffinthon betwcene bid,bne and rhefa,me thing. iA·-on~-a<·ro<:fart!e the cre~tlircl!tn!-the <t:te<~tl0r, Menwh~n:ih~r r~peoft·~ there ilionld·bee acon'tiadu~l:10n uj purpdfeth'!I<JOtng ofanY't.lltrtg, borroW.t'eaGGds W11l:bur thllt_GoddotlmGt.J1ee forbad• 10nst>fthf;l~pdrpofcs&wils:eueofr~oinfeliies Adams fal,as 1t was finne,for f<Ytn'en<ry cornfrom the tliin'tfs'i<Ybe adne;becaufemaiis.Bare mandememfinne; 'as it is finne\is cdudemned will is no fUffit-kntcauft: towarrant thedoing and punilhcd; and.Jiet becaufu'itiwas,in'a•t!ew 0fthisor tHNtV!d this er thai manner;'vnldfe Tefpccl:,a n1canesofimaRife£1inghisglory!whi> rhere b~ illflif~afon.1 Bit~ lliuds will is·a1imjile is able to bring.lrg_ht'Outo(darkneSI ,thcrefor~ and·abfoliljfc r~eofrigl1tti!>flfnes, anqlJh\ng he w.IllmglydccrJ<edrhcpermlfsto~ofit, In" IS good,fotfarre forth asG:Jd wds !t, T-!ierc, c.Qas ir is fin, it is c0ndemJl'ed 'inilie.feuen•n fore tber~1!'00'Cimfe,w)ly~efhouldgo1Hotth c<uninandement, and puniflledA•ioh doath;. ofhimf<\l[~for~xtert~al_li.ridrice~ent's •"'!.~~- yc~a.mcdl:was.a pumfhmentofDauids adulfons t>fhlS eterrlall,cti\I!Rt~ll: hts very wtll·m fcrle, God isfaid totake his wiues,a:ndugiM G himfelfe is~ fofficient re'afon of all hhpiirtnem ro his fonnoAbfolom. ,.S;,m, d.z r~ · pores andl'tl'ecrecs. And hereupon Paul frith, Someagainc, as it appeares.by their wri·' thatGodi'pNrpofowMinhimftlfe, to fhekithat tings,feare to afcribe vnto G 0 .Df~much a,.\ there i>' nodependancetofhis will vpon the a permi(,ion ofAdAms fall: bot nodqubt they' creaturc;:ind that in orderiilg and difpo6i1gof are dcceiued. i'odfrhefe ruleS be true: •thit~ hisdecrees,he had no reference orrcfpeC!iue Goduomnipotent: that hewor~sall thingsthar <otUiderktion 9fthe qualities and workes of axeby1hec011n[oll of hiswill, andgo~<ernes t!Jem; tHem.\Thirdly,by this doi:'lrine,there iS fa!tethat hu bathc~treandregardoucrmen : that m;~~ ncd vpbri GOd wantofwifdmTie,whois' wife~ thin< u hiddcfrom.him: that he u vnchangeab/e; dome it {elfe:and thatisveryabft~rd; A: fitnEher':, mu'rlnecdcs bt pcrmifsion ofeuiii.Ifthe ple man that bath in him butafpark'e of rho. Mark. !• diucllcouldnotcntcrfo muthas-intoaheard wifcdomedfGod, fir!t•of<tll, intends with 1 '' of1\>·ine withoutpermifsion,l11all wee think~ himfelfc thdend & enenr of the buGncs to be tha.: he could compa!fc the fa! andouerthrow done,and tlien afterward the rneaneswherby . ofmon wirhou~apermifsion? Indeed to perthe end is accompli!ht4: butin this plat-form mit,is~ot to hinder euill when one may: and God is brought in, in the fitftplaceroforefce wirll men it is a fault, bbt not wit!.-God, be- D and,confider withhim~lfet~e meanes which cauf• he is notbound to'hindcrt!.e euilwhich tend to the end, namely·faith and vnbele<fe .heperinits. . · ofmen,:i,;d'thenafterwardtodeterminewith 1 ' The fecond faulr, is that they make the Prehu!!fclfe what 01all J;e.;he_end and linall c0nfcience ofmans fa1thand vnbcleefe ro bee the dmon ofeuery man e1thtr mhfe 0t death:aSif ieO«o , (c)impulfiuccaufeofGods d~crec: Forrhey a man l!'ould purpofe ~ithhi~fdktobuild ;fo"l• ft¥ •' that God erernally decrees to faue or re· an houle Without any colideratton ofthe end 1 fp•;::. 1 foftmen, bteaufe he did torefec that rhey why;and afterward conteme w~tll hunfdfthe l ~~rd.lng would beleem.. fdr ffor beleeue. Bntmdeed I_t ts par~tcu!:1r .vfes t? wh1ch hee \\Ill apply lt. lw w!JI(h a1nilnifell vntmrh. Among the c~ufes ot an Fourthly) hence.lt follo~e.th; that faith ilia~ he orde· thinns that are there is an order fer ~owne· not oncly t.le ::tn m.fl!rmnenr, butalfoan effict~ ~!,cth h!s · i By d od himfdfe ~ in which •ord<'!r fome eautnt caufe iti· tihe aCl: ofiufrification~fa finner ••m• :fes arc higr.eB:,fomc lowe!t, fc>mc in the mid-· ' before Go<\. ~orrhecaufe ofacaufeisalfothe I ddl.No'v the highcfr c;mfcofa! is that,which caufe ofa th1i1gcaufcd; but forefeene f,Ith IS . 1 omtr-:ruksall 5an(\! isouer-rulcd ofnone: and. an impDlfiuecaufewhereby Godwa~ r:noo.ued : ~ ~b~t L!i·( jods will) beyond which tJ!trc can be eo choJfC fom~ ~1en to faluation.(a~ 1t Isfatd:) ·j____:_,m high« ca:~f':" tor Godi~ pl_a5ed af::~~ ,u, and therefore 1t IS not onely an wtrrume1~e~~ _!_- - --- __ appre~