and oftbe [reede. M yLlicall vnion. Aman that ncucr frirrcd foot our ofEngland A holds and cnioycs land in Turkie: bu~how comes it to behis ? Thus: the Emperonr was willing and content to bellow it; and the m~n for his part as willing to a"eptand r..:emcJt: and by this meancsthatwhich at the firflwas like things, we may truly fay, that God bath giuen him grace to receiue Chrilt. The fecond thing required to make vs one with Chrill,is the Mylticall vnion,.which is a coniunction whereby Chrill and his Church arcactuallycoupled into one Myflical bodie. .Now that we :nay the better conceiue the na.. ture ofit, fundry quel!ions arc to be mooned. The firfr, what kindc ofconiuntlionthh is? A•f.ln the Saripture we m<et withthreekind ofconiunCtions. The firft, is-coniunction in nature, whe fuRdry things areroupled by one and the fame nature. -As the Father,the Son, and the holy Ghoft, bcing•threediflinet fub– ftances are all one, and therefore ioym:d in the Empcrours , by mutuail •onfent becomes the maQS·Inthe fame manner Godthe~~mer hath made an Euangelicall couenant Wlth hrs Church: in which ofhis mcrcie he bath made agt~~ntofhi~ owne Sonoevntovs, withrigh– teoufnes,and life euerlalHng in him:ancl we a– t;aine by hisgrace acceptofthi> grant,andre– ceiuc thefame by faith: and rhos by muruall confentaccording to the tenour ofthe couc– nanr,any rcpetant finner may truly fay, thogh I now hauc my abode vpon earth, 11< Chrill in refpea ofhis manhood be locally in heauen ; yetis hcetrulymine tohaue and toenioy, his bodyis mine,his blood is mine. As for the gi– uing and receiuing of the body and blood of Chrill in bodily manner (which the Papills mainraine in auouching the reail tranfub· llantiation ofbrcad& wine inthe Sacrament, intoche body & blood ofChrilt,&the Luthc– ~ansalfo in teaching, that his body and blood ts fubltantiaily either in, or with,orvnder the bread &wine)is an erroneous c6ceit,flat op– pofitcto fuudry pointsof the Chriltian faith: For Chrift to this very houre retaineth !l:ill the clfence and elfentiall properties of atrue body, and we beleeue that really & vifibly he C afcended into heauen, and thereabides till his fecond comming to the laft iudgemcnt : who then ha•ing but common reafon wouldima– ginea communication ofthe body of Chrill pentvp in the elementofbrcad, andconueyed into our bodies by the mouth and llomackc? ~ one Godhcadordiuiocnature. Now Chrill & the beleeuer are not ioyned in narurc. for then they twaine fl10uld haue one bodie and foule. The fecond coniunction is in perfon, when things in nature difterent, iOconcurre together, chat they make but one perfon; as the body and foule make one man : and the Godhead of the Son with his manhood make but one Chrill : tn whom there is an vnion ofditl:inll: natures with vnity ofperfon. Now Chritl: and a Chri{li1Jl are not ioyned in perfon: for Chrill i•oneperfon, 'Pcterafe– cond perfon, and 'P"ulathird dillinctfrom them both: and fo many men as there be, fo many feuerall perfons. The third coniunction The fourth point is, whether wee arc not Lords ofChrill, he beingthus giuenvnro vs l .Anf No: for this donationis not linglc but muruall, As Chrift is giuen vnto vs, fo we a– gaine are giuen to Chrill,as he himfclfefaith, lob. t 7. 2. Thofe !VhoRfthou haftgiuenme,Father, I ha11e /r.!pt. And we are giuenvoto him, that our bodies and foulcs arc made his, nor oqeiy as heis God, but alfo as he is our reeleemer : and our finnes with tile guilt thcrofare made D hisby imputation, and the punifhment thereof is wholly laid vpon him. This is all the dowry which the Chorch,being the fpoufc of Chrill, bath brought vnto him. . The fifthpoint is, how any maninparticu. Jar may know that Chritl: is giuen l'llto him ofthe -Father.An[.WhenGod giues Chrill to man,he withal! giue•man grace aad power to receiue Chritl:, and to apprehcn!l him with a:H his benefits: and this wedoe when.we vtter– ly renounce ourfelwes,this world,& all things rherein,bcwaile our finnes pa!l:,rdting on the death ofChritl: for the pardon ofthem al.,and as it wero with both the ormes of faith cat– ching hold vpon him inalleltati:s,·bothin life and death. When the heartofany manis tru– lY difpofcd and inclined to doe thefe and the is in fpirit; & thisis the coniunction meant in thisplace:whereby Chrillaud his Chtirehare ioyned together: forrhe very fame fpirit of God that dwcls in the manhoodof Chritl, & fillethitwithall graces aboue meafure,isderi· uedthence and dwels in , Uthetrue members ofthe Church, and fillerh them with the like graces in meafurc,and therefore S, {olm faith, Hereby lPe /qJ1WthatwedweBinhim~andheinvr,1 becauft hehathgiHenvs of hi<JPirir,Hence it fol- :;;h. 4o !owes, that the bondof this coniuntlio is one and the fame fpirit defcending trom Chrilt the head to all his members, creating alfo in them the inl!rument of'faith ; whereby they apprehend Chrill And make him their owne. The fecond is, what are the things voited? .Anfw. Notthebodieofthe beleeuertothe bodie of Chrill, or the foule to his foulc, but the w.hole perf->n ofthe manto the whole per. JOn ofChrill: yet in this'order; we are firlt of all and immediately ioyned to the manhood of Chrill, &by the manhood to the godhead. Thethird queltionis, wharisthemanner ofthis coniun<'tion?.Anf. Wcmull: nor think ~t Chrill &his Church are ioyned by ima– gtnatton, as the mtnde ofman and the thing whereofhe thiakes:or by confent ofheart as one friend is ioyned with another, and as ~he Iewes conucrted were all of one heart and All. '· foule:or one place, or by rou- • •· ching, as fea &land arc both ioyned togecher and make one globe: or byaoy compoGtion orcommixtion ot'fubfl:ances, as when many ingredients are put togethet, to make one mtdiciRe. But this coniundion is altogether ~----~---------------------------------------------~~·~, _3 _______ ~P="~"="a=l=I L-----