Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

2.06 Of the rufnExpojition Church, ~ hand ofa theefe; andindeede cloth no more A land againeby the malice ofSatan renued ~nd argue them to bee Churches, then the true reniued inthi<age,ihe fame we are to thinke mans purfe arg~1es the thee~e to .bee ~true and fay ofthe Familyofloue. man• For Bapr1fme though lt be m thm afAs for the Churches ofGermany common. femblies, yot doth it not appertaine vnto lycaUedtheChurchesoftheLutherans they them, but vnto another hidden Church of arereputedi>fvsasthetruechurchesofGod. God,which he bathin allages,gathered forth Though their Alfg•flane Confefsion haue nor ofthe middeft ofthem. Thirdly, though they fatisfied the expetl:ation of other Reformed hauethe outward baptifme, yet they by neceff2burches; yet haue they all the fame enemies fary confeqHent ofdotl:rine, ouerturne thein· IQ matterofreligion, and do alike confe!fethe wardbaptifmethat ftands in iuftificationand Farher,the Sonne,and the holy Ghoft: and of fantl:ification.Moreouer,whereas it is allead~ the office ofthe Mediatour,offaith and good ged,thatthey maintaine the bookes ofthe old v,:orkes,ofthe Word, the Church,& the Ma. and new Te!lamc"tlt p<nn~d by the l'rophets ~tftrate,areallo~oneiudgement. They differ and Apollks; the an!\ver IS, that they doe It mdeede from vs m the queftion ofthe Sacra~ with adding to the Canon, and by corruprmg B ment, but it is no fuflicientcaufetoinduce vs the natiue fenfe ofthe Scriptures in the very to hold them as no Church: for that there is foundatidn:andtherefore they are butas a!ana trueor reall receiuingofthe body and blood, that!hewes!il?httoother~, and nane ofC.hriftintheLordsfupper,weallagree;and to Itftlfe.Fourthly, ltiS fitrther faid, that they we 10yntly confe!fe that Chrift is there prehold theCrcedeofth~ Apollles,andmakethe fe~t, f~ farre forth that he P<>th truly feede vs fame confefstonoffatththat wedo. I aufwer, With h1s very bodie and blood toeternall life: that in lhew ofwords they doe fo indeede;but and all the coatrouerfie lies in the manner of by necefsarie confcquents in the reft of their receiuing; we contenting our felues with that doctrine they ouerturne one ofthe rmures, & fpiritnall recduing which is by the hand o( all the offices ofChrill,and thercwithal mo!t faitb,they addingthereto the corporal,whetoftheartidesofthe Creede. And herein they by they imagine themfdues to receiue Chri(l deale asafarher,that in outward lhow tenders with the hand and mouth of the body. And the body ofhis childe, ondwill notabide the though tomaintaine this their opinion, they lea!tblemilh vpon it:andyet by fccret conneibe conllrained to turnethe afcenfio of Chritl ances inwardly annoyes the hart,ortheliuer, into adifparition, whereby 'his body being and fo in trutl' dell:roies thefame.fifrnly,itis C vifible becomes inuifible, yet in the maiae alleadged,that Antichrill muft fit iR the tell)- p<>ints we agree: that he entred intohis kingpie ofGod,rhat is, the Church; therefore fay domein our name and for vs: that we are gofome that defire an vnion betweene vs & the uerned and preferued byhispower and might: l'apifts, popi!b a!lCmblies are true Churches: and that whatfoeuer good thing we haue or but the argument is not good. For it is one doe, proceedes wholly from the grace ofhis thing tohe in the Church, and anotherthing fpirit. Indeede the opinion oftheVbiqNitie of to beofir. And'Antichrift is faid to fit in the the body of Chrift, reuiueth the comdenmed Churcl>, nor as a member thereof, but as an herefies ofE•ryches andNeftoriH~,and itouerVU!tper, or a• the pyrate in the !bippe ofthe turneth by ncceflarie confequenr moftofthe rtterchaut: & henceitcannotbe prooued,that articlesotfaith: but thatwaspriuateto fome the aflemblics of Papills are Churches, but men,asBrentiH4and others,and wasnot recei• that in them and 'with them th<reis mingled ued ofwhole Churches: andwhereas the men another hidd"n Church,in the middeft wherwere godly and learned,& we are vncertaine of Antichrilt the Pope ruleth; though himwith what affetl:ion, and how!o,ng they held feUc bath noparttherin.Laltly,whereas fome this errour, we reft our felues in condemning beingno Papifts, thinke their Churches to be D it,leauingthe perfonsto God.Againe,Popifh like a body, difeafed and full of fores and Tranfubfrantiation and Lutherian Confubwounds from the head to the foote , and the ftantiarion, are both again£1: the truth ofthe throatalfo cut, yet fo as life is ll:ill remaining; manhood ofChrill,yetwith great difference. we may betterthinkc(theirfoulc errours con· Tranfubftantiarion is flat againft an article of fidered, &their wor!bip ofGod,which is nof~ith:for if Chdfts body bemade ofbread,& thing elfc buta mix~>~re of Iudaifme and l'ah1s blood of wme (which mutlneedes he, If ganifme)that it is a rotten &dead corpesvotd there bee a conuerfion ofth~ one mto theooffpirituall life. And therefore we haue fe•ether, )thenwasnothe conce10ed and borne of red our from the Church of Romevp~ thevirgiA M•ry: forit cannot bothbe made on iuft caufc: neither are we fchifinatickes in ofBakers bread, and of the fubftance ofthe fo doing, but they rather, becaufe the ground Virgin. Againe , it abolilhcth the outward .and the proper caufeofthe fchifmds inthem. figncin the Lords Supper, as alf<>theanalogte As for tho a!fomblies of Anabapti!ts , Li~ bctweene the figne and the thing figmfied, & bertincs Antinomies Trirhcits Arrians, Safo ouerturnes the Sacrament: bur Confubmofatenlans, they a:e no Chu;ches ofGod, frantiation doth not fo, neither doth kouer• but confpiraciesofmooftrousheretickes iuturnethe fub~anceofany article ofrt·hgl'?"• dicially condemned in rhe primitiue Church, but only a mamc point ofPhllofoph)', wbt~h IS,