ofthe [reede. Preddl-ination. 2971 And how thisword isto be vnderfiood in the A .a difiinchon cf thew~rld from the crcat.ion new tdhment Paul doth fullydeclare,Rom. l ro theda1es ofChnfl,mto two parts:onc,thc I I •12 , ?f(faitl;hc) thefall ofthem, that is, th~ peopleofGod, beeing reeciued into the concIcwes,berhcriches ofthe world,l&thedi,em-. Aant: the other(bemg t~e greareflparr ofthe jhingofthtm,th<!ichesoftheGentiles,&c.an~ world) Nopcop/c ~ and forth ofrheconenant. I v. 15 . ?f thecafting away ofthem,betherecon:IF.rom the begtnnmg ot the world to the ~~- ~ ling ofthe wor.ld, •t•hatJlt•N the receeumgbe but •In~ofthe l~w, thcChurch was OJUt vp mto>e lifefromthe dead! Where by the :norld,he vnfam!ltes oftl\e P~tnarkcs : a11d the conetnnt derflands the bodyo£ the Gem!le.s m rhelafl m the very famJhe of.Abralwnwas rdlramed I ageofthe world. And thus hce fully declares to lja~c .: atfd t\le membcr.snfthcfe famt!Ies, hisownc meanitt<> when he faith to the Coforrlus caufe,werecalled the fonncs of God: G ~ 1 rinrhiatts, 2 .Cor.';';,s.GoJw.u i~ Chriftrecon- & the refi ofthe world bcfidc bcittg rearmed '"• · · ciliogt<tc worldvntohimfelfi. V. Ro.m.I4.15 . as dt~ywercmdced,the fonnes oImen. Fr~m I Dej/roy ::ot himwith thy mcatefor whomChrif/ ·1 thegmmgofthe law ttll Chn!t, the nat16nof died.z. Per.z, I- Dmying theLordtlw bought theiewesthe ChurchofGod, and the rel1 of I rhem,andbring vponrhemft/seesfi•iftdamnatwn. l the world befide,nopeoplcofGod.And therThctcfore Chri!l: died for them alfo which B for~Efay OOllsthem pri(oncrs and them that arc H'•+9•9 arecomdemncd. tAn[wer. The rcafon is not ~n dar~1[e: andOft fi1chas are1Vithout mcn:ic · orc.t. 2 1 good: For inthefe and fuchlike placesihe andno.proplc:andZachary,fuchasare notioyncd ~ ''10 ' Scripture fpeakes oftRen, not as they are in· tot~c LoTd: and PaJd, ft1d1as arefir tow(dk!in A;~~~: 1 deedc before God, butas they are in appea.. thett ownewai!s; beingwithout God and withoHt r6. ranee and profefsion , and as theyare .in acChrift in the world. And this rlifiinchon be- Eph.:. ceptation with toon. For fo long as a man twcenelew andGentilefioodtillthcveryaf- ,"• holdes and embraces the Chriflian faith , fo cenfion of Chrifi. And her~opon when hee long in the judgementofcharitieweemufi C:- was to fend his difciples to preach, he charged fieeme him to bee one that is redeemed by themnottoJointothetvayofthdjentiles:andno't Chritl, thoughindeede he be not.And this is tocnterint9thecities oftheSamarieancs, but ra. the meaningof Peterwhen he faith, that falfe ther togoeto the loft jhecpt ofthe hoHft of{ji-acl, prophets deny the Lord that bought them. Mat. 1-0. 5: and when the woman of Canaan VI. In the preachingofthcGofpelgrace.is made rcquefi for her daughter ; hee gat!ea freely otferednotonelyto the Elect,butto all denial atthe firfi vpon this dtfiinClion, fay• men indifferently: and God .in offering grace tng,Mat.l5·>4·>6.lt isnot mmtot•k£thechildeludes nO ma:thcreforc~hrifl:s deathapper• C drenSbreadandgiHeitVntodogs , andagainr,/ raines aRd belongs to all men indifferently. amftntbsu 1!ntotheloj/jhecpcuftheho"fioflfi'a.- .Anf. The preachingof the Gofpd .is an ord.iti.Jt will beuid, tharrhisdiflinClion arofc of nance of God appointed for the gathering tothis, that the Gentilesat!he lirfifell away fro gither and theaccomplifhment ofthe number the coueuant,and contemnea the Mef<ias. It of the Elect: and therfore in the minifierie of .istrue indeedof the lirfi heads ofrhe Gemiles the word, grace & faluation isoffered princ.ithe fonnesof ~c: but of their pofierity it is pally and direClly to the elect, and onely by falfe, which in times following did not fo confequent to them which are ordained to muclus heare ofthe couenanr, and rhe Mcfsiiufl damnati6: bccaufethey are mingled with as.The Prophet efoy faith of Chrift.Efo-51·5. the elect inthe fame focieties, and becaufethe Amuion that k!fewnot t /gee>]hall nm!JC vmorbu . miniflcrs. of God, not knowino: his fecret And 'Pn•l [peaking to the Athenians faith, counfd, mchmriethinke all to be cleCl. And .Atr.I7·3o.rhatthc times ofthis theirignorance thoughGodit\offeringgraee donot conferre . God regarded not: but now admonitheth all 1 ittoall, yetis there no delufion. Forthe offemen euery where to repent: and to the Rormgofgr~ccd0th notonely fcrue for the conmanes he faith,Rom. 16. 29.thatthe minifieric werfionotafinncr, butalfo robeanoccafion D touchingChri!hnd hisbenefitsw.ul:gptflcm by mens fault, of blinding the minde, and lince the world began , and now opened at'd ln rdnmgthe _heart, and taktng away excufc publifhcd amongall natimJS,I .T"''+' 6.Anrl m the day of mdg'm~nt. if theGentiles had but knowue ofthe M<fsi- . To conclude th1spoint;Vniuerf~ll tedempas,why did ROt their Poets and Philofopher., uonofall me_n!we g~aunt: .r~e Scnprure faidt who in their wridngs uotorioufly abufc the fo:and there 1S anvnmerC~hue ,among the_E~ Iewes with fundry * nick~names, :tt the leafi ~~r~~~!~ letl and beleeuers: butvmuer11;11 Re.Iem~uon fignilie the contempt of the Redeemer? R"'"'- ofall and euer; man, as welhhc damned as Wherefore to hold, & mut:h more re auonch ws, ~lb.. the dcd',and thateffectually, we renoiJncc,as bywriting , that all and eucry oue ofthe hea- ~~~;!~s ' !1aning n~i:her f?oting in_the Scripture, nor then were called, it is..motl abfi1rd: and if jc nub•lloi, tn the wrttmg ot any aunctent and orthodoxe were fo, the CanibJlsand the fau:to:e n:ttions diuinc, for many hundred yeares after Chril1, of America fhould haue kuownc Ch~ill: with" hiswords nordcpraucd and mi!taken. out preaching, whith by the hitloricsofthofe Asforthe Vniuerfall vocation, it is ofthe countrics,i.l knowne to be falie. f•mekinde with thcformer:becaufe it is Aattc Againe,ifrhc Vocationofeuery man bec f agamft the,wordofGod 111 wh1ch ts fet down fcChzal) then faith mull: be common to ~\ll men Cc -z-- -··-----euhe-;