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318 Life rvfnExpo(ttion euerlafling. roome therof. But this indeede is a fond con- A itisa.gaine twofold:natural,fpiritua!. Natural ceit: for euen thet]_hec had the foule ofa man hfe, IS that whereby men in thiswor!dliue by "'hen heliued as a beaft, being onely ftriken ~eare and drinkc:,& al filCh meanes as are mi· by the hand ofGod with an excetdi>Jg madmftred by Godsprouidence. Spiritual! life is nefie, whereby he was bereft ofcommon reathat moft happy and blc!fed eftate, inwhi~h fon; a. doth appeare by that claufdn the text, al theele<'!lhall rcignewith Chrifttheirhead D:m.4. where it is faid,that his vnderft~tnding,or leyow . mthe heauens afccr rhis life, and afcerthcday . ledge~etNrnedto him againe. Againc, fome o~ ofmdgement for euer & cuer. And this alone ll· I ther thinke , that the loule neither dieth nor is the life which in the Creede we confe!fe & lleepeth,nor pa!fcth out ofone body into anobele_eue :. and ic confifieth in an immediate tl;er 1 butwa:dercth hereone carthamongmen, comuncbon. and communion or fellowihip and oftentimesappcareth to this orthat man: With God h1mfelfe: as Chrift in hi, folemne and this is the opinion offome heretickes,and pra~er to his Fatner a!irtle before his death of the common people, which thinke rhat fig •ilieth:l pr~ynotforthife •font> b11t for them lob,1 7• dead men walke; and for proofe h.reoffome ~t!{olYhich ]hall btieeue in m' throurJh their -ward alleadge the pra<'tife ofthe Wirch of Ender, B thattbrynl.maybe one~tU rl101~,0ft~~her,arrin,:: to,u, who is faid to make Samnelroappeare before t~ndf rnthee,mm that they may beontAl(oinvs. &tut.butthe trut'his, it wasnot S4mlte/indeed, And when S Tohn in theR~ud.ttion faith Be butonely acoum.rreit ofhim. For notall the holdthet.bem.cleofGod u>•ith mm.hmildweR Rtv,ti 4 J Witches in the world, nor al! the diuels mhell withthem,andtheyfb•Hb• hupeople,&Godhim . are able to difquitt the foules ofthe fairhfull fel(efbaUbethmqodwitbthem:ilf !heweth that departed,which are inthekeeping o!tl>e Lord tne very foundation ofthatlnppine!fe which without wand<ring from pilce to place. For God hath prepared for his feruants, frand.s in 1 ·I when mea die in the faith,their foules are ima fociety between~God and them, whereby ,mediately tranflated into heaufn,and thece a· God!halldwell Withthem mheauta,and they bide till the !aft iudgemcnt: and contradwife aga1nc!hall there enioy llis glorious prefeoce, ifmen die i11 their finnes , their foules goe Touching this c6munion, three points mull: !haight to the place ofetcrnall codemnation, be confidered. The firft is,in what order men and there abide as in aprifon,as Peterfaith.~n !hal haue fdlow!hiP with God? AnfThiseoa word, when the breath goerh out ofthe bomunion!hallbelirftofallwirh Chrift asheis dy, the foulc of euery man goeth ftraight eiman; & by rcafonthatthe manhoodofChrifl ther to heauen or hell ; and rhereis no third C is perfonally vnired to the Godhead ot the place ofaboad mentioned in Scripture. fonne,it !hallalfo bewith Chrift as he isGod 1 ~· To conclude, therefurre<'!ion ofthe bodie and con!equently with the Father & the holy ~ is expreOy memioned in the Creede, to lhew Ghoft. Tne reafon of this order is, becaufo that there is no refurre<'tio ofthe foule,which Chrill, thoughhebe the authorand the faunneith<rdtcth, nor Oeepeth, but is a fpiriruall taine ofeternalllife as he isGod, yet heconand inuiiible fubftance, liuing and abiding for ueies rhe fame vnro vs oncly in & by hisfklh eutr as well forth of the booy as in tbe f•me. or manhood. Yt:t muft wee not here thinkc Thus much ot the third prerogatiueorbenethat life proceedeth from the manhood i; lit:now followern the fourth and lafl, in thcfe felfe, asfrom acaute efffcient: forthdklh wordcs, v{dd/ifc merlafling. To handle this q•ickeneth nor by anyvertue from it felfe,but point to the full, & roopcn the narure ofit,as by the word ro which it is perfonally vnited, itdefcmcth, is not in the powerof man. For it bdng as it were apipe eternally to conueie bothrhc Prophet E.foy and S. P••lfay,that the life from the Godhead vato vs. . eyr hathnotftene,ana the elfre bathnet he4rd,neiThe fecond point is, in what thingsthis c6Ifl.'4·4• tb~r C4me it into m4ns heart to think£ of thoft munion confiLleth/ Anf Saint 'l'•ul openeth •.Co'·'·' i things which Godbathprep•redfor thoft that loue D this poinr to thevo•y full, when he faith, that him. Again~ Paul ~vh~n hee was r:.~.ptir1to r::e after Chrifl hath fi1bdued a! thi· g' vnto him, third heaucnfaith, that hee.fow thingsnottobu then GrdfbaO bull inail,that is, God himfdfe r.Cct.IS l.Ccr.u. ' 'Vttered. Neuertheldfe,wee may in fome part immediately lhall be a! good things that heart ,,. •• j defcribe the fame,fo farre forth as God in thi; canwifh to all the eletl:. Bu: fome may fay, I cafe h.rhreuealed his willvnto V>· Wherefore What? isnotGodalinal vntovseueninrhis I in·this!aftprerogatiuc,I confidertwo things; lite?for whatfoeuer good things wehaue,they the lirfr,islifcitfelfe,the fecond,isthe Conuareall from him .An[.ltis trueindeede,God iS I nuance of life noted in the word euerlaflmJ· allio alleueninthislife: but how? notimmeLife it felfe, is tllat wherby any thing atl:orh, diately, but by outward meanes;and thatalfo ! liueth,and muoueth it felfe:and itis two-fold, in fmal meafure. For he conueies his goodnes vncrcated,or created.Vncreatedlife 1 istheve- & mercy vnto vs fo long as we !iue on earth, ry Godhead it felte,whereby God liucth abfop~rtly by his creatures, & partly by his word lutcly in himfelfe, f,om himfelfe. and by himand Sacraments:but after thislife is ended,all felfe, giuinglife&beingro all things that liue helps&' outward means lhal cea~e:Chd!l!hal & hant: bdng: and this life is not meant here; giue vp his kingdom<, and ashe1s Mtd1atour btcaufe ir is not communicable t6 any crca. ihall ceafe to put in execution the office of a tnre.Crcattd life,is aquality in thecreature;& Prieft, a Proehct, or aKing:·all anthoritt and power · :-- ---- - ----------------------~------------------------------- .