Of the Jln expojition Church .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~· either by nature, or by grace.or both: now to A . The fecond point is, whatis the very thing fay~e firPc, namely, that the po\~er of beleegmcnl .A11{. J¥_hale Chrij/, q~dand-..., is gictngtscommon toall by narure, tsthe herdic uen, becaufe hts humamty withouthis Godofthe Pdagtans, and to fay tt tSCo!Tlmon to al head, or the Godhead without the humanity by grace, isfalfe. .Allnun haoenotfaith, faith d?th not rccoccile vs ~o God. Yet in this giPaHI1,.TIMJJ. 3·•·nay manytowhomthe Gofumg there mull be a dtuersconfideration had pellts preached, doe not fo much as vnderofthe two natures of Chrifi: for the c<>mmulland it and ~iue a!fentvnto it; Satanblinding nicati011of the Godhead is meerely energeritheir mind!thatthc light oftheglorio111 GoJPeiof ~all, that is,only inrefpe~ofopcrati6; i•that ChriflJhouidnotfomevnterhem,z. Cor·t+ And lt doth make the manhood perfonally vnited to fay thatfaith is partly by nature and partly ·vnto itto be propitiatorie for our finoes and by grace,isthe condened herefie oftheS~mimeritorious?fli~e eternall. And to auouch a· Pelagtan: for we cannot fo much as thmke ny commumcatto ofthe Godhead in refpeCI a good thought ofour fclues,,Cor.3·5. of elfence, were to bring in the herefie of The lafr dofe~ in rhe platforme,is thatthey the Maniches, .and to maintaine a compofiri· afcnbe vnto God a wrong end of hiS coun- B on aRcl a <ommtxuon of our natures with the {els; namely, thecommunicatio~nef mercy or nature ofGod. Againe, in the manhood of goodnelfe ineternall happines. Forthe abfoChriH we mulldillinguHh betweene the fub. lute and foueraignc end of all Gods doings ie~ it fclfe, the fubllanceofbodie and foule· mufrbe anfwerable to his nature, which is nor and the blefsings in the fubie~ which tend t~ meroy andlooealooe, butalfo iullice it felfe: ourfaluation. And thecommunication ofthe andthe~efore the right e,_,d is the manifellariaforcfaidn:anhoodis in refped ofboth,with· on of Ius glory both m tulltce and mercy by qutfeparauon: for noman canreceiue fauing the expretfe te!\imonieofScripturo.Againe,if Vertue from Cqrill, vnltlfe firll ofall hce rethe communication ofhis goodncs were the ceiue Chrifi himfelfe. as no mancan haue the highellend pf all his counfels, allmeg with• treafurehid in the field, vnlelfe hefir!tofail out exception fbould be faued, becaufe God hauetbe field.l•h.6.s 3·54·•nd no man can be cannot be frufirated ofhisend and purpofc: nourifhed by llleate anddrinke,vnlefii: fir!tof and ifbut one man be damned, he isdamned, allbe r<ceiue the fub!tanceof both. And this dther becaufe God will not faue him, or beis thecaufe, why notonely)nthe preachingof . caufebecannot. Iftheyfayhewillnot, then the.word, but alfoin the iniHrutionnfthe ishechangeable ; ifhe cannot, then is henot C Lords Supper, exprelfe mention is made not omnipotent, confidering his purpofe was to onlyofChrills merit, but alfo ofhis veryboconuey happinelfe toallcreatures. dyand blood, wherby the whole humanity-is Thus inuch of the efficient caufc: of the fignifid,asappearcsbythatplace,whereitis Churcb,namcly, Gods predefril•ation:which faid [oh.x ·14-thatthe.wordw.u..•deft"J'h.And dodrine could not herebeomitted, confidethough the flefh ofit fclfe profit nothing, as ringno man can beleeue bimfelfeto be a memSaint J•hnfairh, yet as it isioyned to the godher ofthe Church, vnlclfe withall he beleeue head of the Sonne,and doth1irbfift io his perthathe is prcde!tinate to lifeeuerlafiing.Now fon, it receiueth thence quickeaing verrue, to wee come ro the fecond point, namely, the reuiue and renueall thofero whom it lhall be Myftica/1Vnicn,which is thevtryforme ofthe giuen.laflly,among the blefsings thatare floChurcn, whereinall that bcleeuearem4a'e one red vp in the manhoodof Chrill for our falwirh Chrift. Gai.J.lS•• To the caufing of this uation, fomearegiuenvnto vs by imputatlon Vnion, two things are required, a Donation as when we are iufiified by the righteoufnes, orgiuing of Chrill vnto man, which is to be indeedei.nherent in hi_s manhood, butimpumade one with him, and a ConiunCiion beted vnrovs: fomeby tnfufion, as when holi· twecnethem both. Ofthe·firfi, the Prophet D nelfe iswrougbtinourhearrs bythefpirir,as ! Efoyfaith,Efa.9·6· Vntovs achila'eu borne, and afruit of that holinelfe which is in the man- ' vnrovs• Sorme is giuen; andPa•l. Rom.8.3•· h<>od of Chrifi, and deriued from it. as rho . Wbo (Parednot hi. owne Sonne, b1<t gaue himfor light ofone candle from another. .:W40,howjhall he norwithhimgiuevs aftthings Thethird point is, in what manner Chri(\ 8/fo? And touching itfnndry points mull bee isgiuen vnto vs• .Anfw. God >he Father gicon_iidered. The firfi is, what ismeant by this .ueth Chrifr vmo his Church not in an earthgiuing?. .Anf. It is an a<'hon or worke ofGod ly or bodily manner, as when aking befiowes ,th= Father by the holy Gholl, whereby Chrifr a giftwith his,owne ha•d, and potteth it~- :as redeemer in the appointed time is really to the hand ofhis fubted : but the manner IS ' communicated to all ordainedto faluation, in altogethcrcele!tiallandfpirituall: partly. b~· I fuch manner, that they may truly fly, that caufe it is brought to palfe by the mtere dt- :Chrifl himfelfe with all his benefits is theirs, uine operation of the holy Chofr:and partly, I both in refpedot right thereto, and in refpecft be~aufein refpe~of~s,tbisgift is rcceiued by of all frutts redoundmg thence, and that as an mfirument whrch ts fupernaturall. namdy tmly as any man may fty, th>t houfe and la.d faith,whereby we lay hold oc,and apply vnto giuen him of his ancefrours is his OWliC both oor felues the Euangeltcall promifes. And I to polfeffe and to vfc. this manner ofgiuingmJy be conceiued thus: ,·----- A~