Communion .dn 8xpojition of Saints. R<u. , .., which istearmed in Scripntres, the Synagogue A fringuifh it from particular Churches which and. J.g. tf Satan, and rhe mabgnant ChHrch. arc n<;>t beleeued, bttt fecne with eye, :vhereof PfH6·!· Now this holines of the Church is nothing madeoften in the fcriptures. Rom tlfebut acreated qualitie in euery true mcm 4 16.5. I. Cor.I6·I9· the ChurchiJJtheir houfe· bcrthercof, ~!herby theimageofGod, which and,theChurchesofAfia. Colo£f+I 5· s.u,,; was l~fr by the fall of A<Ltm,is againe Ienued ~mph"' andthe Churchin hts hoJtfe. Acl. II •nd rdlored. The author of it is God by his 22. the ()mrch of lerufo/em, ACl. '3· I, the word & fpirit, by little & little abolifhingthe Churchar Antioch,&c. , corruption of finne, and f.mchfying vs tho- . That the Churchis Catholike in rcfpt<Cl of Ioh. 17 , rottghottt,as Chrill: faith,Fmhcr~fanf!ific them t1mc,place,perfon,tt muufi-ersmatter ofend- '7· , in tlry truth,thpvordi<rrurh. Andhohnes mull: le!fecolnfortvntovs. For hereby we fee that be c6ceiued to be itl the Church on this man.. no order, degree, ordl:atc-ofmen arc: excluner:it is perfeel in the Church Triumphant,& ded from grace in Chrifl, vnle!fe ihey willexit is onely begun in the Church Militant in cludethemfelues. S. John faith, r .Ioh. 2 .t. 'tf rhi! life, and that for fpcciall caufe, that wee any manjinne ~ we hauettnadHocatewiththe Fa· I,Tim.I. mightgiu-e a! glory to God;that we might not/ B ther,le[ mChrijl therighteoJU. Nowit might be , 1 • be high minded, that wemight work our fat- ~ anfwered,ttJstruemdeed,Chrifris an AduoRom.Jr• .uationwith feart & u:cmbligg;tbat we might. cate tofome men, buthee isno Aduocate to >o:r deny our fdues & wholly depend vpon God.c me.S. John therefore faith further, verf. z.and ~~1 •p.t, Henccwclcarnc three things: firli thatthe heuthereconci/iatirmforourfinneJ, and116tforour M,;.. 9 ,, 4 G:hurch of Rdmo erreth in teaching that a· Jinnesone!y,burforthewho/ewor/d,thatis,forail wit:ked riw1, yea fuch an one as !hallneuer be bdeeuers·ofwhat coditionor degreefoeuer. faued ,may beattue membe<Ofthe Catholikc;- Thusmuchofthepropertiesofthe Chorcht Church : for in reafon, eucryman fhould bee nowfollow rheprerogatiues or benefitswhich 'anfwerable tb the qua\irie & conditionof' the God befroweth on it, which are in number ChurchWJJ<rofhe isamember~ifit be holy,is fou1e. The firfl is exprelfedin thefe words rhe itis,hc mull: be holy alfo.Secodly 1we arc eue-· CommunionofSaints•.Where communion fig. T' ryone ofvs,as Paut faith to 'l<imothie,to e>:era1fieth that fellowfhrpor fociety thatone hath ~: lm.q. bft om'"[elNe.( vmogod/ines.~making1!6fci~nceof w1th anothe-r : and by S~tints wee vnderfl:and alour torrnerYa:tholywa1es,endeauourmgour notdead men inrolledin the Popes calender fclucsto pleaft God in the obedience ofal his but all that are fanc~Hfied by the blood of eommandements. It is a difgrace to the holy C Chnfr,whether they be liningor dead:asPaut Church ofGod, that m<n·pwfefsing therri· fa~th,r.Cor.x .z,VntorheChurchofGoawhichu fdu<s to be memb<rs of ir,O,onld be vnholy. at Corinthus, tothem thara>·efonFJiftedin 'fefm 1Thirdly,our duty is,to efchew the fociery ofa· Chrij/, Sainrsbycallint· And.r4. B• qodu the thci!ls,drunkards, fornicatours·,blafphemers, godofpeace in A/theChurches ofrhe Saints Now & alwicked & Vngodly perlons,asPaulCiiih, ifwee adde the claufe I be/eeH<, vnto thefe Be no comp{miovsofthem, andJ,o~ne nofellowfhip words, themeaning is this; I confdlt and acEph.!.7, with vnprofirablewa>k£sofdtreyes.And he char-· knowledge that thereis a fpirintall fellow!hip ges theThdlalonians, that if any maJ' ~mong and fociery among al the membersof Chri!l: them n·a!J;: inordinately, they haue no comp411fe beeing the faithfi1ll feruants and childrenof with him,that hemay be Ajhamcd, z.The{f. J·I4· God:and withall I beleeue that I am partaker The lal·genes 9f the Church is noted in the ofthe fame with the reO:. word Catholik.g, that is,generall or vniuhfiU.· Thiscommunionhath two parts, fellowAnd it is fo called fur threecanfes. For firfr of !hip ofthe members with thehead,and ofthe "· ·------ all,it is gcner.tll inrcfpeCloftime;becaufe the members with themfelues. The communion Church hathhad a being in all times &·ages, of the members with their head, is not outeuer fince the giningofthepromifeto our fidl D ward, but alwgerher fpiritnallinthe·confci1 parents in Plradife. Steondly,it isgenerall,in eace: and-for theopening ofit,wemufl confi· relpe& ofthe perfons cfmen: for it frandsof der whatthe Church receiueth of Chrifl, and I all f.>rts & degrees ofmen, high and low,rich what he rcceiucs of it. The Church receiues and poore,le"med and vnlearned,&c. ThirdofChrifr+ moll: worthy benefits. The firll, ' ly, it is Catholikc or vninerfall in refpe<'l of that Chriftour Mediatonr, God& man, hath 1 place; becaufe it batb bcme g.tthered from all truly giuen himfelfe v.Jto vs, & is become our i parts ofthe earth,fpeci1lly now in thetime of lotand portion, and withal! God the Father, j the newTeO:amenr; whenourSauiottr Chrill: and theholy Spirit, in himJ as Dt!uidfairh, Je ... 1 faith,Mat.•thattheGofPeljl,albeP""h<d hotta if the portion ofmineinheritance, and ofmy P6 t•f· in~t!the""J"vor-ld. Tothispurpofe S.John faith i1-1 mp:thon~udt mJ~intainemylot:thelineJa_r-efaUe~ I Reuel· 7· 9· 1 beheld, ~ndloe, t! great multitude 'Untome inpleafanrplaceJ::yea 1haueaf~rre here~ C h 1 , !Vh>eh noman cottld number,ofalln<tions &, 'Pfol.n: 26. Myflejh faileth,andmy lc;~i~ p~;l· dredJ~ a11dpeopleJ ~ andro''t"es, flood before the heart alfo: bHt qodu theflrengthofmy hMrt,and ltommor. throne t!nd before the lambe ~ cloathedwzth loNg nry portWnfor eucr. The-f~cond, is the Right ,bem d>f. whiterob<Sandp•lmesintbeirhands. oi adop~ion, whereby-all thefaithfull whe· 'lufo.Aug. A!1d the Church which we her.-profeffr to ther in heauen or earth are aClually made I leplll,IIo· bcke"c,is called Catholike, rhat vJe may dithe true children of Cod. The benefit IS ~~_!full,_:_~