Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Communion ofthe [reede. of Saints. , sp;,;,.. I meane, no(b) Anabapdf!ibt:llcommuniot\, 'A mulhvefeparare&withdrawourfelues from all com. bur that which was vfed tn the pnmltiue allvngodlyand vnhwfullfoctetlesofmenm muoion Church when they had all things c01nmon ' the world wharfoeuer they be. Vnlawful fodoch 801 in refpeA of vfe : and fome fold ~heir goods cieries are manifold,bur I will on!:,:t?uch one, .;r.:;r.;•. and polfefsion and p.wted them to all men, as whtch euery where annoyerh rehgwn , and of cem. eueryone had ncede. And by their example hindrerh greatly this communion of Saints, porall we are taught, tobe content to imploy thofe &rhat is, when men io~ne r~cm~clues in eO- , goods. goods which\ God hath•beltowed on vs, for pany to palfe away the n me m dnr.king, gaAa.• ,Jt rhe good of our fellow-members within the I ming, &c. Behold a large fellowfhip which ;cor. 9 ' compalfe ofour callings;and to our abilirie', bearerh fway in all places; there is almoll no ' and beyond our ability,ifneederequire.. Pdu/ 1 towne butthere is at the leall one knot ofruch faith, Ga/. 6.1 o. Doegood to ali,b~tt e(}mally to compamons:atld he rhar w~ll nor becomb111ed them which areof the hoNjhold•ffatth. I wtth fuch loofe mares, he ts thought to bee a The. communion,of the Jiuing with the manofno goodnarurc: he is foilted forth of dead,llands in two things: the one i.<,thar the euery company;heisno body: & ifa manwill Saints departed in the ·Church Triumphant B yeeld to run ryot with them in the mifpendoe in generall praifor the ChurchMilitant ding ofhis time and goods, he is thought to vpon earth, defiring the finall deliuerance of be the bell fellow in the world. But what is all theirfellow-members from all their mifc:· donein this fociety? and howdoe thefe cupries.And therefore in rhe'Apocalyps they cry companions fpend their time!fnrely the 0 on this m•nnet ' How long LordhoiyandtrNe! ref! part of day and night is vfually fpent in doejl not thou iudge andauente oHr bloodon the111 fwearing,giming,drinking, furfetting, renclthatd••ellontheearth? I Jay ingeneraU,becauk ling,and railing on the minillers ofthe word theypray.not f<ir the particular conditions & and fuch as profclfe religion,to omit rheenor~ perfons of menvpon earth, confidering they mides which they procure to thefelues hereneither know,ncrfce,norheare vs:neithercan by : and this behaMiour fpreads it felfdike a they tell wharrhingsaredonevpon earth.The cankcrouer·euery place, and .it defiles both fecond is, that the godlyon earthdoe in heart rowne & counrrey.But we thatIooke for eo- & affettian conuerfe with them in heaucn,defort by the communion of Saints, mull not firing continually to~Uitlolued& rb be with caft inour lot with fuch a wicked generation Chrill-Now wherea.ithe Papills dae furtner bur feparare our felues from them, For vn~ inlarge this communion , auouching rhatthe c doubredly theirfociety is not of God, but of Saints in heauen doe make inrercefsion ro thediuel:and they that areofthis focietie,can Ci:hrill for vs,andimparr their merits v~eovs: not be afthe holycommunion.of Saints : and and that we againe fot:rh:atcaufe are to inuofurely exceptthe magillrate by the fword or care·th7ii' ,'··and, to· doe vnr<i rhe.m religious rue Church by the po:ver ofthekeyes, d:pul worfhip;We'dtflentfrom them,bemg refolued downc fuch fellowfhtp, the holy.focietie of thatthofe things are but inuentions of mai1s. Gods Church and people mull decay. Ex- .braine, wanting warranmfthe word. communication is acenfureordai~ed of God raftly' to conclude, a quel!ion may be defor this end,ro banifh them from this heauen• mimded,<h~wany oneofvs may particularly Iycommunion ofrhemembers ofChrill that know•& be'a«urcd in our felues, rhacwo haue liue inordinately and haue communior;with partin this communion ofSaints. An). Saint men in d1c workesofdarkeuelfe. John opens thiS point to thefull, when hee Secondly, by this wee are rati~ht, that men faith,I .I.h., .6,7·/fwe["J that we haUi!fill•wprofefsing the &me religion, mull: be linked in J"ip wfthhim·,and1et w~ in~rk!}"•"'' iye:bHt fociety &conuerfc together in Chrillian loue, .l,r: ..; ifwewalk§•rz:ehe.bght, tU;he u ltght,thm we-h:rKt meekenes,genrlenes,and patience: as c; Paul eNowjJ!ip~ne·withanother;andthebt.odofChrift D taught the Philippians,lfthmbe anyfei/owjhtp ··' ' purg«h VJfromallourJint·, I~,":htchwords he ofthe{pmt, iftherebe an,y compaffi•n andm' rcie, '· ,,. makes kndwledge?fGpds Wtlloynei'.wnhojHijillmy wy, tha; we maybeeii~minded, hauing '• be~tetrqe,td·b~ ·~ mfaltiblemarkeof~e ,f~at thefam< i<>lle,beingofoneaccord, andofltf<t illdgelS'lO to~commumon·~ as on the cont•ary, tg- .ment. And aga111, Keep(faith he)th< 'Vni~ofelr. noticeofGods wil,o~difobedience, Gr both, JPirit inthebondofp<aC<. Why?marke how , 1 is to be tol<ehs of one •that ~aihneitherfellowreafon is fetched fmm tlti<eommunion: Befhip.with-~hritl,Or witllthetm~ me~b~rsof caufo Uone body, onefPirit, eucn 114yo11 are C~nll:. An~_therefore.toend thts pomt,tf We calledtntothe.hopeofyo~tr vocation; one Lord, one would haue{ellowfuip with Chrift, let vs 1•#h,on•hope,oneb.tptifme,oncGed&Fatherof learne tok'nO.\vwhat:fil\heis, anil ro Aief,om •R,whichu aboucnll,&myo~eall; 'A"d nodoubt the fame-as fr?m the;blme of our fOule•; and the fame reafon ruadeDa11idfay ,Pfai.l(>.J. All romake<onfctence ofet\eryeutll wAy. , . mydtl,ghtu m the Saintt which be 'Vpon·earth, Th~ duties tobe le,unell by the commumon Thirdly,euery Chnllian man rhar acknnw. ofSamrs,arcmanifold. And lirll ofall, ifwe ledgeth this commLlnion, mu£1: carrie about 1, 0 beleeuethe feilowfhip.which all thefaithwirh hhna fellow-feding,rh.ris,anheartrou· ull haue Wtth Chn£1: & w1th themfelues; and ched Wlth compafsion in regard ofall the miberefolned that wee haue·part therein, then feries that befall either the whole Church or ])d 3 '