Life vfTJ Expojilion euerlalling. faith by the Prophet E['!)', Frcm71111nethto f"J•~~th, • twoothertaufes. Firll,becaufelifeetern~ •ndfom Sabbath to S.bbath, ADflejhfhaR comebifo~e t~all.thatbeleeue,byvertue ofChrills merit, For "'' : and therefore the bfe toCo!ll< !hallbe fPent m hrs nghteoufncs is made ours by imputation I( the perpetuall ferurce ofGod. .. i: . coafequently the merit thereof is alfo ours: 'and Fi~thly, th< bodies of theele~hfterthis Ji~ein by it (all pcrfonall merits in our felues vrterly exthe kmgdom_e of heauen ~)!all be hke theglonous eluded) we deferue or meritctemall happines as body ofCimll: fo Paulfiuth, Chrij/le[HS•ur lArd areward; whrch neuerthele!fe in rcfpeel of our Phil+ fh•Ochangeonrvilebodi<s,that th<ymaybe lik!huglofeluesis the free andmeer<gift ofGod, Thefecond n. rioiU bo4J:Now the refemblancebetweene Chrills is, becaufe there is a refemblance betweene body and ours,ll•ndeth in thefethings: as Chrills nail life and a reward, for as a reward is body is incorruptible, fo fhallour bodiesbce,yoid a workman after hisworke is done; fo ofallcorruption: as Chrills body is immortall,fo life is giuen vnto men after the rrauels ours in the kingdome ofhca 0 en !hall neuer die:as ries o!thislife are ended. Chrillsbody is fpirituall,fo fhall our be rnade fpiThe degrees oflifeare three. The firll is in r,Cor. rituall,as the Apolllefaith,ltu[own 4 natNra/1 bo~, life, when men becing iuflified and fanaified 1 H•· it u rai(edaff'iritua/1bodic;notbecaufe the body fhal ' peace withGod. Many imagine, that there is be changed into a fpirit, for it fhall remaine the tcrnallifetil afterdeath:but thl:y are· decei,uedl.for I fame in fubllance, and thatfor euer:but ~caufe it it begins iR this world: as our Sauiour lhallbe ~referue~ by a fpir,iruall~ diuin~manner. llifieth,faying, Verily, verily Ifoy vnroyou,h<t that For mthis hfe 1t 1s prefemcd by meat, drmk,cloahear<t my words,&btkenes himth~tfont m«, bath<– thing, lleep, phyfickc, reil, & diet, butafi:er with· Herl.jfintlift,&fha/notcom<ilftocondinat;on,but bath out all thefe meanes thclife of the bodie fhallbee pajfodfom deathto life, This bdng fo,weare hence continued, and body and foule keepe togither by to lcarne agood le!fon. Confidering we looke for the immediate power of Gods fpirit for euer and life euerlafring afterrhislife, we mu(l not deceiue euer. Thus the bodie ofChri£1: is now preferued in our felues, lingringanddeferringthe time till the heauen, & fo !hall the bodies(,lfall theelea beaf- !all gafpe; but we mull lay the foundation oflite terthe day 9fiudgemem. Furthermore, as ChriO:s eternall in our fclues in this world, and haue the body is now a lhining body, asdoth appeare by.his earntll thereof laid vp io our hearts againll the transfiguration in the mount, .fo in alllikelihoed dayofdeath. But howisthatdoRCI wemull repct after the refurrearon the bodies of the elcd !hall v• hearnly ofall our fins, & feeke to be a!fured in be lhiningand bright, alwaies remaiaing the lame coafcience that God the Chrift is forfubO:ance. Lallly, as Chrifls bodie afi:eritrofe c F•ther,6odthe Son our &God againe from the g•aue, bad tnis:propertie of-agiliGhofl ourciifortcr. For as Chrifl · ty betide fwifi:Relfe, to palfe from the earthto the eternal! to-know thee rhe onely God, third heauen , beeing in dillance many thou~nd thou hall Cent lefus Chrill. And we mull goe miles fwm vs, and that withoutviolence: fo !hill ther yer,endeauouring to fay wirhP•nl, that wee the bodies ofthe Saints. )?orbedng glorilied,they liuenot, butthat Chrillliuethin vs : which when fhall be able as well to afcend vpward as to goe ~ecanfay,wehaucin vsthevery feedeofcternall downeword, and to mooue without violence,and hfe. Thefecond degree, is in.theendofthis life, that very fwiftly. whent~body freed from alld1feafes, pames, and The fixtand Jail prerogatiue, is an vnfpeakable miferies is laid to reil in thecarth, and the foule is PCal, ,E. and crcrnall iuy,as Dauidfaith: in tlry prifmce isfulrcc.eiued into heauen. The third, is afte~ the day neso[io1:•tthy right h•ndthmarc pleafomf.r eH<rofmdgemeut, when body and foule reumted !hall more. Itis f;id , that whenSalcm•n was crowned be both aduanced toeternall glory. r.King, king, the people reioy7ed exceedingly. ~fthere Agai~e,inrhisthirddegreeoflife,t~ere bee in u. 1 ' 40 ' were fuch great ioy at hrs coronation which :.vas all hkehhood fundry degrees of glorte. but an earthly prince, what ioy then !hall there fpeakingof the ellateof t[1c elea after be when the Eleelihall fee the true s.L.moncrow- • faith, Th!')that bewi(e,jha/1fhinc AI the br;,,h"''"''cflD"' I> M.,tlt. •· ned with glMy in the kingdome ofheauen I Itis thef!r'»ament, andthry turne "'""Y to 10 ' faid thatthe wife men which camefrom the _Eafl n<fje,fh•/1Jhme M th<Jlarrufor euen"'"'· to worlbip Chrift : when theyfaw the lhrre O:an• know there is dilference betweenerhe ding ouer the place where the babe was, were exofthe firmament and the br!~_htne!fe ~of~~~l~re~: ceedingly glad: how muchmore tball theclea reAgaine, there be degrees ioyce, when they fhall fee Chrifl not lying in a appeare~bythe faying mannger, but crowned with immortall glorie in forTyr"' •"" sid., in th4t ""'' the kingdome ofheauen ? Wherefore this ioy of tiDn: and therefore there be prc•porti<>na.lldrgrees I the elect afterthi•lifeis moft wonderfull,andcan• ofglory. And P•Nifaith not bevccerc:d. Ssnnt,lfiiDther tb{ Moo~<, •not.bert.tory The propertieoflifeeternall, i•to bee an inheri– M•«b. ;.,,ce which God bdl:<>wes on them which are made his Sonnes in Chrift, who is the onely be– g<lttenSonne ofthe Father. Henceitfollowesne– ceffJ.rily, thilt in the Scripture it is calledarew:.1rd, 1.6·4+· Rom.a. 17· not becaufeiNs deferued our workes, as the Cc.urch of Rome · but for