Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Communion ofthe [reede. ofSaints. wonderfull howfoeuer carnall men efteeme A II II. in thevi< oftcmporall riches. Forthe notofit- If~ man lhould eitherby ele~ion or lirft: communion in affection, is wherebyall birth or any way elfebemade the foilne and the fcruants ofGod are like at!e<'l:ed to God• heire'ofan earthly l'rince, hee would thinke to Chrift,tothcirowne tinnes, and eacHto 0himf<lfe highly aduanced: how highly then ther.They are all ofone natureand ~eartalike are they extolled which arc made the fonnes dtfpofed, though they be not acquamted, nor ofGodhimfclfel Thethirdbenelit,isa title, haue any externallfellowfhip io the flcfh; As and right to d1~ righte~mfnesofChriftin his i~ a family children arefur.themoftpart on!' fuffcrings and hts fullilho~:ofthelaw._Theex- !•~eanotherand brou~;:ht")' a!•ke : euen fott cellencieofitisvnfpeakable,becaufettfc:rues tsm Gods family whtch tshts Church: the to award the greatefi temptations ofthe di, me~bers. thereofare allalikein heart-and afudl. When rhediue!Freplieththus,thouarta fecbo~ '.andthe reafoms, becaufe theyhaue tranfgreffour of the law of God, therefore one fpmtto·gutde them all: and therefore S. thou fhalt bedamned:by meanes ofthat cornPtt<r(aitli,Ail+>•-ThemultitHdeofthemth4t munii\ whichwe haue with Chrift,weanfwe• hekeued,were•fo»ehe•rt and•foneJoule, ntither againe: that Chrift fuffered the curfe of the B AnJ of the,..fold rhatany thing which hepoffiffid law to free vs from due and deferued damnaw.uhiufl1n}~ttheyhd•lthingsciimon.Andthe tion: and when hefurtherreplies, that fteiog Prophet Efo:J fore-telling the vnitie which we neuerfulfilled the law, wecannot therfore fbouldbdn the kingdomeofChrift, taid, lfo•. enter into heauen weeanfweragaine, that 11.6,7. Thewo/foJhalldwellwiththe /Amhe,and Chrifts obedienc;isafullilling ofthe law for thele•pard.f/<411/y<withthe k._id,ondthec.!fe,<nd vs,and hiswholerighteeu1i1es isourstomake thelyon,andthefot be.jltogerhn-,&a littlechilde vsftand righteous before God. The fourth fhaUk41fethem.ThtcOU1eandthebrArefh•llfud, benefit, isaright to the kingdomeofheauen, 4ndtheiryong onesjh4lllye r.gether:andthe lyo11. lS Chriftcomforting,his di!dples faith, Feare fha/1 <4tejlr4wlik! thebullock!. The[~~<k!_ngchild n<tlittle flock£, ituy•ur Fahers fkaforetogiue Jhllliplayvponthe heleoftheatpe,andtheweantd youal:ingdome:andhence itisfundry times calchildfh•llputhu handinto f/;eco;/,gtrice hole. By . led*tbe inheritance, andthehtoftheS.mts. thefo beatl!l are tignilied,men that beofa wic- •;:a,, 6 Furthermore , for the conueyance oftheft kedand brutifhnarure:which wh<n thoyfhall ~~l.r.u benelitsvnto vs,God hath ordained thepreabe brought into the kiagdome ofChrifr, fh•ll · Bpb.<->8 · chingofthe word, and the adminiftration of lay afiderhe fame,and becomelouing, gentle, the Sacraments, fpecially the Lords Supper; C courteous,and all ofone minde. AndS.Pettr and hath commanded the folemne and or2.Pet.l·7·requiresofthe Churchthepra<'l:ife dinarie vfe ofthem in the Church. And hereofbrotherly lone, and that is to carry a tenvponthe Lords Supper is called the Comlllu· der affe~ion to men·, not becaufe they are nion, Thecupofbkf!ing(1aithPdul,r. Cor. 10. ofthe fame flefh, butbecaufethey areioyned r6.)•hicbwebkffi, uitnotthecommunimofthe in the bond of one fpirit with vs. FurtherbloodofChrift I .ndthe bredwhich webreak!,u more,byreafon ofthis thatall the children of it not the c.mmunionoftheb•dyofChrift!that is, Godare ofone heart,there followes another · a tignc and feale ofthe communion. dutyofthis communion, whereby theybeare Gal~ f. •· Againe, the things which Chriftreceiues of one the burdens of another, and when one vsare two:ourtins with thepunifhment thermember is grieued all are grieued; when one ofmade his by application orimputation:aod reioyceth all rtioyce,asin thebodywhen one our affiictionswith all the miferies ofthis life member fulfererh all Coffer. whichheaccountshisowne,&therforedoth The fecond branch of their communion asirwerefutvndcr his !boulders to bearethc is inthe gifts ofGods Spirit, as loue, hope' burden o them. And this communion befeare,&c. AndtHsisfhewed,whenonema~ tweene Chriftandvsisexpreffed in the Scripdoth imploy tht graces of God beftowed on ~ures ~y that ~leffed and heauenly bargaine bim,fotthe good& faluation ofanother.As a· m wlu~h there ts _matuall exchange bet.!VC:cne candle fpendeth it fdfto giuelight toothers: Chnftandvs:hetmpartsvntovs, Efo•55·I. fomuftGods people fpend thofegiftswhich Milf.t.ndwinewithoutfiluerormoney,to refrefh God hath giuen them for the benefit oftheir vs, andgo/detriedby thefire, that wee may bebrethren. A Chriftian man l!owfoeuer he be comerich,andReu. 3.J8.whiterAimentthat we the freeft man vpon earth, yetis he feruint to maybecloarhed, andrye:f.'lnetoannoiatour all men, efpeciallyto theChurchofGod, ro <O.I.f.IJ eyesthat we may fce:and we forour parts te· do fcruice vnto the membersof ir by loue for turne vnto him nothing but blindnefli:, aod the good of all. And this good is procured, nakedneffe, and pouerty , and the loathfome when we conuey thegracesofGod beftowed horden ofall our filthy tinnes• on vs to our brethren: aod that isdone fiue Thefecondparrofthecommunion, is that waies: I. by example: I I. by admonition: ~htch the Saints haueone withaRother. And II exhortation: IV. by cqnfolation: V. 1t IS ettheroftheliuing with theliuing, or of by prayer. The lirft,which isgoudexample,we the humgwiththedead. Now thecommuniare enieyned by Chrift, faying Letyour light On or the liaing ftand~ in three things: I: _in foJhine before men, th•tthey m:.Y foepur good ~ ~~nh. f· the hkeaffc<'l:ton: I I. m the gtftsofthe fpmt: workt,.ndglorifiey•urF<therwhichu ;nhe•um. Dd 2 Ana