Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

304 Of the dnExpojition Churcb, --. white-Jiuered fouldier.. And it h called a A .ioyne thcmfclucs to thofepbces where with I Churchofthebetterpart, namely, theelea '!liberty of confcicncc they may enioy this / whereofit contilteth, though they bein numhappie blefsing. Men are not to haue their 1 bcr few: As for thevngodly,though they be i_n I heartsglued to the honours and richcs ofcl 1 is , the Church, yet are they no more parts of 1t world,but they lhould be ofDauids mind and indeede, then the fuperfluous humours in the rather defire to bedoore-kcepers in the h~ufe veines are parts ofthe body. Buttoproceede; of God, then to dwell in the tenrsofvngodliho\v are the members of the vifible Church I nelle. In the Canticles the fpoufe of Chrifl: qualified and difcerned?rheanfwcr followeth faith, Shew mee, 0 thou whommyfrm!e loueth, l" rhedefinition,pr<ifeffin§thefaith . Whereby where thoufeedefl, whcrethOH!yef/at noone .-for Conr, 1. I meane the profefsionof that religion which whyjhould1bee"' fbee that tHrneth afide to the 6. hathbeene taught from the beginning, andis flocktJ<ifthy<ompanions! To whrim he anfwe. now recorded in the writings ofthe Pr<>phets ~eth thus: If thou kflow mt,0 thou thef<Ureflafi and Apofl:les. And this profefsion is a figne mong women, getthe.fmh by thejleppe~ oft he va ' 7· and marke whereby a man is declared and . ocl,s, andfeedethy kidder by thetentr oftheJhep. made manifelt"' bee a meber of the Church. B' heardr: that is, in thofe places where the do. Againc,becaufe the profefsion of the faith arine ofrightcoufnel!C: and life euerla!lingby is otherwloiles true & fincere,and otherwhiles th< MeiSias, ispublilhed. When the Shunaonely in !hew,therfore there be alfHwo forts mites childe was dead, !he told her husband oflllembersof the vifible Church , members that!hewould go to theman ofGod,to whom before God, and members before mea. A he anfwered thus; Why, wilt thou eoe ro him memberofthe Church before God, is he t_hat to day,ill~ neither new Moonc,nor Sabbath<lAp , Ki befide the outward profefston of the fatth, wherbyltts figmfied, that when teaching was 4 , • og. hath inwardly a pure heart,good confcience, fcarce in Ifrael, the people did refortro the '' and faith vnfained , whereby he is indeede a Prophetsfor inltrucl:ion and confobtion.And true member ofthe Church. Members befor< Dauidfaith;thatthe people wherefoeuer their men,whomwe may cal repy"d members,are aboad was, went fom flrength to jirengthtiO P( 1 fuch as baue ~othingelfe buttheoutward prot~ey _bifor< God in Sion,_ And often7 ,' 4 • fefston,wantmg the goodconfctence, and the nmes theybetng Profclytes, thctraboadmufl: fuith vnfained.The reafon why they are to be needsbe out ofthe precincts oflewrie. I efl:cemed membersofvs, is, becaufe wee are lbus we feewhatthe vi1iblc Church is:now . 1 bound by the rule of charity to thinkeof men C further concerning it , three qneltions arc to as theyappeare vntovs; leauingfecret iodgebe skanned. The lirlt,ishowwe may difcerne ment Vllto God. whether particular men and particular Churl added in thelafl: place, that th1 Church u chcs holding errours, bee found members of g•theredby the w•rd preached, to!hew that the the Catholike Church or no. For the anfwe1caufe whereby it is begun and continued, is ringofthis, wemu!lmakea double diflinCli- ' the word: which for that caufels called the on,one oferrours, the other of perfons that 1 Pn.t. imr»Drta/l[cede: whereby we are borne anew, crre. Of en·onrs fome aredellroyersof the •l· ! andmill:!, whereby wee arefed andcherilhed faith,fome ondy weakrn:rs ofit. A deftroyer H~·f·'l to life euerlafling. And hence it followeth is that, which oucrturncth ony fimdamcntal! ;~"'~ ~. or. l·.~ ~[~~~~~:~~hte~~t~h1~~fr~~~'ro~~.~!~~~~; ffi~~~f;~l~~i~~i;~~~ft~f{.'f;~"~~:~~~~~~:~ I meafureoffaith and obedience, is an infallible thedeniall ofthe death of Chri!t,aud the im· marke of a true Church. Indccde it istrue, morraliryofthe foule,iultilicationby work<!, there bee three things required to the good and fuch like :and the ft1111me oftheCe funda- ,c!late oftheChurch,the preachingofthe Gof. mentall points is comprifed in the Creede of I pel,the adminifl:ration ofthe Sacraments,and D theApoftles& the Decalogue. A weakening the due execution of Difciplinc according to errour isrhat, the holding whereofdoth not the word:yct ifthe two later be wanting,fo be ouerturne aAy point in the foundationof tal• itthere bepreaching ofthe word with obedination; asthcerrour offrec-will, and 1imdry encein the people,there is for fubfl:ance a true fuch like. Thisdiltinctionis made bythe holy Church ofGod. For it isrhe bannerofCllrifl Ghofl,who faith expre1fdy that the doctrines difplaied,vnder which al that war again(\ the ofropentance, and faith, and baptifme, and !llelb, the diudl, the world, mult range them~ laying on ofhands, and the rcfumc1ion, and felues. Asthe Lord faith by the Prophet Efo•, the lalt tudgement,arethefou~dmon, namely, G.l 1 . 1, 'I willlift vp my handto th, Gentiles,&jitvp my ofreligion:and again,that Clmj/i;thefoundA- ;. ' Ha 49• jlandArdvnto the people, andtheyfba/1bring tbeir tioN,and that other doctrines COI~fonanrto tAe I HM. ~·· a:.. fonnes in their~trmes, and their daughtersJhaObe word, are :.s gold and filuerla1d thereupon. 1 Cor. ''I cr:rried'VplntheirjJJoJtlders.Hence it followcth, Sec6dly..perfons erring,are oftwo forrs:10me 10 ' 1 )that men which want the preaching of the erreofweakeneffC! beingcarried away by_oGofpel, mufl: either procure: the fame vnro thers.:orof ft~nple Ignorance, 1~ot yet bemg themfelues; or ifrhar cannotbe, becaufc they comuCted. & mform~d C?nc~rnmg the u·u~h. liue in the middcfi ofidolarrous nations, as iA I Some agame t~re ofo~Htnac1e,or affect~d tg.. Spaine & I raly, it is requi(ite thatthey iliould' 1 nomnce, \VIuch 1Jautng beene admomlhed 1 - -- -- ----- ---..,. -,and· / '