Ofthe --------------~------------~ oftbe (reede. Gburc11. and conuitl:cd, !liltperfouere in their forged opiniOs. This being (.lid, we n~ow come to the point. Tfany man o~ Church,fh~lll!old ~n er– r<>urofrhe lighter kmde, hee fiJ]I remamcs a member of the Church ofGod, arid fo mull A As forrhea!fcmblies ofI'%pills which haue be reputed of vs. As when a Lutheran. fhall hold,that ima!jes are fitll to be retamed m the ChurcH that there is anVniuerfall ekClion of all m<n: &c. fortliefe and fttch likt>opinions may be maintained, the foundation of falua– tion vnrafed. This which I fay is flatly-auou-' chedby7'<ul. Ifanyman (faithhc)-buildon this fom1aation, gold,filuer, pretious fl:ones; ,.Cor.!• timber, h<y, Jhtbbie, his worke fhall be made 11 • 1J• man1fdi::1ythcfire 1 &C· mrdif~Jn)mtt'IISW8rk! Verf•·ll burne,l>efh•R /oofo, butY", hefhallbe fafehim- . I feiJe And therefore the hay and fiubble of B mens errours that are befide the foundation, onwhichtheyarclaid, doe notdebartc them trom beeing Chrill:ians or members of the Church. Aman breakcs down the windowes bin • great part of rhe world,iftherby we vn– dcrfrandcompaniesofmen \lolcing the Pope for their head, .& beleruing the dotl:riqc tfia– blifhcdin the Councel o.fTrcm; in name they are called Churches, bt~tind~ede they arc no. ' true or found membe1·s of the Catholike Church. For.both in thcir.do(l:tine and in the worfhipofOod, they ra?f.thevery found~ti9 r ofreligion,whkh will ~ppeare,by th-.fe thr~c points:Firllof aU:, they hold iufrifi :ation by workesofgrace: auouehing that they are not onely iufrified before God by tte merit of Chrill, bmalfo by their pwnedoings. Which opinion flarly , ollerturneth iuftification by Chrifi.For asP•ulfaitb totheGalatians,)'fye G,! s.u becircuincifed, Chrjfl profitphyounothing, that · of his houfe ; the houfc !lands : hee breakes downe the roofe or the wals; the houfe yet frands though deformed : bee pullcs vp the foundation; the houfe itfelfe fals&ceafeth to b• an houfe. Now religion which we profe!fe is like an houfe or building : and fame points therofare like windows,fioorcs,w:ils,roofcs, & fame are the very founllation: & the former may bebattered,thefoundationfianding. A– gaine, ifthe crrourbediret\1¥ or by neceOary c6feqn<•t, euenin common fenfe againfi tho foundation, roufideration mufr be had whe– ther the Church or party erreth of weakenes or malice: it ofweakendfe, theparryistobe efieemed as a member of the Catholike Church. . And rhos Paul writes vnto the Church ofGalotia, as to a Church of God, though by falfe teachers it hadbeene turned away to another Gofpel, embraced the fim– damentall errour of iu!lification by workes. BmWhen any man or Church fhall hold fun– damenrall erroors inobfrinacie oraffetl:ed ig– norance, wee are not then bound to re1?utc them any longer as Churches or Chrifrians, but as !i.1cht<i>whom condemnation belongs, ts, ifye looke to be iuttified by the workes of the ceremonialllaw,ye are fallen from Chrifi: ioyne circumcifion and Chrifr together in the matterofinfiific4tion, ami yedoequite oucr– throw iuilification by Chrif!. Now ifthis be true, which isthe word of God that cannot lie,then we fay to the Papifrs;T fye will needes be iu!lifiedby workes ofgrace, yce are fallen from grace. The feeond point is, that they maimaine a daily reall f•crifice of the bodie ofChrillin.thema!fc for the iinnes orroe quickeanddead. And this is alfoa fit~damcn· tall herefie. For Chrifrs f•crifice en tht ero!fe mufieithet bee ar-~rfed: facrifice or no facri– fice , and ifit be often iterated and repeated as Pau/lheweth by the exampleof,Iannesand tTim.J· Iambres. And.u i•nncs andlambres, (with he) R1ithj/oudMofos,fodmheft •lforeflj/thttr~th, 0 menof cormptmindes ~ reprobau c~cernjng th~ i faith. Yet withall,this caueat mufi euer be re– membred, thatwee rather condemnethe er– rorthen the perfon that erreth, bccaufe GOds mercy is like to abottomleile fea, whereby he worktthwhar he wil and when he will in the hearts ofmiferable !inners. c by the M<.!fe-priefi , in is oot perf<tl: but im– perfetl:. Tne tnird pointis, that they wor01ip the Im:tgesof the Trinitie and Saints depar– ted,and their Breadengod, whichisasvilean. abhominatiou as et:ter was among the Gen– tiles: all beeingdiretlly agaioft the true mea– ning of the ftcond commandement, and de– facing the \vorfhip of God in the very fllb– tlancethtreof. Thusthen it appeares,thatthe old Churchof Rome is changed, and js now at this day , of a fpoufe of Chrifr become an harlot: and therefore no more a Church of Chrifi indeede , then the carka!fe ofa dead man that.weareth aliuing mans garment is a liuiRg man, though he look neuer fo like him. And whereas they pleade for themfelucs,that they haue fuccetSion fom the Apofiles, the anfwer is,that !uccefsionofperfon is nothing without fuccefsion of doclrine ' which they want: and we fee thatheretickes haue ft!Ceee– dedlawfull Minifrers. Secondly,wherea. i:is alleadged, that in the Pop1fh a!femblies the Sacrament of lhptifme is rightly for iltb– franceadminifired;and that alfo is anote ofa Church,threcthings)llay beanfwered. Firfr, that baptifme feuered from the preaching of the Gofpell, is no !I' ore aligne of a Church then the leale fcuered frum the indenture is of force: andthat is nothing. Circumdfion was The fecond queilion is, where at this day wemay finde ll1ch vifible Churches as are in– deed fuund mebers <>fthe Catholike Church. And for tbe refoluing ofit,we are to goe tho– rough al countries and religions in the world. And fir!hobegin with Turkesand !ewes, we arenet many wife toacknowledg their aif9U· bhes for Churches, becaufe they wotfhip not GodmChrifr who is the headofthe Church. '' vfed in Colehis, yet no ChtJrch, and among Horodot the Sat)lar~tans,and yet no people. Secondly, Hot 1 ,; Bapttfme m the a!femblics ofthe Church of Romes is~asthe purfeOf atruc man in the hand