Life ofthe [reede. euerlall:ing~ ;19 power!hallbeabolilhed:and therfore al Callings in A iullice,mercy > lotie,&C, and withqut the.mWC Can the three maineellates ofthe Church, the Corndifi:eme title or l!othing : yetaftcrfhislifc,when mon-wealth, the faroilie thallhaoean end; there that which is perfect is come, and that which i$ !hall !le no more magillrate and fi1biect , Pallour imperfect is abolifh,ed , wi: O~alllee God as bee is and people, mallerand fc:ruant, father and foone, to be feeo~, not as through aglaffe; but face to [ husband and wife : there fball bee nomore vfe of face; and we!hallknow him as we areknowne of meate,drinke,cloathing,r<fpiratio, phyfick,fleep: his maiellie, fo farre forth a• pofsibly acreature; andyet for all this; th~condition ofmen fhall bee may. God iAdeed is infinite, and therefore the full many thout'itnd fold more blelfed then euer it knowl~dge of hismaieftie can no more bee com~ was. FortheGodheadin the Trinity immediately prehended by the vnderftanding of a creature, without all meanes !hall be all things to all the which is finite , then the fea bya fpooae: yet ne– chofc:n people of God in the kingdome of heauerthelesGod !hallbe knowne euery way ofman; uen, W<>rld without end. This may feeme llrange fo farrc forth as acreature may know the Cfeator. to mansreafon, butitisthcvery flat truth of Gods Now vpon this that the cled: haue fuch fulnes word. S. John in the defcription of the heauenly ofknowleagc,ir may bedemandod, whether men Hieru!itlem, faith, thatthertlhallbenotemplein )' fball know one another after this life or no. Anf. it.Why?howthen!ball Godbe worfbipped?nfark This que!lion is oftner mooued by fuch as are ig· what followes, theLoniGsdAlmightpv11lthe lamb norant, then by the thathaneknowledge: and of• . !t••·"· merht wnple if it. Whereby itisJignified,that al· tendines iris tolfed in the inotithcs of them that zz. though nowwevferhepreaching ofthe word, and haoelitle rdigioriin their hearts i and therefore I the adminiftration of the Sacraments, as meanes aniiver lirft; men lhould rather hatiecare to feeke ofourfe!lowlhipwithGod:yetwhethislifeisen· how they mayeome to heauea, then iodifpute · dcd , they muft allccafc, Godand Cbrift beingin what they!halldo wherhey arethere:the common ftead of all rhefe meancsvnto vs. A1id hce addcs prouerbisrrue, itisnogoodcountingofchickins; further, tht Cit:f bathno nmk ofthe Sunne, nor if the before they behatchr. Secondly I fay, that men in Moonuoflnnei~it. What then will fome fay,muft heauen lhal know eachotheri yea they filiill know therebenothmgbutdarknes? Notfo. Fortheglothem which wereneuer known or fceneoftheni Vcrfr,•l· ryof(jodtbthlighreni<,& the L•mbe u thelit,ht ofit, before iti thislife: whiCh may be gathered by proAgame nefaith, that in the Paradifc ofG0d, there portion,out ofGods word; A~m in his innoccn- • , <hap. ... isthtriuer.ojW4teroflift, and tret oflif~be•ringfHit cy knewEue , \vhom he had il_eucr·feeni: before, Gen, 2· a. tHtrymontth; andthatis Chri~. And therefore we and gaue herafitname !o fo. one~· lhee was,cr.ta.-1 1 l• !hallhauenoneedofmeat, dnnke, apparell,!leep, c red. And when our Sautour Chrift wastransfig~i· &c. But Chrifthimfelfeour headand Redeemer red in the mount, 'l'mrknew Vl1ofisandEiiM, . !hall be in ll:ead ofthem all vnto v•: on whom whom before he had·neilcr feene, and thereforett Ma•.•7·~ all the ele& fball feed , andbywh~both in body is like that theele~H!iall know e"'h other inhea~ andfoulerhey!hallbepreferuedcuermore.Ifanlan uen, whet'etheir knowledge arid theifwn<ile ewould haueglory, the Father, Sonoe, and holy !late!hall be fully perfittd. But whether they!hall Gholl filall behis glory:ifaman defire wealth and knowone another after an earthly manner, asto pleafure,God himfelfdnallbewealthand pleafure fay, this ma" wascmy fafher; thismil!cvncle; rhis Vnto him , & whatfoener elsthe heart ofman can my teacher;&c. the word ofGod fat'th i1o!hing :· ~ilh. Hence it appeares, that this communion andrhereforel will bdilcnt, and we inuG be conIS admirable: and thatno tongu.: cantell,nor heart tentawhile tobeign6rantin thispoint. · conceine theleall part ofit. The third prerogatiiie of elier!afting ble!fcd·. Thethird point is, touching the benefits orpre" nes, is, that the eled: lhallloue God wid> as per-~ rogatiues that procecde of this communion,. and fcrfe& loue as acreature pofsibly can. The ma;}. they are in number fixe. The lirft is an abtOlutc ner oflouingGod, is to loue him for hiwk:lfe; and frecdomefromall wants. Intheminderherelhall thcmeafute, istolouehimwidioutmeafure i and beno ignorance, novnbeleefe, no diftmft inGod · 0 both !hall be found iil' heaiien. For .the SaiiJtsof no ambition, no enuie, nor anger,nor camalllulls' · God!hallhaue an altu:ill ftuliioo of Ood himfelli norrerrorin confcience, or corruptaffection. I~ aad be as it were fwallowed vp witha fea ofhis– the body there !hall be no fore, no ficknelfe nor loue, and wholly rauifhed therewith' for which' !lcu.s~o~. paine:forGodfball wipeawayaltear~s from their caufe,- asfarreas creatures can, ~he~ !hall Joue him eyes, nay then all defects or wants >n body, or agame. Agame,the kmeofa thmgts accordmg t<> foule,or in both, !hallbe fupplycd, and the whole the knowkdge thereof, but in this life God if man made perfelt euery way. knowne ofman only in part, and rherorore is!oucd Thefecond is, perfect knowledge ofGod. In onelybntin part: but'atterthis-life,when the Elect this life the Church and all the feruants of ~od lhlll know Godfally, theylhalllouehim'wirhoo·c know him but in part. .Mofes would haue feene n;eafure : and in this refpect Joue bath apreroga– ~ods face, butbe was permitted to fee onelyhis tiue·aboue faith or hope,.howf<><uerin lome rel- •.Co•. hinderparts;and as PAul faith, nowwee know in pects againe vhey goe J;>eyond loue. .[ IN•· part,anddarkely, asthroughaglaf!C. In this life · Tbo fuurvh prcrogatiheis·, ~hat tht Saint's of· we can no otherwife difcerne bat as an old man God kecpe a !'<rpetuaU Sabbath in heau~n; I•~J through fpethcles : and the creatures, but fi>ccithkliie ie iskept bur euery feauenth day,andwhon• allY theword of<!iod and the Sac:alllents., are the !t is bellofall fanCl:ified, it is done b~rin part; but \ fpe&acles ofour mmde, wherem we beh<>ld bts m heaue11 cuery day ~ a Sabbath 1 as. the Lore\ 1 E e faith