Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Of the ofthe [reede. Church. is, that a bodytbthoccupy•n• onc~plae<<r_once. A not a man to beno Chrifrian, buta bad Chri, Furthermore,the Churches oiHeluetla, & IHan. When the Iewes had crucified the Lord Sauoy,and the freeciriesofFrance,& the low oflife, they llill remained a Church, (if any Countries,and Scotland are to be reuerertce.d vpon earth:) and notwithllanding thisthelr as thetrue ChurchesofGod,astherrconfef.,.. facft, the Apofllcsacknowledged that the colleons make manifell. And no ldfemull. we: n<ntandthepromi(<sllillbdongedvntothem: rhinkeof ourowne ChurchesinEn~land and and they netl<r made any feparation from Ireland.Forwe hold,belecue,and maintaine, their Synagogues, till fuch time as they had and preach thetme faith, thatis, the ancient I bcene fo!ficicntly conni/Jedby the Apoflolicall do<'trine of faluarion by Chrill ,,taught and minillcry rhat Chrill was the true M<fsias. · publifi>ed by theP.rophetsand ApoHles, as Thuswcfeewhereatthisdaywemay find rhe booke ofthe orticles of faith agreed vpon the till< Church ofGod. New I come to the in open Parliament cloth fully !hew: and withthird quellion; and that is,at what timea man all now we are, and haue becne ready to teflimay with good confcience make feparatiori fie this our faith, by venturing our.liues euen from a Church. Anfw. So long as a Church in the caufe ofreligi6 againll forreine power, . B makes no feparation from Chrill, wee mull and efpecially the Spaniard: and hereupon make no feparation from it:and when it fepaall the Churches in Europe giue vnto vs the rates from Chrifl, we may alfo f<parate from hand offellow!htp. And whereas fu•dry ait:and theretoreia two cafc~ ther< i.s warrant mong vs that f<parare •nd indeed excommuoffeparation.The oneis,when the wor!hip of Rom94 Aas1.. nicate themfeJues 1 giue out that rhen~. is no God is corrupt in fubftancc. And for this We' Church in England, no Minifiers i no.Sacra· haue ac.lmmandement,Benot)faith Par-~l,vnc.. t..CGr. 6 • ments:t!>eir p<r<:mprorie alfeuerations wanqNallyy.i<!dwithinfideis,for"'h•tfellowfbip h<th 14 • tingfufficientgcound, are b~t as papedhot. righteotifiusvPithvnrighuoxfon,or wh,ucommifThey alleadge that our a!femblies are full of monhathl•ghlw~th d4rk!}cslor whatco~cort/hath grieuous blotsapd enormities. Anf. The deChrif/with Be/ia/? orwhatpart bath the beleeuer tells & corruptions c( Churches mull be diwitht/Jeinfirklllor "'hat agrument hatbthetem. ltinguifi>cd: and either in doltrine,or pie of(,'odwithidols ? Wherefore (omeoutfroma•. manners. Againe, .corruptions i• dot.'lrine inong them,&jiparateyourfel~es,f4iththe Lord: mull further beediflingui!hed: fa:ne of them And we hauea proltife ofthis iu the old tdla• are errors indeed,but bef)de the foundatio: & ment. When Jeroboam had fet vp idols in Iffame errorsdirectly againllthe foiidation: & C rael,then thehitf/sand Leuim came to litMh thefe ouerturne all religion, whereas the fora~tdlerufolnn toftrutthe Lord. The fecond is merdocr.ot. Now it cannot beJI)ewed thatin when thedofuineof religi6 is corrupt in fub~ our Churches is taughtany oneerror th:itrallance:as 'P••I Caith,lfarryman teacbotherwi(<, feth the foundadon,and confequeorlyanuihianJconftnt llot to the whollfome"'>rds ofo•r Lord lares the truth ofGods Conrch. Indeed there lefHIChrijl,and to the doEirine which if IKcordmg iscontrouerlie among vs ranching the point 1to,godlmejfi,heupuffed11p: fom which f<para~e ofEcclefiaJ!icall regimect:but markein what yourftluet,Apralttfeofrhts we hauein the Amanner. Weall ioyntly agree in the f•bllance pJllle Pa11l, who being in EphcfiiS in a Synaofthe regiment, confe(sing freely that there gogoeoftllclewcs,lpake boldly forrhe (pace mull be prcac'>ing of the word, adminillratiofthrec moneths, d1fputing and exhorting to 2.. CbrQ. on'ofthe Sacraments, according to the inlli• the things which co,.erne t'1e kingdomeof ~ution, and rhevfeofthe Power of tf).C Keyes Q("'d : but whm certaine men were h.erdmed~tnd ACt.19• 1n admomtton,,fttfpenfions, excommumcatitiifobeyed,fPeak!.nteniHofthew· yoJGod,hedepar. ~8~ :8, ons:the dtff"cce betweenvs is only touching 1 tedfom them•ndftparatetithe di(<iplesofEphi. the perfons, and the manner of puttmg this fm:& the like he Rome alfo. As tor the gouernment in execution: and therefore men D corruptions that be in the mancrsof men that on booh parts , though both hold not the be ot the Church, they are no fufficient wartruth In thts pomt; yet bec~ufe both hold r<~nt offcparation, vnleffeit be from priuate Clmfl the foundauon, they lhll remame brecopany, as we.are admqnilhed by the Apofl/e thre~un~ true membcrsot Chrill.As for corP•ul: and by DaHids & Lotsexamplcs:By this rupuons mmann:rs, they mak< not a Church wluch hath bin faid, it appeares that the pra1 to be~o Chnrc~,butabod Church. When as lti(eoffuch as make feparation frov~. i$ very Matb.>J. the wtckedScnbcs & Phanf:sfi::tmgmMif<s bad &fchifmatical,confideringour Churches •· chairc,taughtthe things which hehad writte, faile not either in the fubll:anceofdoltrine,or thepe~pk arocom':"•nded to heare t~em, & m the fubll:anceofthe true wodhip ofGod: todo tnc thmgs whiCh they f"y,not d01ng the . Now to proceed in the Creed. The CLucch thmgs wht~n t~>eydoc.And whereastt Jsfatd, 1s fiJtthc~fct forth by certaineproperries.anJ thatwe ho.d Chnflw word,and d<l>Y htmm preroga~IUes. The properties or qualities are x.Cor•.j. 11. Pfa.11..4. t.Pet.a. a. 9eede,that ~· anl\vcref! thus: demall of Chnll two,holme/{eandlargenes~ That the Chut'chis ts ~o.uble,cttlu.r mluageme>Jt,or Hl fa<.'hdem.. ho!J, tt appeares by ·Peterwhich cals it 411 ho!J ,, P~t. ,., alt~lll~d~emcm ioyn~d ~It~ obltin~cy'·makes 1lt.41io~,andafhoJ!n people: .and by s. John, who g. aChnllunto be no Ch:t.fl~an; deAtallm fact, c.lsltth~ho)Yetry. And it is fo called, that it "'" ' 1 · the mdg<menrJb~ re~!au>u>g. found, makes may be dllbngu~!d from tbe falte Church, :·;d "· ----- Dcd which