Of the Church, .Chrillofthe Father,that is,ordainedtofalua- A da~oed,wJrerasDa•id,neuerfo muchasdreation.And the Scripture faith, .Apoc·17-'4-and m1ngofthis diuinity,faith;Pfa.l>-J.that they lO.lS· that all mens names are not written in ace bleficrbvhtch hane the pa•d~n ohhdr the booke of life : and that the kingdome of finnes:at1d'PaNI,R•m.5.r. thatthey which arl:: heauen wos not prepared for all, Mat-25 .14· mftifiedhaue peace withGod; ,; And whereas men build this their vniuerfall .But let.v.s heare what.r~afons may bee aleletlion vpon the largene!fe of th~. promife i<adged fcrthe VniuerfalitieofRedemp!ion.: of the Gofpel: vpon the like ground they I•.lfxechi<I.~J-V-n• .As 1/iue,foirh the Lord/, might,as well make an vniuerfalldecree of wiJ/notthe.deat'hoJrhewi<~d,bu·tthatthew/c~~ Reprobatio)J, whereby God decrees all men r.tunttfroJ11 ,hi< wic'<!dw.ry.•Anfw. The place to be damned indefinitely upon this conditiIS to be vndedtood not fimply but in refpcct-' on,ifthey doe not belecue. Now tfvniucrfall ofthe twaine God rather wils therepentanc~ R~probation be abfurd, as it is indeede;then ofthe finner then his death. Againe,hee wils vniuerfall Eletlion ofall and euery man mull not death_..s i~isthe defirutlion ofhis creatakcp~rt therewith. · ture;arid fo.thiiplace may be vnderfiood:yet Asfor the vniuerfall Redemption ofalland B neue_rchelefi'ehe wils thefame as itis ameaneo Cucry man, it is nobetter thenaforgerie of ofthemarii{cfration ofhis iofiicc: and there– mans braine. Thereihall be many iHthe day · farethe.Hrophetij'!)'faitb,Ef<t.45·6.Godma: ofiudgemem ofwho111 ChrifilhaUfay, Mat- ~etheHill. IJ.1. Tim. >·4' qodwouldha•eaU 7•>3-that heneHer k!fcw them. Agaipe he faith, .mm to befllH<d: andcome to the .ck!Jowl"lgtmlnt loh-3·36- Hcwhichbt/ttHethnot,iFai><adyiHdpfthetruth. AH[w. The place is meanrnot-of ged,mtdthewratb of GodabidesVf>!>nhim. Bot the perfcns of all particular men, but ofrhe ifal were ett<'ttually redeemcd,aqd only conordersand kindes ofmen.For inrhe firft verfe demned for nor beleeuing in Chrifi, it fhould PaulexhortedTimothy rh.r prayer ihouldbee hauebinfaid rhatrhey are already iudged,and .made for all men: and in the fecond verfe o· that the wrath of God not abides,but returnes ptni'lg his owne meaning , be: adderh thffe -vp1n them. Chrifl: makes nointercefsiO tOrtne words/or kings 411dallthat be in amhoritil: as world,Ioh I7·9•and therfore his redemption :thougnb.. fhould fay, we mufi pray not onely isnot etfet'luall to al men.For the intercefsion for priuate men and for the c0mmon people, is the meanes ofapplying the fatisfatlion.Ifit butalfo for publike perfons, though they perbe faid, that by the world is meam.onely confecure theGofpel.Butwhy?becaufe (nthatvetemners of gtace,it appearesto beotherwife, C ry order God hath his eletl which !hall befain that Chrift oppofeth the world to them ued.AndonthismanaerPaul expoundshimwhicharethe Fathtrs,andaregiHen to Chrift by {elfelfewhere,Gal.J->8-Therisneither'/'Wnor him: thereby fignifying, that by the world he Grerian:thereis neitherbondnorfree:thmisnei. mcanes a1l fuch as are not the Fathers,& were ther malenorfemale:foryeeAre all o11e in Chrift. neuergiuento Chrifi. Andloh.Io·I7·heL.its JU.Ro.u.p. Godhathjhutvpallmvnbdetfe down< hislifefor hisjlmpe:now the fheepe haue that hemight hauemercy on •11•.An[. The word allthefc brands or markes;t!1tyheart hi• voice, all, muft bevndcrfiood ofall tharare tobe fa- '?ti thC)' k!Jow h"JJ,theyfollow him, they jhallnotpeuc!'d,both ofiewes and Gentiles,as the article rijh, none i11all pluck!theout of Chrifl hu hand.t: added toall importeth, &the meaningis,that "'"'""· and thefe are onely fuch ofwhom Paut faith, God wiil faue allwhom hepurpofethlo faue, Rom.8·33· Whojhall/ay anything to rhecharge ofhis mcrcie,& noroftheir merit, becaufe all of Gods EleEJ!it is qodthat ilif/ijieth,whojiMIIcoare finners os well I ewes as Getilcs:thusPaul dem~el And ifthis il1ould be true,that Chrift expounds himfelfr.Galar.3. 22· The Scripwre was crucified and died no lelfe to make fatishath concludedall vnderj1nne, that the promt[e by fadion for the finnes of the damned; then for thef•ith of'fcfmChrijljhq~/dbegiHen vntorhm• the finnesofPeter and Paul and the re!tofthe D that beleeHe. And ifwe fhbuld expound the Saints,itfollowes necefSarily that all their fins word•ll, for euery particular man, as fome are forgiuen,confidering th>t remifsion offin would haue it, PaHImuft contraditl himfelfc, depends infeparably vpon fatisfatlion made who faid before, that God would haue mercy to Gods iuftice fodinne:and fatisfatlion doth on whom he will haue mercy,& whom he wtl necefsarily aboliih all fault. Wee grauntthat he hardcneth, & in thi• very chapter hisdrift Chrirts deathis foffirimt to faue many thonis to prooue the reietlion ofthe I ewes, &the ,£md worlds: we'graunt againe it is euery way calling ofrhe Gmtiles. IV. Iohn. 3·16. God j morteffi'I1Hallinit felfe:butthat itisetf<t'tuall fiJiouedthtivotldth4t he bathgiutn hisonel;• be. inorvnto the perfonofeuery man,that we degotten Somte,thttt lvhofoeJterbeleeneth inhimjlu1!1 uy.For ifit were thus rifetluall,then it fhould notperijh bHt haHetHtrlajling/ife:and .Toh-6·15• be applyed to the perfon ofeuery man, as to Iwillgiot myjlejl>for the life ofthe world.Anftv. Cain, [1,dM. 'JI{~ro~ Hc/iogabatm, &c. euen as Byworld, we mufl: not vridedl:ar.d cuery parthe plaifier is laid to the lore: beeing applied, ticular mon in the world, but the eletl among Chrifis righteoufndfofhould be imputed ior the I ewes and Gentiles: for in both thefe the iuftification and fantlificationofal and eplaces Chrill: doth ouetthwart the conceit uery man:and thus fomciullified before God, oft)le !ewes, which thought that they alone and fan~ified,J!wuld .ftcr go".e~t~o~h~el~l~a~nd~b~e:.:c.....:..:'~v::er~e...:i::o~u::ed:.o:::f:....:G:..:o:.:d:.!,...:a::n:.:d:.:':::'o:.:t...:t::he:....:Gc::·e.::nt'-jil~es. - And