-. 310 Communion An Bxpojition ofSaints. And_that our hearts might bee touched with A' :men; for it isvfuallin families, that maO:ers f~ect~l care ofthts dury,the L_ord fetsaforevs and fathers in O:c•dofadmoni!hing their ferhtsowoe ble!fed example,faymg;:L<N.I I ·44• tlants and children, teach them the p.raaife of Beye hulya<lam holy: and Mat,Jm'1,f}.Learn< 1 dinin (wearing, blaf~hemi_n~, lla~dering, &c. ifmethat/am meek! andlorr!ly.And.'.Paulfatth, and as for exhortation, ms not vfed. Let a J.Curinth.u .1. Beyef•Uuwm ofm<,M I follow ·man that hath the fcare of God offend neuer Chrifl: and the higher men are exalted, the fo littleJn O:ead ofbrothcrlyP<hortation hee more-carefull ought.they to be ingiuing good lhall hearehis profcfsion callin his teeth'a•d example. For let a·manofnote or dl:imarion hishearing·offermons : thispraaife is f~ gedoe euill,andhe!hall prefenrly hauemany folnerall, thiltmariy beginning newly to tread in low.en£.Euill example nmnes from ono to an• the O:cps ofgodlineffe, are hereby daunted onbe! like~ leprolie.or i!\feaion: and this and guiteddue_n backe.Thefourth way,iscon~ Chrt(Higmfied when he fatd,thatthe fig· tree jiih~t~on,wluch tsa meanes appointed by God planted'in the vineyard, If it b-.m n•fuit, wheteby one man!hould with words ofhea~ mak$s•Othegruu•dbarrenc, L11l(,'I 3'7•'Ibe fe• uenly comfort refre!h thd()ules of others af. co~(mcancs of colnmunication of the gifts B flitlcd with lickenesor any.other way feeling o(God vnto oth~rs,is Admunitwn, which isan the hand of God either in bodieor in minde. ordinance of God whereby Chrillian men And this duty is as little regarded as any 0 ar~ to tecoiler their brethren from their fins. theformer. ln time ofmens lickeneffe neigh. A man by oocalion fallen inrothewater, is bours comcin,butwhatfaythey? 1amforrie ii>dangerof~is life; -and the reaching of the tofeeyouin this~afe, I hopeto fee you well hand.by anothor is•the meanes, to fauc him. againe,I would be forrie elfe,&c. Not one of No\V'euery man when heelinneth, doth as an hWldredcan fpeakea word of comfort to much as in him lyeth, ca£1: his foule inro'the thewearie:butwe are faulty herein. For with verypit of hell : and wholefome admorlitiwhat atfeaion doe we belceue the communionsare as the reaching out of the haud·to reon ofSaints, when wee our felues ate a• drie couer him againe. But it will peraduenture be fountaines,that doe fcarfe conuey adroppe of (aid, how lhall weeproceedein admoni!hing refrelhingto O.thers?The !all meanes,isprayofothers ! Anfw. Wee are to cbferue three .,, whereby Gods Church procures blefsings things, The fir£1: is,trrfearch out whe;her wee for the feuerall members thereof, and they a. that are to reprooue bee faultic'Ourfe[uesin gaine for the whole. And herein lies aprincith~fame thing or no. Firll, we m41l:take out C pall point ofthe communion pf Saints; which the beame that is in our owne exe, a11dfoffiall mini!treth notable comfort to euery ChriO:i· wee fee clearely to pull out the motdn our an heart. Forhence we may rcafon thus: I am brotherseye, Matth•7•S· Secondly, before indeede a memberof the Catholike Church wereprooue, we.muft be fure that the fault is ofGod, and therefore though my owne praicommitted: Wl:muOi dot goe vpon he:ire-fay ers be weake, yetmy comfort is this,I know or likelihoods; and therefore tfie holy Ghoft that I am partaker of all the good praiers of faith, H<b.,o. z8. Lot -.s confiderarobjiirHeone I all thepdople ofGod difperfed ouerthe face o»•ther tu pr,,.k! vnto ioue &guudwork£. Thirdofthe whole earth my fellow-members, & of ly before we reprooue, we mu£1: in Chrillian al the blcfsings which God beftowesonthem. wifedome makechoice oftime •nd placo : for This will make vs in all ourtroubles to fay all times and places ferue not to tbis purpofe. withEiijba,z,King.6.r6.Fe<renot,for theythat And therefore s~lomonfaith, lt iuhegloryof• . burmhvs Are""'"hm tbrythatbe withthem. mant•paffe b.J. anoffence. Furthermore in 1/le J .~he';' the peopleofIfrael had finned inwor. action of admoni!htng, two thmgs are to b'\:e lhtppmg the golden calfe, the wrath pfthe obferued': I.amanmuO:deliuerthc wordsof Lord was kindled, and made a breach into his admonition (fo farre forth as he can) out D them,ascannon fhotagain£1: a wall:but VlfoC.l . 6 oftheword of God, fo as the partiewbichis fistheferuant ofGod O:ood in the breach be· P ·" ' admonilhed, may in the perfon of man fee fore the Lord toturne away his wrath,le£1:hce 'l· God himfelfe to reprooue him. 1 I. his relhould dcllroy them.And the praierofVlfo. proofe mu£< be made with as much compaffts was fo effectuall,that theLord faid, Exod, lion and fellow-feeling of other mens wants p.xo.Lum< alone,asthoughM of's by prayer as may be. As'l'aul faith, Galat. 6. r. If••)' had held the hand of God th'\[ hee could not manbefallmbyoccafi;;into anJ•fault,y<whichar< 1 puni!h the people. Andfome thinke that Su- •As Chi· JPiriwa/1 (a) rej/orejHchan one withtkeJJiritofl Hens prayer for his enemies, when he was O:orurgian:s meek!nc!fe. 1hc thtrdwayofcommumcating ned) was ameanes ofPaH!s con~erfton. And tenderly good things to others, is exhortation: and ftJrcly though there were noother rca~on, yet Cetd~mes it i$ a meanes to excite and fiirre them onforthis were fufficient to moue amanto 1mbrace :~ i:;~.. ward,which doe already walke in the way of! ChriO:ian religion, confidering thatbceing a godlineffe. Therefore the holy God faith, member of the Church, he hath partm all the Hebmves, l·IJ· Exhortaneanother dnify,ieft •· praiersofthe Saints through the world, and nyofyoH be nordened thro11gh th.dcceitji</nefeofl ofthe blefsings ofGod that come thmbr· . finne. But alas,the prachte ofthis duty,as alfo I The thttd part of thts comrnunton, 1S m vf the 'former , is hard to bee found among , temporaH things,as goods& riche&: whereby Imc:ane,~