Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The .dn expojition refun:ecrion. Chri!t is called the fecond .Atl.m: thefe were A my fl•JI' alfo "JI in hop•. Why fo?For(faiih two rootes. The fir!t Atl.m was the root of he)thou]baitnotl•a•emyfoule inth•grau<, nei_ all mankinde, and he conueyethfi~e, and ~y therwilt thoufoffer thy h~':J~ne tofoecmupticn. finnc deathto all that fprang of htm, <_:hn~ Thou~h.thedayes o(this hfe be daies ofwoe onely excepted: the fecond Atl.mwhich Is &mifene,yet the day ofthe refurreC!ion fhall the rooteofall the Eletl, conucyeth life both be Vntoall the children of God a timeofrein~ody & foule tonll that arevnitedtohim: ioycing andfelicity,andasPmrfaith lturh, and bythevertaeofhisrefurreC!ionthefihall timeofrefrejhing. Whofoeuer is now'anhun. M.;.,, · rife a~;ain after this life.Forlook as~hepower gred,fual then eate and be filledwith the fruit ofthe Godhead of Chri!l: when he was dead ofthe tree oflife;& wbofoeuer is oow naked in the graue,raifed his body the third day : fo ihal be then cloathedwith the whitegarmeo; fuallthefamepower ofChrill:his Godhead dippedinthebloodoftheLambe:and'whoA • conucy·ir felfe vnt~ all th.e faithfu!I, which foeueris now lame,fuall hau~ all his members ~'~~• euen m death remame vmtedvnto him, and rell:orcd perfectly.And as thiS day IS ioyfulto '-1' ' raifethe vpatthe!all: day. Andforthatc:w(e the godly,fo ontheeontraryitis aday ofwoe ' •· Cor. Chri!tiscalledaquickzling,tirit.Nowthecaufe B andmifcrytothe vngodly:as Saintlohnfuith If-15· why the wicked rife againe, is notthevenoe They thathaue d.neeNiO, JbaU <om•forth to tht lob,~,, ofChri!ts refurreC!ion,but the vertue ofGods reforrtllionofconthmnation. Ifthey mightceafe curfe fer down in his word:Inthetl.ythat thoH toliue alter thislife,anddyeas thebeall:doth 6ca. •• jhalt«t<of thttrttoj' kz!owledgt ofgoodandtothenit would be well witbthem: forth..; 1 7• Hill, thoujl1altdi.,ht tharh, that is, a double they mighthauean end oftheir miferie : but dearh,bothofbodyandfoule. Andt~erefore the wicked. mufta~er ~sliferifcagaine to they anfe onely by the power ofChrtll: ashee condemnat.ton, whtchll theaccomplifhment is a iudge, that thisfentence may beeverified oftheireternall woe and wrctchcdnelfe·a ruonthem; and that they may fuli'Cr both in bofull anddolefullcafcro confider, and y;t is it dy and foule eternall punilbment in hell fire. the ll:ate of all vnbelecuing and Yarepentaat Furthermore Saint John ferteth downe the fmners. Ifa man were biddentogoe to bed, outward meanes whereby the dead ihall bee that after he had (Jeptand was rifen again, he loh·•S• raifed,namcly,the voice ofChri!t :The houre might goc ro execution, ·it;would make his 1 s. fhaOcome (faithhe) in which all th•tart in the hearttoakcwithinhim: yet this,yea a thougraueJhall heart hu voice,&thtyfba!ro,uforrh. fand fold worfeis the efrate of allimpeniteat Foras he created all thingsby his word, foat c finners: they mull: (Jeepe in the grauc fora the day ofiudgemcnt by the &me voice all while,&: thenrifeagaine, that a fecond dcatlr (J~all be raifedagaine.Thismay be agood'eamay beinfliaed vpon them in body &: foule, fon to mooue vsto heare the minill:ers ofGod whichis the fuffering ofthefull wrathofGod reuerently : for that which they teach, is the bothin body and foulc, eternally. This being very word ofGod : and therefore weeare to fo,lct vsimbrace thegoodcounfel ofS.'J'et<r, pray that it may bee aseffeC!uall in railing vs Wh<> faith,.Ammdyour liues andtunoe,thAtyour ..a. 1 . 11 vpfrom the graueoffinneinthislife,as itfuall ftnn>~ ""!YbedoN<AW"Jwhen thttime ofrofrtjl'- be after thislife, in railing vs from thegraue iwgfhalleomefrom theprifm<toftheLor,J. Ifa ofdeath vnto iudgement. , man die repentantfor his finnes, iris aday of Thirdly, we are to confider what maner of refrefhing; butifhedi'e in his lins,impenitenr, bodies fuall rifeat the la!t day. Anf.Thelame andhard-hearted, it isaday of eternal! hotbodies for fubll:ance:this l•bknew we!,when rour,defperation,and confulion. lab 19 • he faid, I Jbalifee him•ttht lajl tl.yin myjlejh, Againc, if we beleeue thatour bodiesfuall >6,, 1 • whom I myfolfe ]ballfee, andnoo< other for me, rife againeafter thislife,and!tandbeforeGad with thefome eyes. Neuerthele!fe the bodie• at thelall:day ofiudgement;we mulldaily enr.Cor. ofthe elect fuall bealteredin qualitic , being D ter intoaferious conliderationofthis time,& 'f·H· made incorruptible and tilled with glory. haue in minde, that one day wee 111ult meete Thela!t pointto bcconfidered, ist!te end the Lord face to face. A traueller comes iato why thefe bodiesfuall rife againe.The pri•cian Inne hauing but a penny inhis purfe,hefirs pall end which ~od in.tendeth.i~ his owne dow~eandcallsfora!lll:oreofprouifion.an4 glory in the mamfe!latton ofhis mll:Ice and damt!es : now what IS to bethought ofhim ? mere~.Nowar thelalt day,whenall men fuall furely in theiudgement ofall men his behaui· be raifed to iudgemenr by the voiceofChri!t, ourbetokens folly , or rather madneffe. But thegodly to life ; and the wick~4 to condemwhy?becaufe he fpe~s,andhathno re: nation; there fual be a full mamfe!tatton both gard to the reckonmg which muft follow . of his mercie and iull:ice: and therefore by how foolilh then and mad is rhepratlife.of confequent afull manifell:ation ofhisglory. euery man char liueth in his finncs, bathmg Thus much for thedoC!rinestouchingtbe himfelfeinhispleafuresinrhis world, neuer RefurreC!i6:nowfollowthe vfe$. Firll:,irferbethinking how hefuallmeete Godat the la'I ueth wonderfully for the comfort ofall Chriday ofiudgement,& there make reckonm~ of llian hearts. 'lJaHid (peaking not onely of alhisd<>i•g~?An.anciet~iui~e~ritcsofhim• PG! Chri!t but alfo c.>fhimfelfe, faith moll:notafelfe that tlus faymgran mhis mmde,& foun1 9, ~~- 16 'j bly; Minehe.fJrt Uglad~my tongNe reioyceth,and dc:d alwaiesin his eares:Arift.J' de11d~ndrom~ Hi:romc. ------------~~---- V~~