Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

l?roofc5 ofthe re. lurretli· on, The An €xpojition refutrectio!i, hungrywith good things, when the rich are A terly, then the bodiesofthefaithful which are fentempty away. When Bmhadad the king dead in thegraoe, mull needs be madealiue: , ofSyria was difcomlited & ouercome by the otherwife death is not abolifhed: but fin:md king ofIfrael, by the counfell ofhis feruants, death mull bee Vtterly abolifhed: therefore who t?ld him that the kings of Ifrael were therelhallbearefurrettion. Secondly, Godmercllull men, he fentthemdoathed infackhadmadea couenant withhis Church, there:.' cloth with ropes about their neckes to intreat nour whereof isthis,I willbe tlry God, <fndth.u 1 • for peace and fauour.Now whenthekingflw fh•it be my people, This couenant is not for a 1 ""l1 •ll• their fubmlfsion,hemadeacouenantofpeace day or an age, or for a thoufand yearesora. 1 • With him. WC by OUr fiAS m<>lliullJy deferue ges, .butis euerlafiing and Without end, foas' hel,deatb, and condemnationeueryday, and Gods people mayfayofGod for euer,God is ' therefore it frandeth vs in hand to come into our God: and likewife God will fay ofhis·. the prefence ofGod;and ro humble our felues Church for. ~uermore, this peopleis my peeb before him in fackcloth and afhes,cratiiilg,and pie. Now 1f Gods couenant .be euerlafiing intreating·for nothing in the world fo 'much, then all the faithfull departed from thebegin~ as forth~pardonofour fins, and that day by B ningofthe world mull beraifed againetolife. day withoet ceafing till the Lord giue this And if <God fhould leaue his people in the bletfed anfwer toour confcience, that all our grime vnderdeath for euer,how could they be finnes are putoutofhis remembrance. Wee c!klledthe people ofGod? forlieisaGod of mufr not rhinke that God putteth graceinto · mercy~nd oflif~ it felfe:and thereforethough mens hearts when they lie fnorting vpon theyabJdelongm theeanh; yet'theymuftat their elbowes,&eithernotvfe,ordefpifethe Jen~th bee reuiued againe. This argument meanes : .but we mulllirfr vfe the meanes, Chnll vfeth againft the Sadduces, which de- Mat~ I! partly by making confcfsion of our finnes to nied the reli~rrec!hon: G•du notthe G•doj'tlie p, Got! , and partly by crying toheauen forpardeadbutofthe (iuing;but Godu the G•dofAbra. don: and then when byhis grace we begin to h4m,Ifaac,andl.cob,whicharedead,aad therdefiregrace,he giues further grace. fore they mu!l rife againe.The third argument Lallly,ifwebeleeue the pardon ofour fins, mull bee taken from the tenour of Gods iu,- then wee mufr change the tenour .and courfe ll:icc.Iris a fpecialpartofGods glory,tofhe\v ofonr liues, and take heede ofbreaking Gods forth his mercy on the godly , and his·iullic'e commandements by doing any <;>f thofe vpon the wick~d icircwardiog tl e >ecording things, wherofourcocileiccesmayaccufe vs, C to thdr workes, as the Apo!He faith, GodwiO Rom.,,6 and tell vs, that by them wehaue difpleafed re~ardeHery ma•·<t&cordingto hi< wotkts:totbem God heretofore. A man that for fome mifdethat by continHA•ce inwelldoingfeek.!glorie; ••d meanour hath beenecall into prifon and !yen hono•r,&immort•lity,life ettrn4ll:blltvl1tothem there manyycares winter andfommerin cold thatd.flbeythetrHth,that be~ofttentioHJ,andobty irons: when he obtain<s liberty,he will often vnrighttoufoesJhaUbeindignati4n&wrath. But bethinkchimfelfe of hisold mifery, and take in this lif<God rewardeth not men according heed for euerlell he fal into the fame offimce ro their doings : and therefore Salomon fpeaagaine: an\l he whichhath feene hisowne fins kingofthe ell:ateofal meninthi9world,faith, & felt the fmart ofthem,and withal! by Gods .AIIthings ••"!• ~lik.! to ,.1/,Andthefomeconditi~n goodneffe obtained afli~rance touching the ttl'tb~iuft&vniNft,to thegood& bad,tothepiire ;,' dtf.l pardon ofthem,will neuer wittingly and wil- "!'dpollmed, to him that offerethJa<ri}ice, andto Jingly commit the hke finnes any more, but him thatoffcreth ~one.Nay which is more, here m all things change the conrfe ofhis li(e. ,As the wicked flotit·ifh, & the godly are afBic!ted. for fuch as L1y, that.thc;y haue th~ gardon of The vngodly ha,uc hearts-eafe an~all things. their6nnes,and yet lmem them lllll, they deatwill: whereas the godly areoppretfed and ceiue themfelues,and haue no faith at all. D ouerwhelmed with allkind ofmiferies, &are Thus much for the fecond benelit, which as (heepe-appointed for the !laughter. It re' God bctioweth on his Church, nanielyremainesrherefore, rhattheremu~nee,desbea mifsion of finnes: now followeth the thirdio general! rcfurrettibn ofall men after this life, thefe words:The refurreffionofthe body. In tlie that the righteous may obtaine.a reward of handling whereoflundry poiRtSmull be conG6ds frce·mercy,andthe wicked vtter fhame· fidered.The lir(l:, whetherthere be arefurreandcofufion.But fomewillfay, itisfuflicient ttionor no? This quellio mufr needsbehandthat ·God doe rhis to the foule of euery inan, led, becaufe Epicures and Atheilts in all ages, thebody needeth not to rifeagaine. I anfwer, and at this day fome doecall this article into that thevngodly ma doth networke wicked.c Iq•ellion. Now that there is arcforre<'Hon of netfe only inhis foufe., but his body alfo1s an the bodyafterdeath, it may beproouedby inllrumentthereof: and thegodly doe not , many.arguments, whereof I will only touch onely prattife righteoufnetfe in their foules thepri~cipa!.The lirll,is taken from the work but in their bodies alfo. The bodies ef the ofredemption. Saint John writeth,that Chrij1 wicked are rhe inllruments offin, and theboJ 1• lob. 3. camet• dijfo!He theworkss ofthe diue/1; which are dies ofthe righteous are theweapons ofrigh8. iinne, and by finne death:'·and hence I reafon teoufi,etfe, and therefore their bodies mull thns: Iffinne and death are to be diffolued vtrife againe, that both in body and foule they ~---------------------------------------------------------m_•t-----