re ; 300 Of the An Bxp.ojition · Chu h· - fp p m t y ft s d Iy a t {( n w p y c {( t M h h E I( a {( a hi w a 0 b c n m as A fl b k r a fi G l a •Jut ad 0 rem, w ~ Ius i I "• I irituall as the former Giuing was;& incom- A Chrill: and:all t~at bckeue in him: and in this rehenfible to mansreafon: and therefore we Vnl(}n Chnll: wtth al Jus benefits accordingto u!l rather labour to feele it by experience in the teno•r of the couenantofgrace, is made hy heart, then to concciue it in the braine. ours really : and therefore we may !land iu!l etneuerthdeff~it fhall not beamifietoconbefore.God by hisri~hreo~fneffe; it beinginder a refemblance of itin thi• comparifon. deed his, becaufe 1t IStn htm as ina fubie~. uppofc a man hauing the partsof his bodie yet fo,as it is alfoours;becaufcitis giuenvnt~ isioyoed farreafund<r, his head lying in Itavsof God. Now there IS no !uchvnionbe- ~one armeinGermany,the ether in Spaine, tweeneman and man, and for thatcaufeone nd his legs with vs in England: fuppofefurmancannotliue by the foule ofanother or be her, all thefe parts or quarters haue all one leamed~y the le~rning ?f another. Fo~rthly, oule,extendingit felfe vnto them al& quickfrom this fonntame fpnogs our fan~ificatio ing each of them feuerally, as though they whereby we dye to finne , and are renued i 1; ere ncerelyioyned together: & though the righteonfnesand holinelfe. Wormesand flies arts be feuered many hlidred miles afunder, that hauelien dead all winter,ifrhey be laid in et the dillance of place doth not hinder the B the Sunne in the fpring time begin to reui"e, oniun~ion, confidering one and the fume byvertne therof:euen1o,when we arevnited oule cloth enlarge it felfe and giue life vnro to Chrift,& are(asit were)laid in rhebeames hem all. In the fame mannerrhehead of the ofthisblelfedSonofrighttoNjiut, verrue isdey!licall body Chri!l our Sauiour is now in riued thence, which warm<rh our benummed eauen, & fomeofhis mebers in heau<n with 'hearts dead in linne, and reuiuetl\vs to newim,and f01ne in earth : and ofthefe, fome in ni:s oflife : wherebywe begintoatfed& like ngland , fome in Germany, fome in Italy, good things, and pur in pradifc all theduties omein Spaine, di!lant manyrhoufand miles ofreligion. Fifthly,hence wehauethe protefunder:and the fpirit ofGod is as it were the chon ofGods angels; for they alwaies wair & oule ofthisbody whieh gines fpiritualllife to attend OR Chrill:, & becaufe we are made one ll the members: di!lance of placedoth not wirhhim,rheyattend vponvsalfo. Laftly, by ·nderrhis coniundion,becaufe theH. Gho!l re.Conofthis vnionwith Clui(l, cuery bdeehich linketh a! the parts together is infinite. ucr comes to haue intere!l and to recouer his The benefits which we receiue by this My· title in the creatures ofGod, and to hauethe icall vnion are manifold.Fot it is theground tloly and lawfull.vfe of them all. Forwe mull: ftheconueyance ofallgrace.The fir!l is,that C confider, that although .Ad.tmcreated in the y meanes hereof eijery Chri(iian as hee is a Im>ge ofGqd, wasmade Lordouer all things hri!Hanor a man regenerare,hath hisbegintn heauen& earth ; yet w~.enhe fell byeating i•g and being in Chri(i,hewfoeueras he is a rho forbiddenfruit: he,& inhimallmankinde an he hath his being & fubfi!lmg in himfelf, loft the title & vfe ofthem all.Now therefore P..ut faith,t Cur.J.JO.TetmofGodin Chrift that a man may recouerhis intere!l, hee mult nd,Eph.5. ,o.r<ar< membmofhu bo<fy,ofhu iiril ofall be vnited &made one wirh Chri!l: <Jh,&•fhi<bonet.How(wi! f<>meuy)canrhis and then·by Chri!l, who is Lord andKir.g ef After this manner: The comparifooisraoucrall, fhall herecooer thattitle in thecreaen from our fide parents. ENe was made ofa turesofGod,which he had bycreation ; &be ib taken ourofAd.tmt fide,he beingcall inro made Lord ouer them againe. But fome will £lumber: this being done, .Adam•waked & fay, if this be fo, then a Chri!lian man may aicl,Thunow i<bon<ofmybon<,& fl•fh ofmyjlejh. haue & enioy aUcreatures at his pleafure; and en. •·•3. Chrift was nailedon the'crofl<:,and therefore the goods ofother men? Anf The 1is moll precious blood was fhed, & out ofit reafon is ootgood, lorin this lifewe haue no rife and fpring all true Chri!lians:thatis,out more but(a)rightvnto the creature; and (b) f the merit of Chri!ls death and pa!Sion, D right in it,that is,adual polfefsion is referued herby they become new creatures. Secondfor the life to come. Therfore we mull cotent y, euery one that bekeueth in Chri!lby reaour felueswirh our allowed porrios giuen vnfon.ofthis vnion bath an vnfpeakable preroto vs by God, by hisgracevfing them in,holy gariue: for hereby heis fir!lvnired to Chri!l, manner, exptaing by hope the full fruition and by rcafon thereof is alfo ioyned to the 0fall things till after this life.Againe,ifall tiwhole Trinity,the Father, the Smine, and the des to the creaturesbe recouered by Chri!t,it holy Ghofi, and fhall haue eternal!fellowfhip may be demanded, I:Vhether infidels haue awith them. Thirdly,fundry men,fpecially PaAY intere!l to their goods or no?An{.Infidds pills, deride the dodrine of iu!litication by before men are right Jords ofall their lands imputed righteoufneffi:: : thinking. it is abandpoffefsions which they haue obtained by ford, thaJ: a man fhould be iuft by that rightelawfull meanes; and in the courts ofmen they oufi1elfe which is inherent in the perfon of are not to bee depriued of them: but before Chri!l: asif we would fay, thatone man may God they are burvfurpers: becaufe they hold liuc by thefoule of another: pr be Iearne<l by them not inCApitt, that is, in Chri!l: neither the learning ofanother. But here \Vc may fee, hauetheyany holy & right vfeofthem, for to that it bathfufficient foundation. Forthere is thevncle~tnc., All thi.nus Arc vnc/(ane, Tit. I.I 5• a moll neere and !height ..nion bctwcene And they mu(! fir(! ;;fall become members~ ---------------------------------------------------------------~C~h~,r~i~·~