Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.. and ofthe_(Yeede. Predefrination. apprehend Chrifis righteouiilell'e, but ~lfo a I A 1 ued:why.rhen are they not? men keeE caufe or meanes to mooue G< mlhfie a the condit1<1n and bclceue. Tl>ts IS Bat to han~ finner·becaufe iultification proceeds ofekch· Gods will vpon mans wil, to make eu<Orylnlin :All which<omcs offore-feene faith: now this anEmpe<o!~<, andGod hisvnderling,.an<! to is erroneousby the dochineof allChurch~s; change the•order_of nalu!e by ii1bordmarmg. 'IC~lelletheybe Popifh. Fiftly, thi,,doCinne Godswl!l,:"hlch!sthefirflcaufe,tothewJlct takesitfor graunted, that~l! both_y~ung,and! man,whrch IS the fecondcaufe: whe~as by rhe olde . euen Infantirhat diem rhe1r mfanCJe, ·.very law ofnature,the firflcanfe fhould order haue.knowledge bftlte Gofpel-, ·becilufeborh: an_d difpof~ thefrcondcaufe.But forthe iufli· faith & vnbeliefe in Chrifi preftippofeknow.-: fymg ofa ~ondmonall dtcree 1t ~~ alleadgecl, ledge of our f~l~otion by him;' confi?en?g 1 , thatthcre JS no eternall h1~den decree ofGod that neltherordmanly, nor cxtraordmanly befidethe.Oofpell,whld1lsGods predeflma· men beleeuc orc6temne the,thingvnkn~>Wn., t10n reuea!ed. .Anfw. IllSan vnrruth. Th~re , uid But how falfe this is, euenc<>monexpenence betwo wtls mGod, ( a)onc,whcrb~ he deter· ,,~ficd doth il1ew. La£Uy,thisplat-formcqaitc ouermmeth what he wdl doe vntov~or mvs: the de "oLis, throwcs it fdfe. for whereas all men equally . other, (b) whereby h<e dorerrnmeth what we a.,iono• corrupt in Ad•m, are effeCiually'both redee- B fhall doe eo him. Now Prede!lination is the ll ~"· . med and called, the ditference.betwcene mall firfl:whereupon itiscommooly d~fined t\) be ,.~·G~n and man !landsnot in beleeuing ornot beloo• ·the preparation oftheblefs'mgot vod,wher- anobis uing,for ~11 haue l'ower to beleeue:but in this by they are deliuered which nre dtliucred; & properly that fome are confirmed in faicb 1 the GofpeH is the fecond. Againe,predefi\nafome are~ot.Nowwh::n all without exceptiO tion determines who they are, and howmany are indued with grace li1flicient to faluation,I which aretobe faued, and hereupon Chrift demaund why fomc men are confirmed in faith,Ioh.q.z8.Ikyowwhomlhauechofen:but' grace,& others notconfirmed; as alfo of Anthe Gofpell rather determines what kinde of gels, fome were confirmed& fl:and, and fome , ones aod how they mufl be qualified which 'notconfirmcd,fell? No other reafou can bee are to be faued.Lafily,PredefiinationisGods rendered but tbe will of Gad. And to this decree it felfe:and the Gof!'ell is an outward mufiall come, flriue a. longas they will, that meanes of the execution ofir: and tber<fore ofmen being in oneand the fame efiate, fome tl!ongh the Gofp~JI beePropounded wirh a are faucd,fome iullly forfaken, becaufe 6od condition, yet the decree ofGodit felfe may would. Againe,as the forefeeingoffaith doth be 1imple and abfolute. prefuppofeGodsgiuing of faith, vnlcifemen c The fourth defect,is theopinion ofVnixerwill !ayitis naturall: f0 the forefeeing offaith foilfouinggrace; appercaioiog toall and cuery in fome menalone,doth prefuppofe the giuing man: which may fitlybetearmed the Scho~lc offaith to fome menalone. But why dothnot ofvniucrfall Atkeifme. for it puisdownerhe God conferre the grace ofconflant faith to pale ofthe Church,and lilies it wafie aseuerv all? no other reafon cao be rendered, but becommon ficld:it breeds a carelefnes in the vfe caufe he will not. Thus then thofe men whofe ofthe meancs ofgrace, the word and Sacr:rfaith was forefren,are faued,not becaufetheir ments; when as men fhall be perfwaded, thlt fJith was forc-f:ene, but becaufeGod would. grace!hallbe offered ro eueryone effectually The third fault is, that they afcribe vnto whether heebe ofthe Church or not , at on; Goda conditional purpofe or counfel,wheretime or other; whcrefoeuer orhowfoeuer hee by he decrees thatall men fhall be faued, fobe liue: as in thelikec.Ue, Ifmen fhould be told it they wil belceue.Foritiseuery way as much that whetl!er they liue i11 themarket towneor againfi ci\mon fenfe, as ifit had bin faid, that no, there fhall be fufficient prouilion brought God decreed nothing at all concerning man. them, ifrhey will but receiuc it and accept of Aconditionall fentence determines nothing ir..who would then come to market? limply but conditionally, and therefore vn- D Vniuerfall grace hath threeparts. Vniueccertamely:and whenwe fpeakeofGod,todefall Election: vniuerf!ll Redemption: vniuertermine vncertainely, is as much as if he had fall Vocation. Vniuerfall Election ofall and determined nothing at all,efpecially when the eoery man,is a witle!fe conceit:for ifmen vnithing determined is in the powerofmans wil, ucrfally beappointed to grace without excepand in refpeCI ofGod , thedecreema~ come tion, then there is no electiorr or chooling of topa!fe or not come to pall'c;. Men, 1f they fomeout ofmankmdeto grace:andiffome atlllght alwa~es haue rhm ch01ce, defire rodelonebeappa.imcd to grace, as it mufi needs be termine of all their aff•ires limply without in ckction,then i• notgrace vniuerf•ll. And it condition : and when theydoe otherwife,it is isflat againfl the wordofGod. for Chrifi a· e1~her becaufe they. know not the euent c:>f uoucheth plainely,M4<-I'l.I4·that fewer bee , th1~gs, or bccaufc thmgs to be done are not m chofcn the called,&(as •frerward we fi1al fee) thClt power. No reafon therefore that wee all are not called. And hce further faith tho.r fhould burden God with chat, whereof wee all which aregi•:mmtohim01a1J bee one'with\ !oh 1 , w_oulddJSbnrthenonrfelues. A>;a~n,thema~elum, and hauehfe euerlafiing: b~~ all men ·,,,;t · fltc of God IS d1fgraced mthiS kmd ofdecree. ll1all not beone With lum and baue hte euerlaG od for his part W9uld haue all mento be fafling: and therefore all men arc not ginen to C c Chrifl