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z.Tim.r. la. Life of ihe [reede. euerlafiing. 31.1 ucrs mcafures·ofgifcs and graces befl'?wcd on A haue our minds & harts fer on etterlafling life, men inthis life, and accordmgto the 1mployand be grieued when wee are by any mean••· ancc ofthem to the glory ofGod and edilica· hindred in the flraighnvay,that Ieadeth thertionofthe Church. And therefore the twelue unro: we hane a oorable parrerneofthis dude AP?fllcs, who were exceedingly enrithed fet outvntovs illthe PatriarkeAbrahaM,who w1ththegift ofthe !pirit, & were mafler bmlbeing caned ofGod,obeyed to goe out intoa ders ofrhe ChutchofthencwTeflamec, fhall place, which he fhould'afterward receiuc for fit on I z.thrones,& !Udge the 13·tribc:s ofif.. inheritance, and he went out, not knowing. raei.But it may be obietled,that•ftherc be de whether he went:& by faithaboad intheland grcesofglory in heauc,fome fhall wantglory. o.fCanaan,..,,uont tba Hcb.1r. Anf.Not fo: though fome haue more,& fome dwelt inlents.No.'fJ thecaufe that mooued him go le!Te,yet alfhalhauefuftictet. Take fundry vef1 was hfeeueriallmg:fort!J_etext fmh,Heloo~d vcrfc r.O, fels whoroffame are bigger,& fome le!Te:and 1 f.r • myhaumt• fount!Am,whoftbuilder&ma. caft the all intothe fea:fome wil receiue more u Gud.And we ought eueryone ofvs tobe water &fome leffe andyet all fhallbe full and litle affefud to the things of this life; neuer nowa~tin any: a~ fo !ikewileamongthe B fc_ttin_gourheart!VJ?Onthe~ butvfingthcasa Saints ofGod in heaucn,fome fhall haue more I p!lgnme dothvfe htsllaffemthe way:10 long glory, fomcle!Tc &yet all without exception as it is fray for him in hisiourney,he full ofglory.And whereas itis alleadged,that is ~ontent to carry itin ~is hand; bu.tfo foone ""tht lab•11rers in the vme.yardr<WM<each of as 1t begms ta trouble htm,he caflslt away 1 thtmapmnycquallyfor their hire; the anfwer Secod!y,al rharpmfetlCrhegofpdofChri!t, is, tharour Sauiout Chrifr in the Parable inmay hece leamto bearewirh pati<'cethe croftends not to fet forth the equalityofcclefliall fes & afflitlions which God ihalllay.onthe in glory,andwhatfhall betheellatc ofthegodly this world.!t isgodsvfual maner to begincor afterthis life: burrhevery drift oftheparable retlionsin his own family vpon his own chil· is to!hew, thatthey which are called tirfl, drcn;& as Ptterfaith,ludgementbeginsatGuds ,, ~,;, 4· haue ~ot caufetobrag or infultouerotheu, houft.Lookasamoth<rthatweancsherchild; '1• whichasyetarevncal!ed,cofideringtheymay Iaies worm-wood or fome other bitter thing bemade equall, or bepreferred before them. vpon her breall, tomake the childe loath the Thusmuch oflife it felfe;now followes the milk:fo likewife God makesvs ofie feele the coatinuance thereef, which the Scriptures miferies& croffes ofthis life, thatoorloue Si haue noted in callingiteternal or euerlafting. C liking might be turned from this world & fix. And tothis endP41'1taith,th<t Chrift h•thab•- ed in heauen. As raw fle!h idoathfOmcto the · lifluddwb,and brought not only life, but alfo llomacke; fois eueryfinn~qndvnmortificd ;,1711JrtAlitytulight by the Gof!ei.Andthis very man loathfome vnro God:till the Lord by afcircumllance lerues greatly to commend the flitlions mortitie in him the c0rruptionsofhis happines ofthe godly:inthat,after they haue nature,& fpecial!y the loueoftlois warld.But made an entrance into it, they !hall neuer fee when a man is afflitled how fhal he be able to tearme of time or end. Suppofe the whole endure the cro!Te! Surely by refoluing him· world were a fea,& that euery tooo.yeresexthat the Lord hath prepared life eucrlafling pired,a bird mull carry away,or drink vp one for him. Thus we read that Mofts byfaithwhe · · only dropofit:in procetle oftime itwilcome hew.ucomeroage,refufodtobeca/ledrhefonofPha fle~. r· topa!Tethat this fea,thoughvery hugh,fhalbc raohsd•ughter,andchuftrathertofofferaduerfiry !~:' ' dried vp,but yet many IOOO· milli6s ofyeere• with the people ofGod, thetoenioy thepleafores of mufl be pa!Ted before this can be dcme. Now finfor aft-fo,efleming therebu~of Chrijlgreater ifam.m !hould e_nioy hapl?ines in hea?en o~ly ri<hes,thcthemafomof Egypt. Bur I prayyou: forthefpoce oftmeln whiCh thiS feusdry1ng what mooued Mofts to be ot this mindc?The vp,hc wold think his cafe mo!l: happy & blef- D reaf6 isadded:BecaufthehadrefPelltoth'"cc5. Jioo.· fed : butbeholdthecletl fhall enioy the kingpenceofreward,that is, he had alwaies a fpecial ~~mofheaue not only_for.that time, but wile regardoflife euerla!l:ing, and that was it that It tsended,they fhalentoy ltas lt>ngagain,and made him corent & willino to futttr affli<ftion when all isdone,they !ha! be as fat fro ending with the people ofGod, Here then behold"' ofthistheirioy,asthey were at the l{eginning. notable prefider for vsto follow:In which we Hauing thus feene what life euerlafling is,let are taught that the bell way toendure afflitlivs nowcometo rhevfeofthe article.And firft onswith paticcc,is to haue an eye to the rec6. ofal,ifwe belecuc thatthere is an eternal ~ap· it that makestheyoke pmos,& that the fa'!le belongsvntovs,the we of Chnfr eafie and hghtfome. When it lhaH !'JU!l: vfe this prefer world&a! the thingsrherpleafe God to bringvnto vs acupofafflitli6s mas though we vfd them not:& whatfoeoer &bid vs drinke a draught thereofto the botwe do in this world, yettheeyesofour minds tom,tke meditation oflife cternall mull: be as mu!l:alwaies be ca!l: toward theble!Ted e!l:ate fugarinourpockets ro fweetc theeup withal. prepared for vs ia heauen. As a pilgrime in a LaLtly,ifthis be crue,that-God of his good- ~cange lanl hath alw.Lies his eyes toward his 'nes &endle!Te mercy toward mankinde hath JO~rneyesend, & is thengrieued when by any prepared life encrlafling, yet net for all'men, 1, he1sour ofrhc way:fo m"!l: wealwates but tor the Ele<t,whofe names ore written in I E e 2 tl:cbooke