Of the d nExpojition Church, trittmphmgo=thtjlefb, thtdiurH,andt~tworld, A 'Chrijl, whichu beft ofaU. Where yetwe mu!t ir.Jjing God. Full: I fay,lt IS acompameofthe remember,that the members ofChri!tdoaot tpmtsofmen, as the H. Gholl: expreOy teardefire death limplyand abfolutely, but in two Heb.u. meth1t, becaufe the foule~onely ofthe godly refpe~s:I.That they misht leaue offro finne, a;, departed, as of .Abraham,ffaakJac.b, 'lJautd, and by finniog leaue to difpleafe God. I I. &c: ~rea~yet.afcendcdmto~eacen, and not That they might come toenioy happines in their bodtes. Futhermore tne properties of heaucn, and to be with Chrill:. thiscompany are two : The fir!t , isto make Touching the general!ell:ateofthemilitant triumphouer their (oiritual enemid,the flelh, Church, two que!tions are to bee confidered. thedi~ell,t~e w?rld: forrlle right.eous m.an,fo !he~r~, h?W farrcforth God is prefent wirh longashe hues m this world , IS m contmuall lt,alSifii>Jg1t by h1sgrace•.Anfw.Godgiueshis cornbate without truce with a! theenemiesof fpirit vnto it in fuch a meafure , that althouoh his faluation: and by con!tant faith abtaining thegates ofhel can not prcuaileagainll:it y"et viaorie in the end ofhis life, he istraOated in neuerrhek«<: itremaincs ll:i! fubtect to e:roor glorious and triumphant manner into the both in doarine and manners.f or that which kingdomeofglory. Thiswas!lgnifiedto/ohn B is true in euery memberoftheChurch isalfo inavifion,inwhich he faw ~ninnHmtrablecomt~e.in the whole : but. euery membe~ ofthe 1tcu7. 9 , panyof•Ofortsofnatlons, J,indreds, people, and M1hrant Church tsfubm't to errourborbin tongues ft•nd befort tht Lambe , <ioathtdin long doctrine and manners,bccaufe men inthis life 111hite robes,with palmes intheirh;mds, in token are but i., part enIightned and fanaified: and that they had beene warriours, biltnowby thereforell:il! remaine fubie~to blindnesof Chrill: haue gotten the vi2lory and·are niade mind& ignorance, & to therebellionoftheir conquerours. Their fecond properrie , is to wdsand affeCtions· wberby it comes ro pa!fe praife and magnifie the name of God, as it that they may eafily faile eitherin iudgcrueu~ tolloweth in the formerplace,[aying .Amen: or in pra~ife. Againe,that which may befall Reu 7.ta praife 3 4Ndg/Qry,andwifed0me,& thank§s,hon'our, one or twoparticularChurches,may likewifc powerandmijht bee vnto our G•Jfor tHermore. befall ~!I tile particular Churches VJ>?nearrh, Hence 1tmay be demanded, whether AAgels allben1g m •me and the famec,mdmon; but be ofthis Triumphant Church or na? Arifw. thiS may befall one or.two particular ChurThe blc!fed angels b.e in heauen in the preches to faile either in dofuine or maners.The feureofGodthcFather, theSonne, and the Church of 8phej111 failed in leauing her firfl Rea.+ holy Ghofr, butthey arc n·ot ofthemyll:icaJ! C l•ue,whereupon Chrill:threatncthtorcmooue body of Chrill:, bccaqfe they are not vJider from her the Candlell:icke. And the Church him,ashe is theirrcd~emerj confidering,they ofGai<tia was renwoutdtoanotbtr GojftUfmn G.I.,.< cannot be redeemed, which neuer fell\and it h•m that had<alledthem in the grace ofChrijl.· cannotbe j>rooued that they now {bid by the n.ow why may not the lame things befa! twenverrue of Chrill:s redemption : but they are tie, yea an hundred Churches, which befell vnder him as he is their Lord and King; and thcferwaine? Lall:ly, experiencelheweth this by the power ofChrill: as heis God, and their tobe true, in that general! Councds haueerGod, are they confirmed. And thereforeas I red• The Counccllof :1\{,icebeeingtareforme takeit,wec cannot fay,that Ange!S.re mcmfundrie behauiours among the Bilhops and bersofthemy!tical!bodyofChri!t,orofthe Elders, would with common cmlfem haue triumphant Church; thoughindeede,they b'e forbidden marriage vnto them, thinking it ofthe company ofthe blt!fed~ pro~iable tobefo; vale!fePaphnutiHihadbetThe Church Militant may be thus defcriter Informed them outof the Scriptures. In bed:ltinhemnpanyoftheelerlorfaithful,Jiuing the third Counce!l at Carthage, certaine vnderthe<roffi, defiring to beremoo~<ed, andto btt booku Apocrypha, as ;he bookc ofSyrach, with Chrift. I fay not that the Militant Church D Tob~t, and the Ma<<habm , arc numbred in I is the whole body ofthe elc~, but onely that the Canon,& yet were excludedby the Counpartthereofwhiohliuethvponearrh: and the ~ell ofLaoclict<. And the fayingofaDiuine , infallible markc tllereofis that faith in Chrill: . u receiued, thatformorCoHII<tlsaretoberrfor- .AUoull. I whichis taught and de!iuered in the w•itings ,ed ana amentieby thelatter. ButPapill:s main- b.;~>. \ ofthe Prophets and Apoll:les : and this faith raining that the Church cannot erre, alleadge •+ againe may be difcerned by two markes. The the promife ofChrill:: Howbeit whenhe M come fidl,is that the memberspfthiscompanie.liue which urhejfiritoftrnth,ht wiU/eadeyouintoaR 1 h 6. vnder thecro!fe, and profit by itin all fpirimtrHth• .Anfw. The promifeisdiretted to the 1~ ·' ! all guce. And therefore iris laid,thatw<muft ApofHes, who with their Apoll:olicallautho· ' t;~::· ~~!;;2!::~~~~;~~~!,I;1!;z1~1:f ~!"~~~!i:~~~~!~~fiL~fg~1~~~;~ l•l• ta/:!vp hidcroffieueryday andfollo>v me. The feat Ierufalem they conclude thus,{tftemesgoot' .,tll,t!· ' cond marke, isadefirerodeparthence& to '>nrovs, a•dtoththoly Ghoft. And ifthe pro- • 8 • •.Cor.J- be with Chri!t,as 'P•"' faith,WccloHcrAtherto mifebe further extended to alltl!e <;:hurch, 1t \ s. be amoouedo11r ofrhubody•nd tobew~th Chrijl. mutt bee vnder!l:ood wtrha hm!tatton: that PhiL&. ' Andagaine. {defirttobeelooftdandtobeewith God will giue his fpirit vnto the members ,E:___ 1 thereof