Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The ofthe [reede• . refurrection. ¥7 vntoiJtdgemmt. And this oug~t ab.vaies t~ be 1 A -1 fi!Yfe/fe aii~Aits to haut acleareconfcien'e t01Ytlrd! founding in our ea.res, that whtle we hau:: nme ~od,r.~':d~owards men. And l_et vs for ourparts we lhould prepar" our fc!uesro meete God at hkew1fe remember the laft tc:dgement, thit it the lafl: day. . . . 11 may bee a.meants to r:no~~e vs fo to behaue Thirdly, ifwe bcleC:ue the refurrccbonof 1 ourfelues·~~Houracho,s,that we maykeep~ the body, we ~re not towccpo· and motlrne , ' agood co.rlfci~ncobefo:e God & bcforery>cn: inrmoderatcly fer our fnendsdeceafed. Our. and let It alf<J bee a bndle l(nto vs to ktrrne S:miour Chrill did wcepe for L"atarm,&wl."e vs eacke fre>m all manner offilme: For\Jhat SteNmwas lloncd to dearh, cemine men that is the caufe';;vny men daily, defile thci; lrodi<;s feared God buried hi•n, & madegreat Iamenand foules with·fo many dan\nal;>lc prac'1ifes tation for him: and therefore mourningis not without any ~morfe of Confciencc? Su;:el}' condemned: &we mull not be as-frocks, that ' they neuei'fetioufly remeino<r the d'l)' oft,l)e are bereftofall compafsion:yeoreniember we refurrection af:rer this life, v/lit:rein they .riiu(l mull,what S. P••If.tith to the Theffaloniaos: lland before Chrift to giu<'an account ofthat 1 .. The«. I wouldrtor, brethrc, haueyo11 igno"<tn> conm•ning : Whichthey haq~done iq rhislife,· whet?cr it +•!· th.ofowhichare•flcep~, thatyeefol'r.W·~ot; a&o- B bt~oodor! .. ·.. thm, whichhauc wo hope. Forthe' godly man . 'fhus mtfch ofrhe dnt!e~: now markeit IS properlydyethnot, bat laies himf~lfe dow~e' furtherfai~, 'Fhe ref~<rre[/iinojthebodj: I~tht;' to rake a Oeepe after his mamfold"labours m! ll6d1e nfe,If muftfirll fal.Here thenth!s·,g6mt thislife;which being onded,he mullrife again i~wrippedvpasaconfeffed trudt,that ai-t;ien to ioycs cucrlalling: and therefore wee mull inuftdie rhe firft death.. And yet conGdering needs moderateand mingle ou< moarning for' t~at' the mem~ers of the Church haue the cbcdcceafed,with this and fudilikecomforts'., patdot1 oftheiMinnes whicn are the eatife of Fourthly, we areraught heacetolabour & ' death, it mayne demanded, why theymull flriue againll the naturall feare ofdeath:for if die? .Anfw •We are ro know that when they rherebea refurreetionofour bodies after d\is' die,death dothnotfeaze vpon them, as itis in life, then deathis but a paffage or middle way his owne l]ature, <1 curfe: for in tharrcfpect it from this life to eternal! Iife.Ifabegg4r !hold .was borne dfChiill vpon the croffe, and that be commanded to putoffhis old rag~es, that for vs: but for two other caufes, which wee he might bee c!oathed with rich and collly r.1uftthinke·vpon, as being fpecia!l meanes to garmems,wou!dhebeforriebecaufe he!hold i make:imanwilli•gtodie, 1. They muftdie !land naked a while till he were wholly be- c that originall corruption maybe vrterly aboflrippedofhis ragges? No furtly: well,rhus IiOtert: for·no man Iiuingon earthisperfectly doth God when he cals a man to death: hee fanctified; ancl origilllll finne is remaining for bids him put olf hisold <>g< or finne and corfpeciallcaufesto rhelafl moment of this Ilfe ruprion, and bee cloathed with the glorious then ir is abolilhed and not before. I I. Th; robe ofChrilts righreoufnes: and our aboad godly die, that by death as by a ftraight gate inrhegraueisbutfurafpace, while corruptithey may patle from this vale of miferic to on be purotf. This is Pa•ls argument, faying, eternal! lift. And thus Chrill by his death •.cor.s. Wef<!J•wthat whenourearrhly h•ufeofthis tabermakes ddth to bee no death, and mrnes a nac/cJh.<llbe cl.ffiiued, we haueab,.i/dinggiuen if curfe into a blefsing~ ' .. G•d,which is an h01t[<r.ot made with hands,br<t •- And toproceede: It is not here faid,the re· tcrna/1 inthe heauens. · , furrection ofthe foule, but ofthe body o<tely! Fifthly,whereas the godly are fubiect to mawhat then (will fome fay) becommeth ofthe nifold afflit'lions and mifcries, both in bodie foule? Diuer~ h~ue thought, that the fou!es and minde in this lif~.' here they lh~!! fi~de a rhen,_thou~h they doe not die, yet are aa kept futfictent flay to qmer & calme tlim mmd•, W!thm the bOdy (beingas It were aflcepe) till 1fthey confider rhat after this lhort life isen- D thela£1:day. ButGods word faith to the con- <cb.t,. dcd,there will cnfue a ioyfu!I refurrell:ion./ob trary.For the foules ofthe godlv lie vndcr the ••. in _rhe extremity of •!l his temptations, made altar, and crie, how long Lord'fefus? Di•es iu rh1s thecomfort to hiS foule, that one day hee foule did fuffer the woe and torments ofhe!I: 01ould rifeagaine, in which he lhould enioy and Lautrsu hadioy in .Abrahams·t:o(ome: rhe t;lorious prefence ofhis Creator. And the Againe, fome others thinke, rh .t mens foules holy Ghofi faith, thar the feruams ofGod in after this life do paffe from one mans body to thedaies of .Antiochmwere racked and toranother: aod Herod may feeme tdhaue beene Htb.u. mented,and would not be de!iuered: why fo? of this opinion: for when newcs was brought H· becaufo they look!dfor alierm refrme[/ion. him ofChri£1:, he faid, that [olm Bdptift bdng ; ' Reu.6.9• Luk.I6. •J· LaiHy, theconfidcration of this point ferbeheaded .,.,. Yifen againc~ that the ueth ro be a bridle tO rellraine a mln from foule ofrohn Baprift was put into the bodie of Mlt '4·• finne , and" fimrrc to make him goe forward fomc other man. And for proofe hereof fame In al!godlinelfeof!ifeandconuerfation. Saint alleadge the example of 'JI&buchadn;zzar, Pauih>dhopetowardGod,rhatthereforrcCiionof.\ who torfaking the focictie ot men, Iiued as thedeadjl101rldbe bothofrhei•,q and vniufl. Now bcaft~, and dideatc graffe like a beall: & they \ ~;;!;:an whatdtd th1s moo'.le htm vnto?Marke.Herem . Imagtne that hts owncfoule wentour ofhim ,(f4ith he(~)~atis,i, thisrefpect)/ endc.uou' and that the for.le ofa beaft entred into th~ roome